Playful Renge and Caster shirt

More snow fell in Ottawa, and this time with very a brutal enough breeze to bring out the true hatred of winter out into the spotlight. Though, I sadly didn’t get images of the near white-out conditions the snow caused when falling on Saturday.

(Link – MySite) – Renge’s icy discovery.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

Just saw a random icicle and thought I’d make Renge appear to have an icy weapon, it semi-worked.

(Link – MySite) – Icicle doubles as snowball.

I always had Renge photoshooted in the snow so I thought I’d change the background onto a pine tree. They’re as nice as the ground pile, and more visually appealing in brightness.

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I just left her hanging there……

Ya, not really but just pretend that I did :P. My hands froze faster than before so I just left it at the quality part and ignored the quantity portions of 20-40 images.

And for those wondering what the markings on her back hare:

I found it to be a nice touch to make her appear to be a fox spirit. I believe I said that in her review before?


Tim Horton Donuts:

(Link – MySite)

Donuts. Yup, donuts. Hot Chocolate and donuts. So what about them? Obtained Tim Hortons Donuts after someone mentioned that me and “them” should consume these treats every Thursdays before, or while watching Yumekui Merry. Why? Why not? Here is one reason why – Picture. And a trailer of the said Anime:

So Merry Thursday Donuts everybody! Feel free to join in if you’re an Anime Otaku :P.

Kitsune Caster shirt:

Obtained this shirt at HobbyLinkJapan for about $35 CAD.  I sadly made it go out of stock again, my bad. I’m truly getting good at making things go poof on that site haha! If you still want one then try this one. Basically the same. And ya, I did say I’m cutting back on figures as I’m trying to focus on GAnime and a certain something.

The shirt is an official ‘collectible’ short sleeved shirt.

(Link – MySite) – She arrived!

The shirt is actually pretty basic, in an awesome way. You got our funny Kitsune Caster from Fate/Extra in a wearable form! Lovely. I also did a review on the game – Review.

– Front:

(Link – MySite)

– Back – Caster’s summoning & command spell:

(Link – MySite)

This is a nice way to show off your love for your Anime character; Basically similar to how you’d wear an Ottawa Jersey or Ferrari wear.  Would also be nice to obtain Kitsune Caster in figure, Figma, or nendo form. Release whenever you can! See you next time! I’d pretty much stop purchasing stuff at that point, unless something as great would release.

– Servant Caster Theme:


Well then, time to get Renge’s 9 tailed hair piece fixed. Someone recommended I should use an improvised peg from a Gundam model kit runner (the grids that hold parts) to make a peg for the tail. I tried using the peg with needles and failed horribly. Instead, I used my last solution – crazy glue – to attach the cut-out runner. It worked out fairly well, minus the glue stains on her tail bits. If anybody knows of a way to get rid of it without stressing the peg I’m all ears.

What happened to her, you ask? I tried posing her on a boulder and the wind from the Ottawa River blew her head off onto a boulder below snapping the peg. To add to this, it appears the peg contained an unnecessary air pocket that softened the strength of a should be solid peg piece.

– Article: Renge’s Winter –

(Link – MySite)                                                   (Link – MySite)

And what the new “fix” looks like:

(Link – MySite) – I HATE super/crazy glue. (Link – MySite)

– It fits for her head but makes her look like a bunny on her butt. Guess I know what I’m getting now…
