Rin Bome Figure

Being both late and with crappy quality images, I will however post an entry on her just for the hell of it. I acquired her on Wednesday, May 18th, 2008 along with a AT-ST, a mini tank with WW2 planes for a board game, and some Eye of Judgment cards.

(And again, like last time, my blog is having issues with image uploads so its photobucket this time. Just click the Link to get full screen.)



Yup, I have troubles acquiring such things so I make a big deal out of it until they become easy to acquire like Hot Wheel cars. Must say Rin is actually pretty cool and high quality which made me get her, same story with Saber. Well seeing her on posters and such I just had to get something of Rin, with this being it.


I took her out because I’m that kind of person to do such a thing. I would of kept her in the packaging, but then I’d be taunted day and night just to open it. I must say Bome figures are nice quality which is why I got Rin also (and still have my sights on KOS-MOS).


I wonder why Rin came with such a stand while the one for Saber wasn’t painted. I looked at the back of the packaging wonder if it was a sticker or something but I didn’t see the servant command insignia on it. Doe Saber come with one or was I somehow tricked again like with Gundam Kyrio’s price?



And now heres a image of Rin lying down on my bed so I could get an image of her. I was rushing my images also so you see a brightned Rin, blah. However you can still see her out of her plastic box so here you are.  Theres the front and rear view of her.


There we and that is Rin. I will give her proper justice once I get a better camera, so until then both me and Rin have to wait. I noticed people get those black long lensed cameras so I will focus on that one when I get one.

So I don’t forget here is a Char I got on Tuesday, May 27, 2008 thanks to my friend. I got it the same day I got Gundam Kyrios (Link, a few hours after) and I’m liking it that I took it out on a Gundam photoshoot. You can see the photoshoot in the previous article, link.


Thats the MS-06S Zaku II, Char’s Zaku II Custom, HCM Pro figure. There now that I finally got her in a blog I can now focus on getting a nice quality image for her next time. Speaking of which I should let the Geara Dogga get some photoshoots also.