Saber Lily & Extra – Photoshoot outting.

With the amount of royal treatment that Saber Lily and Extra have been given, they both finally gained cabin fever. Lily being stuck for a year or two while Extra for a few weeks, who’d blame them?

Also, it appears the whole city of Ottawa is under-construction as everything is all dug up everywhere.

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(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

I took a try at biking at this part of the path. It wasn’t a smartest of ideas when carrying two fragile-ish Limited Edition Figma’s, a camera, and a few accessory material for the figures. It’s fun, but not the right thing to do with the contents in the bag. I even used the bubble wrapping for both Lily and Extra/Christmasu Sabers.

There were hordes of people everywhere….at every park in the city. I saw a funny sight; a police cruiser sitting at a beach looking towards the river. I just find it amusing and out of place.

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Saber Lily Review:

Saber Extra Review:


So then, first up – Saber Lily.

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For those wondering, yes I did get people asking me what these figures are. I basically told them that they’re Japanese figures that can do extreme poses. People obviously looked at me while I was taking pictures of “random” things.

– Random Guy – “Are you having fun chasing Chipmonks?”
– Me – “Uh, ya. Actually, I’m posing these figures” *shows figures.
– Random Guy – “ah wow”, in a sarcastic manner.

I think I also overhead an elderly couple wondering what I was taking a picture of. They were asking whether something was there or not in the area I was taking pictures of.

And when I did my previous photo-shoot all I could hear was – “Daddy, what is that man doing?”……..silence.

I don’t mind, each to their own hobby. Right?

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Saber and Lily claim the park for the Kanada Empire of the North America territory! Oh, and note the water fountain behind Lily. I tried to get it in many shots possible.
*cough*play along*cough*

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It appears we have a causality in the land grab *shock*. During her armed transport she was sliced into two by an assassin, or so it seems.

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….After a few advanced medical procedures (simply pushing her upper body back onto her lower body),  she returned to being herself.

Lets officially claim this territory for the Kanadian Empire of North America! :P. What a nice touch, a water fountain to the left of the image. I hope you can see it past the image blur.

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Not counting the obvious stares from people, I had three guests checking out my set – Two Seagulls and a Canada Goose.

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And then it was Lily’s turn to show off some national pride.

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But Christmasu Saber quickly regained the spot light once more heh.

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I don’t have food. I have water, but not food. What did you guys/gals do to these birds?! You spoiled them!

I jest, I don’t mind their presence. As long as they don’t crap near or on these figures they’re fine to wander around.

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A typical Saber argument ensues….Oh, and good luck trying to pose two figures in the wind that have weight balance issues from their large skirts.

Pose, Lily falls down, pose, Extra falls down, pose, Lily falls down….rinse and repeat that for about a good 5 minutes with the usual quiet f-bombs.

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Elsewhere…….the two take a……moody stroll around a harbor park.

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And on an unrelated note – As with every summer, water level tends to go down a lot. It’s not just the heat wave this summer but the usual habit of the river. I remember having my previous bike getting it’s chain loose from me forcing the bike through wet sand.

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Bonus – Comic

-> My first Figure comic:

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-> Frozen Pantsu – Brought on by this article.

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Christmasu Saber (Extra) photo-shoot was done by request, the rest was done for fun. From this point on Saber Extra/Christmasu shall also be known as Canadian Saber – (suggestion by Lightningsabre)

I hope you enjoyed viewing the images and hope they were to your liking. I hope you’re having a nice enjoyable summer so far. Peace, until next time!

Edit: Sunday, August 08, 2010.

Added two images – One of Lily vs Extra & a comic about Frozen pantsu, with reference. Also had to come back and edit in an image since I forgot, sorry  :/.