Flight Sim X – Shinden Ottawa tour

Part two of my belated Flight Simulator X articles. This time I found some nice add-on packs for my local area – Ottawa – and attempted a quick tour.  I think it came out pretty well, and was highly pleased with the quality of the Ottawa airport.

(Link – MySite) – AI Air Canada at CYOW – Ottawa Airport.

(Images of varying quality  and planes. Not actual representation as I don’t have the top of the line gaming computer. This game is a resource hog.)

For those wondering why I’m not blogging about my Anime figures, Anime games, or other.  I just wanted a quick break from all the figure reviews, photo-shoots, and the like to share the joy of flight. Even honest and passionate Anime/Japanese individuals have to get to Japan somehow so it’s only natural that we get to look at flight, even in digital manner. Though, I’ve only been to Europe (numerous times) and Cuba (once). Japan is next…hopefully.

I’ve grown up to enjoy travel, airport related materials, planes, and the like. Maybe not as thoroughly in-depth as those that actually fly, know technical stats, and can quote stuff from the books. More like continuous observation, some general common-sense information, and “just-for-fun” facts.  Tie this in with Anime and you get an interesting combo that other ‘gaijins’ in Japan have already exploited.

Now excusing the random rambles, I linked some of the add-ons that I shall be showing in this article.


Related Articles and Add-ons:

– Jw7 Shinden:
(Use Firefox to right-click download. It hissyfits on Chrome from what I can tell.)

– Ottawa Scenery Part 1 – Need to log-in to download:

– Ottawa Scenery Part 2:

– Ottawa Scenery Part 3 – Need to be logged-in to download:

– Ottawa Airport – CYOW – Need to log-in to download:

– World of AI – in-game traffic:


I discovered a nice Ottawa airport add-on and thought I would add it onto my FSX to see if it is worthy to replace the default airport. It’s actually modeled almost exactly as the current Ottawa airport, after it’s renovations.  It adds all the missed gates, de-icers, trucks, hangers, land-marks, Fed-ex & First Air hangers, along with a few new taxi-ways. This airport actually puts the default Microsoft version to shame.

John De Young deserves great respect for taking the time in making an in-game CYOW as accurate as possible!

For fun: Lets put up the airport’s official site, Air Canada,  and Google maps so you can get a slightly better grasp on how the airport looks in real-life:


Google Maps:

Air Canada:

(Link – MySite)  – CYOW add-on.

(Link – MySite) – Shinden rolling down the taxi way towards the runway while observing idle service trucks.

The detailing is great on this airport. So much so that I occasionally tend to get tolerable large lag-spikes. So, lets have a look at it by day now as you can’t see much during the night. It would also make it easier on your eyes, as well as mine.

(Link – MySite) – Cessna Citation X on Helipad to avoid spawning ontop AI.

Want the plane? The Cessna Citation X? Grab it on  Simviation.

(Link – MySite) – The airport looks pretty accurate to me.

(Link – MySite) – Rollin’ and examining the scenery. Looks accurate to you?

(Link – MySite) – Air Canada, First Air, Westjet and American Airlines/United. De-icers in view.

(Link – MySite) – Air Canada taxiing for take-off.

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite) – Now that’s a nice touch! Going for the quality feel!

(Link – MySite) – Google Map’s comparison.

(Link – MySite) – Air Canada taking off into the sunset! And we’re off!

(Link – MySite) – Snowy windy take-off in both digital and real world.

(Link – MySite) – Take-off viewing Ottawa Airport. Also, I observed a plane landing which you can see taxiing to gate.

(Link – MySite) – Elizabeth Park.

(Link – MySite) – View of airport, Cessna Club, and an empty T&T Supermarket spot. Nice detail. Don’t know why it’s missing bridge.

Well, now that we’re up in the air lets go take a peek at downtown Ottawa. This next part was made by a different person – Andy Johnson – who made three neat Ottawa Landmark packs (links are at the top of article).

As great as FSX is, I dislike how lazy the developers get when it comes to major landmarks. Granted, they got budget, schedules deadlines, fixing bugs, testing, and all that usual stuff. I know modders that could of made a building in about a day or two, if they cared enough to do so in the first place.

(Link – MySite) – Downtown Ottawa.

(Link – MySite) – It’s gradually becoming the Ottawa we know :).

(Link – MySite) – And the semi-famous reflective building! Supreme Court barely visible.

(Link – MySite) – (bottom left top top right) – Lord Elgin, War Memorial, Chateau Laurier, US Embassy (XD), Byward Market, Art’s museum, Basilica with a few unmarked embassy buildings.

(Link – MySite) – Carlton University towering around it’s scenery – Google Comparison.

(Link – MySite) – Heading into the sunset; Bayshore shopping center barely in view.

(Link – MySite) – Circling the Experimental Farm.

(Link – MySite) – The Ottawa Civic HospitalGoogle comparison.

Whoops! I seem to have forgotten to obtain better road textures for FSX. Well, if I remember to obtain them you’ll be able to see them on the third ones later on.

(Link – MySite) – View of downtown Ottawa from behind. Looks almost like the real city. Lovely!

(Link – MySite) – Ikea mall. Ottawa Citizen and Chapters may also be found here – Google Comparison.

(Link – MySite) – Bayshore Shopping center – Google comparison.

(Link – MySite) – Dick Bell Park next to Andrew Haydon (not in view) – Google Comparison.

(Link – MySite) – ScotiaBank Place – The home of the Ottawa Senators! Too bad they’re copying the Toronto Maple Leafs this 2010-2011 season.

Well, guess it’s time to head back in and log everything onto this article :). Lovin’ the sky and too bad I couldn’t show you the lovely gorgeous moon that was just out of sight in the below image. It was to the top right of the image welcoming me as I land back in CYOW.

(Link – MySite) – Landing at CYOW with a fullmoon.

(Link – MySite) – First Air landing at CYOW.


Now that we’re all landed lets rest up for a future flight.

Sidenote: You somewhat saw a hint of FSX here and Ottawa airport here:

Thanks for viewing and hope you check out the article before this one for the “intro” post! Planning to show some Vancouver and Japan themed FSX images next time so I do hope you enjoy those, as well as this two FSX articles I upped.

Thanks for reading and hope to see you in the blue sky!