Flight Sim X – Shinden Flight 4

Hello fellow aviators! Here is another Flight Sim X article featuring a flight from Cancuun to Cuba and then Florida which was about a month ago.  This isn’t necessarily on a weekend but since it’s a quiet week I thought why not, lets up it. Just showing my interest in aviation in a digital manner and to use as a break-up inbetween Anime/Shinki related articles.

(Link – MySite) – Air traffic suddenly sprung to life as me and friend readied for take-off.

(Pardon the image quality. Not true game quality as this game is a real resource hog.)

Another flight with the trusty Shinden plane. This plane behaves similar to a payware one and is just great to fly in. Me and my friend enjoy flying around and this game helps us enjoy more of such. We both enjoy traveling, observing the scenery, enjoying wing views (or window views) from planes, and this game allows us to (re)explore places we’ve already been to. Well, minus the awesome little things that made the location we went to awesome. Add-on’s do help, but not by much.

And whoops, I forgot to get rid of the red text and taxi arrows. My bad, please do ignore those :P.


Shinden Flight 3:

Shinden Flight 2 – Ottawa tour:

Shinden Flight 1 – Random screens:


(Link – MySite) – Air Transit landing while two others wait their take-off turn.

(Link – MySite) – Me preparing for take-off with American Airlines in queue.

(Link – MySite) – Woosh! From a cloudy to sunny day!

(Link – MySite) – For those that did go here I hope you enjoyed your stay!

(Link – MySite) – Ah, the clouds moved East; Literal cloud white-out.

(Link – MySite) – A mocking humanoid cloud in center. See it? Was clear skies after.

(Link – MySite) – See the cloud front? The wall? It stopped right before it got to Cuba.

If you haven’t seen my images and a video of Cuba then feel free to do so right here:

Awesome place! It’s like another province of Canada :P. Or Canada + Europe.

(Link – MySite) – Awesome Cuban scenery! This was the time I realized I had gears down since take-off (30 minutes). Crap!

(Link – MySite) – Swamp? It looked so strange from so far up that I went to take a closer look.

(Link – MySite) – A stormy Rabbit cloud. A sign from the new year – 2011? Northern parts of Cuba were under a Thunderstorm.

(Link – MySite) – Havana/Habanos – Not even close to it’s real-life area.

(Link – MySite) – Air France 777 incoming moments after me and my friend’s landing.

(Link – MySite) – Fuel up!

(Link – MySite) – My Shinden idling as I quickly eat dinner and watch a quick session of Top Gear with friend.

(Link – MySite) – A random image of Copa Airlines for reference.

(Link – MySite) – A stormy sunset. Stormy? Ya, storm was still somewhat present.

(Link – MySite) – About an hour-2 hours later another big birdy lands!

(Link – MySite) – After much idling we finally took off into a blanket-like layer ofclouds within the Cuban night sky while heading towards Varadero airport.

(Link – MySite) – Varadero airport – Plane taking off as I was lining up. A split-decision to stay or abort.

(Link – MySite) – A lonely Air Canada at gate.

(Link – MySite) – Miami, Florida – A rushed and laggy final towards the main airport. Forced a landing due to an unseen Top Gear episode on my end.

(Link – MySite) – I’m curious to know how many FAA rules I broke here. A plane taking off during my final.

(Link – MySite) – Spotted a 747-400 British Airways upon landing as it taxied for take-off.

(Link – MySite) – Miami truly is a busy place. Was stuck taxiing for a good 5-10 minutes due to traffic. Rushing to Top Gear didn’t help either.


Did another flight with friend before we both got distracted by other things. We made another flight from Miami to Tampa but had a little issue upon start-up. The air traffic controller told me to taxi and then to hold position causing my Shinden to land on it’s ass. I spent a good 15 minutes attempting to shift the weight forward…Refueled, taxi’ed and saw some startling shooting stars which I instantly tweeted on twitter.It happened so suddenly that I couldn’t printscreen it.

(Link – MySite) – Take-off! One of the laggiest airports for my computer.

(Link – MySite) – Crowded airspace. Me, my friend, and two ai planes.

-> Imagine a screenshot with two large bright white lights flashing from top left to middle-center of the image. Imagine yourself startled for a good 5 minutes thinking if your net browser is leaking through or if you were imagining things. Those lights would be shooting stars.

(Link – MySite) – Tampa incoming!

(Link – MySite) – Incoming for landing while risking a look to the right.

(Link – MySite) – Tampa airport with a parked plane.

(Link – MySite) – View of downtown Tempa from airport.


Hope those night shots didn’t make you blind! Thanks for viewing and hoped you enjoyed the flight images! If not, I did give you a link to real images of Cuba that I hope you may enjoy! Next batch of FSX images are from Japan. Thinking of upping those on the weekend.

Happy flying!