Canada, Ottawa – Downtown Easter Friday

Wow, such an unCanadian like day as the weather was  oddly warm and summer like. I’m not complaining as I actually enjoyed such an unusually warm weather for late March and early April. It went from being snowy, warm, cloudy, warm, cold, cloudy, rain, cloudy, sunny, cloudy, chilly, warm, windy, warmer, and then into summer in an unusually short time. People didn’t even need a sweater in this weather and to top it off buses could easily turn into a sauna.

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The “Hill” was also packed with tourists, foreigners and bored locals – from the Sentential flame all the way to the rear end of the Parliament. It looked like it continued into Major’s Hill Park and I’m assuming in other parks around the city as stores were closed, yay!

Camera used: Lumix GF1 (both pictures and videos)

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US Embassy and Major’s Hill Park…..As seen in my Winterlude 2010 (at the bottom) article. Wait till May when I’ll go into detail with the US Embassy and the Tulip Festival.

Also have an article of the Parliament Hill – Christmas ’09.

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We have dishes of food for the sacred cats and squirrels living in the area.

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Parliament Hill and it’s hourly chime.

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Stunt Double Circus
-> Homepage –

Video blocked in Germany. *facepalms*

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In-case you guys and gals missed it (As I also have this feed on

-> My Figma Favorite Article (at the bottom)

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Hmm, I thought I was only going to make two articles for this month, ah well. That number seems to have been bumped up to five with my poor April fool’s joke and this article to make up for that. The next article shall feature more Miku and her Miku Eggs! I’m overflowing with chocolate eggs!