Figma Shana get

Well I did say I got Figma Shana in my previous article. I also tried to do a group shot with all my Figma’s but it proved to be troublesome. Just one tiny little bump on the table and they topple like diminos. I also found a bit of irony while I took (blurry) pictures of them. I’ll explain (what I call) irony further on.

I think I need to do another attempt at a Figma group shot, but here it is:
(For bigger images, click on the link under the appropriate image to view in a bigger size.)

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I also tried to get Rin, Miku, and Haruhi to do a sing along type dancing/singing formation.I personally think Haruhi looks like she got something planned.

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Remember when I said there was irony in my pictures? Well look at this image carefully and I’ll explain it right after the image. You might not get it but its just weird to me.

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I went to see if I could grab a backdrop, for the picture’s background, but couldn’t find anything. I came back, sat down and accidentally caused a “earthquake”. These figmas are sensitive too sudden movements so they fall down and are a pain to pose without the stand. So the irony here is that my first Figma (being Haruhi) and Tsukasa were the only ones not effected by the sudden small movements of the table. That Haruhi……..

While doing this pose with the Figma’s I found out that Miku’s right arm is snapping off. Huh? I didn’t even move her arm that badly, nor did she ever fall off my desk. She just sat on my desk near my left speaker being a musical symbol that she is. I even doubt her falling three times backwards while trying to pose her damaged her arm.

Rin, Miku Hatsune and Saber posing and welcoming Figma Shana.

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Lets open the box and give her a nice warm welcome. I also like the backdrop she has.

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This is the most packaging I seen on a Figma yet, took me off-guard lol. Nice wrapping.

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We unwrapped her from her mummy like packaging and this is the pose she has when coming out of the box. I’m liking her already, nice red color that should melt all that snow and ice lol.

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And here is what she comes with. With all these parts I’m soon going to have issues like I did with the Americanized Gundam Wing figures. So many parts that I’m going to forget what goes where.

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And the back stand piece that I always have issues putting in the Figma’s back. Wish they double check it before putting it in the box and ship it out.

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Uh, your Haruhi didn’t change pose in the last few pictures“. To be honest I didn’t know how to pose her next without her look silly. However we do have Rin trying to hold onto Shana’s arm while “announcing/Singing” to other people. Melon-pan mmmmm.

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Shana does a magic trick and turns the Melon-pan into her trusty sword :p. Even though I watched the two seasons of the show and the movie, I’m forgetting all the terms and such :(.

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I think I like Shana as a Figma now because of her beautiful red hair. The makers of these Figma’s should of did what they did to Shana’s hair with Miku Hatsune’s. I would of had fun posing Miku like an umbrella or having her hair spread out like a bed sheet behind her.

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Shana’s hair can be widdened or packed closely togther which is neat.

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And now four more images to wrap this photoshoot up.

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My camera sure is funny. When I try to take group shots of my figma it blurs the picutres, but when I want to take pictures of Shana it acts decent/fine. Well with that I think Shana is my new favourite Figma (along side Figma Lily Saber). Her joints are a bit stiff but you can still make poses with her.

I forgot to mention the second “irony” in this article. First one was that my first Figma stood with the table shaking when I moved my sweater out of the way. The second one was where my newer Miku Hatsune figma has her right arm ready to break off while Haruhi (who fell down from my desk, survived many poses, and traveled with me to Europe) has no signs of any damage. Are they getting carefree with the Figmas since it became a big name now? I also had Kanu falling down from my desk on many occassions and I don’t see any damage on her.

Well hope you had fun reading the blog and catch you on the next blog update.