Valkyria Chronicle’s Figures – Alicia & Isara

Two new figures have arrived at my doorstep – Valkyria Chronicle’s Alicia and Isara from the PS3 game and Anime. Both were ordered from HobbyLink Japan for $15 CAD each and have arrived within a week and two days. Valkyria Chronicles 2 is also advertised on back of both boxes.

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A list of the links on the box:
Sega Japan
Sega Prize
Valkyria Chronicles 2 – Portal

For those that still don’t know what Valkyria Chronicle’s is may want to check these out. There is a PS3 game and an Anime based on the game, just to be clear.

English Homepage
IGN and Gamespot

Valkyria’s PS3 launch trailer:
(If you haven’t bought or played the PS3 game then do so, you’re missing out on a unique great game.)

HD Anime Opening:

The more I review the more unique packaging styles I keep coming across. I wonder how many more I have yet to see…… Kind of looks like a game box from this angle. Oh, and its also being bent.

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Which one to start with….hmm…….I’ll go with Isara first.

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The packaging was quite interesting as everything was simply stacked over one another.  Figure base, protective plastic, Isara, plastic, and then a box.

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The figure base with it’s own protective plastic piece in a shape of an ice berg?

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Great detail on the boots.

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Someone got sloppy on the map chart’s :(.

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Final Thoughts – Isara:

A great figure for the price it was sold at. Want a way to start off your Anime collection or further add to it then Isara would be a must get. Want to simply pay your respects to Isara and to support the game then this figure is  a must get. The paint job may be a bit rough in certain areas and can be easily ignored. It can also be easily fixed by your typical Anime Otaku who wants only the best within their collection. Just a few minor imperfections that can be fixed by careful collector paint fix.


– Great quality figure over all for the price sold at.
– Looks like Isara, not some weird CopycatSue character. I’m also referencing to a Saber clone posted on Dannychoo and 4chan before with Saber having grape sized pupils.
– Small details are also cared for and painted in – Glove tips, Darscen scarf, lining on the boots, Isara’s eyes, and etc.
– Small details in clothing wrinkles.


– Looks quickly painted in certain areas of the figure with slightly sloppy paint marks.
– The edge of her scarf contains uncut portions of plastic.
– Her base is overly generic.  Should of at least had some kind of basic emblem or symbol of some sort.
– Isara’s eyes are a bit warped, or they look off. They look far apart.

+18 warning: Isara contains white panties instead of bloomers. I won’t be held responsible for any figure rape (you don’t want to know what people do to their figures).


Next up, Alicia! Same deal with the plastic compartments.

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A more proud like atmosphere and pose.

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Nice, glad they went as far as to also protect her hair :).

Her baker’s hat and the rifle is nicely detailed in this image.

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Lining on the boots, nice.

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A few minor paint imperfections which can be easily fixed. The Grenade, rifle, and hit armor nicely complimenting the figure with added detail.

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Final Thoughts – Alicia:

Being a more detailed figure then Isara, I can see this selling more. Actually, looking back on Hobblylink’s page Alica’s EX figure was removed. Alicia is a great figure to have as she can help boost or quick-start your Anime figure collection. Whether to boost or to collect, she is a must have as her quality alone would compliment figures already in an overly expensive glass cabinet collection.

– Nicely detailed figure with extra weaponry detail – Grenades and rifles.
– Nicely painted with fine detailing on the globes, armor, weaponry, and boots.
– Figure stays true to it’s game and Anime counterpart (mostly).
– – Small details in clothing wrinkles.

– Few minor imperfections with the paint job.
– Stand is as basic as Isara’s base – Needs some kind of decoration! (i.e Di: Saber’s name panel)

+18 warning: Alicia contains white panties instead of bloomers. I won’t be held responsible for any figure rape (you don’t want to know what people do to their figures).


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I so want Marina, Catherine, or Freesia as a figure and to place them within my figure collection. I missed out on the earlier launch figures and other special ones  :(. Was a fan of the game but wasn’t a fan to to go and buy figures at the time. Also, from what I’m hearing about VC2 makes me want to get the game. The improvements overtakes the PSP quality that seems to be hindering the game. Can’t wait.

Now to wait on Valkyria Chronicles 2 and to finish up the original game. Thanks for reading and hope to see you in a VC2 battlefield in summer!