Shinki Tsugaru – Santa Claus

Ho ho ho! Merry (belated) Christmas!~

Our tsundere (I was told she was) of a Tsugaru played a few tricks even before she finally made it under my command. She purposely wanted to tease me by coming earlier than stated on the delivery tracking log, and then later after the holidays Christmas. I missed her when she first came and got her on the second coming. Apparently she adopted Renge’s traits of a trickster and wanted to merge that with her tsundere-ness. It doesn’t stop there though…

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(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

Tsugaru is a wave 3 Ex set – Santa Claus type. She’s a festive rare “figure” to use on other Shinki bodies. She’s a Santa type that snatches body, unless she’s blue and has a body of her on – very rare (exclusive) on Konami’s Japanese site. I got her from Hobbylinkjapan during one of those winter sales. I got lucky because it seems I caused her to go into “back-order”, and then Out of stock :P.

Tsugaru also makes an appearance in a Beatmania game as DJ Tsugaru.

Wave 3

Japanese Release Date: 7 December 2006
US Release Date: 22 March, 2007 (Note, this release consisted of Benio only)

  • Xiphos (サイフォス, Saifosu), Knight Type, Full Set
    Character Designer: Rokurō Shinofusa (篠房六郎)
  • Benio (ç´…ç·’ (べにお), Benio), Samurai Type, Full Set
    Character Designer: Rokurō Shinofusa (篠房六郎)
  • Tsugaru (ツガル, Tsugaru), Santa Claus Type, EX Set
    Character Designer: Goli

Voice Actress – Rie Kugimiya:


Related Articles:

Persocom-san – Tsugaru review: – Battle Rondo:

– Shinki Benio – Review:

– Shinki Kohiru – Review:

– Shinki Renge – Review:


Tsugaru comes from an MMO game called “Busou Shinki – Battle Rondo” where you raise and train your Shinki into whatever type of individual you want. You purchase them online and/or offline adding each into the game via code or by money. There is also a PSP game you can play called “Battle Masters” on a if you wish to play with full sync-control over your Armament God Princess instead of a brutally hard online experience.

Tsugaru is one of the EX sets were she only comes with a head and weaponry, and same in-game. She needs to borrow or be bought a “naked type” body for her to use and to possibly customize to your liking. Just don’t get all horny when I mention the word naked. I mean a bland body is left up to the owner of the shinki to customize the naked type or to simply add clothing onto it. Shinki’s are meant to be customized so Tsugaru seems to be borrowing/using that concept.

Here is an example of a Naked type:

I guess I shall explain more above and under images so lets stop boring you and get on with the images :P.

– (Above) – In the above image you can see Tsugaru’s head sticking out. That is what you’re basically purchasing, her head and her gear.
– (Below – left) – Concept art is as lovely as usual, even for something made back in 2006.
– (Below – Right) – Everytime you purchase a figure you gain a code that can be used enter that figure in-game to either Diorama studio, Battle Rondo, and rarely both. It’s pretty weird.

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As odd as this may sound, but I actually like this box type. It looks like one of those alcohol or smoke packs you get at the airports duty free and all. It’s also nice and compact to place in my closet. The box has this sweet Christmas vibe to it as well, which should be obvious. Also, you can see two examples of how to pose Tsugaru.

(Link – MySite)

Opening up the special box – You come across a neatly organized two-layered figure parts. It all looks neat and sweet, right now at least. She looks very holy and festive when looking at the box. She can either wear her armor or ride on it like a sleigh, or snowmobile.

On the MMO, this sleigh is used as an evasive tension set that could dish out enough damage to knock out opponent Shinkis. Well, if not that then at least a poorly trained and weak shinki.

(Link – MySite) – Both top and bottom portion as one piece.

(Link – MySite) – Bottom portion with gameplay code & instructions seen to left side, or top in this case.

Instructions on how to assemble Tsugaru with her battle armor. Even with this help I still was clueless on how to assemble certain specific parts of her armor (i.e backpack, hinges on back, snowmobile/sleigh, and uh….her arm and thigh armor bits with sliding rings.)

(Link – MySite)                                                       (Link – MySite)

Ya, it may look helpful to you but I cursed and let off f-bombs. Her armor kept falling off with slight touch or readjustments, and it didn’t say much about her backpack! I spent 10 minutes trying to use my common sense to figure the damn thing out…Needs another page!

Below – Here are all her parts laid out for you to see. She even comes with what looks like to be a spare neck joint in-between the twin rifles.

