Figma Haruhi wants to explore

Well I got bored and decided to take the image of the little snow on the ground before it fully melts. I was about to go Figmaless but took Haruhi out since shes the easiest to pose with and my current fav figma. I was in a rush that I didn’t think about taking Haruhi’s spare parts since I only wanted to take pictures of the little snow around.

So I looked for a patch of snow that was similar to the November 18th, 2008 snowfall and heres a good example.

(Image links open in a new window)

(Link – My Site, Deviantart)

Continue reading Figma Haruhi wants to explore

2 new Lucky Star Figmas

Well I wanted to finally get my Figma Saber and I had enough for a Figma Miku so I headed to my local Anime store while I had the chance. Since I arrived on Sunday, September 21, 2008 I finally had the chance to go to the anime store, by bus. When I arrived I saw Figma Haruhi (already have), Figma Mikuru (I need), and Figma Yuki Nagato (Which I also need) on the rack.� I asked if there were anymore Figmas and the lady said yes, pointing to a recently new pile of figures that came in just today (Wednesday, September 24, 2008). I then checked which ones interested me and took two.

Continue reading 2 new Lucky Star Figmas

Haruhi Images – Part 3

Well I was at my friends to see his new synth so I took the opportunity to take pictures, and to also improve my indoor shooting skills. I tried out his synth (Korg R3) and I must say its a kick ass synth. Too bad I couldn’t record what I played on it since the recording softwares had some issues with the keyboard .

(To view larger images click on the “(Link)” to get a bigger image, pictures will open in a new window.)

So here are the the damn clouds that harassed Ottawa late July till August 11th messing up my bike trips. This weather front corrupted my already messed up sleeping habit making me stay awake even longer during the night (or waking me up early but sleeping later).


Continue reading Haruhi Images – Part 3

Haruhi Figma – July 28th

Went to the anime store on July 28th to pick up anything of interest so I did, Haruhi Figma greeted me there. Thanks to Danny I had more of an interest in taking this then KOS-MOS from Xenosaga� Bome Figure. I picked up Haruhi Figma out of her pile an and took off waiting to see whats so special about Figmas, its their kick ass posing abilities. I even used her to help me and my friend win as the Slovaks in Euro 2008 for PS3. I placed Haruhi with her yellow cone infront of the TV and it made us thing of winning or suffer double defeat. Without her there we did slighty worse but with her there we did better, no goals against us.

(Link – MySite)

Continue reading Haruhi Figma – July 28th