Figma Parasols

Anybody up for a parasol party? Saber and Signum were the runner ups in this paper parasols photo-shoot party. Got to love how miniature materials or objects can be used with these Figmas with ease heh.

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This article was supposed to be up on Saturday but since things never go as planned the content and meaning of the article got twisted around. Things rarely go as I plan them. What I’m referring to is a second attempt at a and a meet up at the Experimental Farm. I need to find a building with an interior garden or similar.

More about it here:

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Didn’t have a second blue paper umbrella so this had to do…

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I took more Saber images but you could see the sides of the table and such. I may upload those onto the Arctic Kitsune corner on my forum or I may upload those at a later date. Next up, Signum’s parasol photoshoot. I really didn’t have anything pink for Signum. I spent about half an hour to an hour trying to find a background for her. She looks beautiful without her barrier jacket.

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Bonus image:
(Remember Shana and her Lindt antics? She’s been sitting there with her chocolate ever since December.)

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Similar to the Ferrari article before this, this is part 1! More Ferrari and Figma parasols to come at a later date. Hope you liked these images.


Blog/Deviants/Flickr of interest:

Just spreading the viewers to those who decided to comment on my articles ^^.

Crimotaku’s Burogu:

Flawless Passsion:

Absurd Normality:

Kriegtherion – Deviantart:

GREWs Daily Otaku Life:

That should be my way of thanking you for taking your time to comment ^^.