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Bottom left – Tsugu’s head on a upper body base/stand. I find it nice how her, Benio, and probably Xiphos have a display piece either the armor or spare head parts. Though, I would of liked it if Tsugaru came with a happy tsundere face or an alternate face.

Bottom right – Tsugu using Benio’s body. Lets just say that I plan to have Benio have a bad case of split personality until Tsugu gets a body of her own.

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Tsugaru’s head gear reminds me of Alicia’s from Valkyria Chronicles.  I guess she cooks festive things, similar to Alicia’s bread cooking? Also putting her armor on bit-by-bit as I try to figure each part out.

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Don’t worry, Tsugaru shall protect both Christmas and the New Year from the grinches, and other festive ruining foes.

(Link – MySite)                                                       (Link – MySite)

For those that checked out my previous Shinki reviews may have seen my numerous warning about Shinki parts and to take extra care. Well, Tsugaru’s armor is like her personality and doesn’t want to get along. But once you get to know each other over time each part may begin to like you, hopefully. Things may look perfect, but I had to force and fight them constantly.

I knew Tsugaru’s armor reminded me of a Gundam mecha grunt – GaplantZeta Gundam. This might of been brought up inbetween 2006 and 201o; thought I’d bring it up once more. You’re looking at Tsugaru’s HIPER-EML/ HIPER-Electro Magnetic Launcher.

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Bottom left – An unsure Tsugaru checking her battle armor.All the armor is on, but she’s as fragile as some display ceramic. Ruin one portion and it all explodes apart on you.
Bottom right – The back of the backpack containing the HIPER-EML/HIPER – Electro Magnetic Launcher. Need to add the two “FORBID BRAIDS” that are used as skii’s.

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The yellow bells on her armor (minus the one on the chest) all act like a booster, like a jetpack. For those familiar with Zaku II’s from Gundam may know how they behave on her armor. She’s got two on her legs, two on the back, and a decorational one on the chest.

Bottom right – See the logo on her Electro launcher? Gotta love the detail.

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Tsugaru weilding a sword and rifle.

(Link – MySite)                                                      (Link – MySite) – Just some head-swapping.

Tsugu~ activating her electro launcher.

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And then her tension mode – Sleigh/snowmobile:

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(Link – MySite)                                                      (Link – MySite)

——— – Diorama Studio.

Sadly, I’m not willing to “kill” a Shinki in-game in Battle Rondo for review purposes. I don’t even have a way to purchase an in-game body for Tsugaru so I’ll just add some diorama studio images of her. But! You can view someone else’s Shinki wearing Tsugaru’s armor for example purposes, a very rare (exclusive) blue theme at that with full body.

And now my images of her in-game:

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(Link – MySite) – Unfortunately Benio couldn’t be in the same picture, same body.

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If you can find her I would recommend the purchase. Find the red and you’re lucky; find the blue and you got the best luck for the day or in the world. Get whichever one you can, when you can, so you may celebrate the festivities or to view her cute face/gear.


– Great detailing and pretty much accurate to it’s concept art.
– Poses well on other Shinki bodies.
– Her Tsundereness made my day more entertaining.
– Her Santa type makes her great for festive or wintry weather. Bringing her out during December should brighten up anybody’s day. Or give her some general figure wear to blend in for other days.
– Her ingame model is gorgeous, especially in Diorama studio. Haven’t tried Battle Rondo because she needs a body.
– Her armor can turn into a Santa Sleigh to slide across the snow or to evade attacks.


Missing body. Needs a body both online and in figure form. Red is body snatcher while blue is a “full set” figure.
Too fragile. The armor pieces have a habit of falling off at random.
Her Tsunderness also made my day worse.  Parts kept falling off whenever I re-adjust certain bits and she knows how to taunt you within and out of your possession.
She’s a limited edition and can only grab a  when in stock (very rare occasion).
– Lacking any other facial expressions or heads for her figure form. If she’s festive and Santa she deserves a happy smile.
– Should of added more detailing to the bells, even if cheating by decals or stickers…or whatever.


Well, I would like to show you more figure images but my camera died and wants a recharge. I can also get back to the time consuming Diorama studio later as well. I got more ideas so she’ll get one of those “adventure” type articles sooner or later ^^. Winter is long so she shall see out-doors once I figure out a way to transport her and when her armor doesn’t go all ‘tsun tsun’ (repulsive) on me.

Well, Merry (belated) Christmas and a Happy New Year!