Early Spring photoshoot

Hyello again, enjoying the spring like weather? Oh, you don’t get winter? For those of us that do have to experience 4 seasons instead of two; Spring, summer, fall, winter. Spring is nice since you see things become light green, cool light brown, Cherry Blossom pink, Apple tree bright red and etc. Now I’m just being a smart-ass and stating the obvious so we shall move on.

I haven’t seen any greens yet, but I have noticed the bike path becoming nice and clear for distant biking. I’ve noticed tons of birds coming back and a few bugs popping about (shudders at the thought of centipedes running through his room).

While trying to take pictures of a bird, it started flying at the last moment when the camera was focusing and getting ready for the high quality image part. It mocked me and my camera!

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There it goes flying off at the last moment again lol.

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Woot! I got it just as it was about to fly off.

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Well, the bike path itself was clear yet the path in this place wasn’t. Muddy (Mud Lake) like its name!

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I think we’re missing something…….*ponders*. Ah yes, I know, a Figma! Rin kagamine Figma to be exact. I needed someone to represent music this time.

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Hmm, I don’t see the bird I took a picture of. Well, at least I got a neat upwards image of Rin singing.

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From a decent distance away I saw a person feeding Canadian Geese, and tried shooing away the duck. I tried to get close without making noise with the melting snow and get a good view of the scenery.There was a guy sitting on the log and another person exploring the place looking for more wildlife (I assume).

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I went back the way I came and went to see what else I could try to get Rin into. At this point I was camera thirsty and made myself look like an idiot trying to hunt down image targets by going back and forth on the bike path. Oh, a plane! Woo!~

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What? I like planes. I played Flight Sim 98, Flight Sim a century of Flight and Flight Simulator X. People yet again gave me a weird look…….seriously wtf? People got staring issues.

And the beach is still as I expect it, frozen and with with people. The other images were blurred so your spared a few images.

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No stares, chance!

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Lovely, another plane!

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I’ve noticed Britannia Beach being a nice place to take sunset images as well as seeing planes recently take off from the airport.

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Damn, can’t see it in this image but there were hordes of Seagulls, three Canadian Geese, and two ducks. And if your wondering, yes that is a pool of water from melted snow.

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Ya, I don’t bring Figma accessories with me. I bring them with me as they were left in my glass cabinet. Here is one of Spring image collection down and many more to see.