Heyo! What an awesome Saturday this was. A nice Japanese summer festivals for the JETAA members by them at Ottawa’s city hall. Also had a Doll meet swiftly changed up once we were made away of the Japanese festivities to go there instead. Both of these events being highly entertaining and interesting.
(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)
Seeing as how half or most of those in the Ottawa Doll group missed out on the July 13th meet-up we decided to host it again at this Japanese festival instead, almost at a last minute notice at that. Japanese festival in Ottawa is something that always sounds awesome, especially with me not really going to an actual one for Ottawa. I was actually over-preparing myself for this hosted event and the doll meet that it almost barely fell flat on me. It also felt like a Tulip Festival section given more wings to have more playing room. Still enjoyable of course as I wanted to stay till 4 pm.
– Related Links & Articles:
– JETAA Ottawa Summer Japanese Festival:
After much waiting and displaying we decided to wander around to see what the festival itself was about. Again, I felt underwhelmed as I felt like I was walking through the Tulip Festival’s pavilion in Japan’s section, though more spread out. Was still neat however with what I saw. At this point I should be over in Japan and not complaining why I’m not over there (wallet leeches).
I was actually partially surprised as to how many people were interested in our dolls. Many people came up to check up on them, or at least view them from the sidewalk area from a lower area. Quite nice.
When the dances performances were starting I darted straight from them with “Golden Time” anime in mind. I just couldn’t help myself but to think of that festive dance I saw there with what they were wearing here in Ottawa. Seeing those dances shall now be triggers for Golden Time as summer is for Cicadas. I took both images and videos of the performances. If you are curious about seeing the performances snipped into one video then I do hope you can follow my YouTube channel for such. May take awhile due to another reformat being set. I lost my trusty video studio editor.
In between the performances I grabbed a Japanese styled hot dog with seaweed on it. Also had something spicy in there apparently. I caught myself making a funny in note of noticing the spiciness in it. Nothing wrong with it as I do love my spicy food. Was enjoyable because I also love seaweed. More!
Wandered over to Spark’s Street with the doll group to grab snacks and food. I was hesitent to go at first because of two other interesting events to only find out that Spark’s Street actually looks nice for once. Nice flower pots, scenic benches, and one of those swinging benches for lovey-dovey couples. A fellow doll member, myself, and another all had fun swinging away as I tried to peacefully snack on my Boston Cream donut while in motion. All those stares from people, the hidden smiles, the mental happy thoughts, and the comments made to and back at them being the nice highlight of the day.
I’m just outright amused by that whole swinging as it’s absolutely random and amusing. Just happily swinging on something I barely see in Ottawa, let alone Spark’s Street, to enjoy a beautiful though somewhat hot day. I fear that we may have sadly ruined it with our constant swinging with occasional cracks and bangs. A few couples tried sitting on it afterward to only end up leaving after, possibly from our constant swinging.
– Bonus Photoshoots – Park of Provinces:
As a bonus we walked over towards the Park of Provinces that the last meet-up was held and be at. I could have chosen to go home to refuel and to check out my images to only decide to hang out with them for more final round of images. Had my fun with them on the way and at the park to make-up for the last meet-up I wasn’t at.
Varakitsu also had a little accident during the water fountain photo-shoot. She fell forward to only end up perfectly fine while shrugging it off. She’s a tough foxy <3.
Apparently all the water bottles I carried with me weren’t enough. The three of us were gradually starting to feel the effects of the nice, yet hot day so we decided to wrap it up and to head home. I couldn’t wait to refuel and to look at the images so I left the thought of taking images with Vara and the flowers for another day (look at last image) for more photography fun.
I need to drill more female human poses into my mind so I can stop drawing blanks when trying to pose Varakitsu. Need her to get into more poses for more photographic fun.
I had fun, we all had fun, and I quite enjoyed the Japanese summer festival. Wish there was more to it, even on the basic level, for us to enjoy. Some limited selections of traditional Japanese foods, stalls and what-not. I guess that’s why I’m quite underwhelmed because I over-hyped myself. Still rewarding and all so I’m overly pleased I went. Had loads of fun. Varakitsu, Renge, and Kohiru all had fun also so we’re all good.
Until next time! Kon!