Figma Mirai – Culture Japan

I spy with my little eye something that is….Orange & white, has a “d” logo, and with a name that means future. Who could that be? Danny choo’s mascot – Mirai! I’ve obtained my Figma Mirai from J-List. Why not? Everybody else seemed to have went with AmiAmi but eh…let’s create our own unique path!

(Link – MySite) – Mirai with a J-list supplied tissue packet.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF-1 – Pancake lens.)

Who is Mirai?
Mirai Suenaga is Danny Choo’s female mascot for his site. She is mostly seen in a unique school uniform, in Dollfie form on Danny Choo’s and Chun’s side, and is now a Japanese teacher.

Why did I get Mirai?
Why not? I have to show my respect to Danny for inspiring me. If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be blogging about figures, Flight Sim, Busou Shinki’s, Anime, and the like. I wouldn’t of ended up harassing people with Renge, Kohiru, Haruhi, and Saber. I probably would of ended up smoking pot and and doing stupid things. Yes, I’m going to play that typical card haha!  But seriously, I met some awesome bloggers, comrades, and even those that ended up being overly friendly and helpful. I didn’t purchase the pillow, towels, shirts, and what-not…just Mirai.

I thought that by not getting at least Figma Mirai would be an insult to both me and Danny. He’s the one that got us into blogging, into Figma’s, Dollfies, and into all the other things. Sure, she might look a bit generic, but so do other things yet people still watch and buy them.


Mirai’s Theme:

– Box:

The box itself is pretty neat. It’s very basic, but you can tell that some time was spent on it…just enough to make it somewhat attractive.

(Link – MySite)                                                 (Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite)                         (Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite)

What you see is what you get!

– Mirai
– Mirai dollfie (Micro Mirai)
– Laptop
– Camera pegged/glued into hand
– Crying face
– Handkerchief
– Stand, Base, and peg.
– Parts bag
– Two closed fists with a see-through hand holder.

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite) – Mirai Salutes!

(Link – MySite) – Wow! Such looseness! Only to happen during review O.o

(Link – MySite) – Mirai’s parts with Micro Mirai snapping an image :P.

(Link – MySite)                                               (Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite) – The skirt is made of soft and semi-flexible plastic which doesn’t hinder posing, much.

(Link – MySite) – Mirai apparently discovered something awesome!

Whoops! I forgot to pose Mirai with the handkerchief! Ah well….maybe check other sites for more Mirai?

Outdoor Photoshoot:

While cycling it looked like it was snowing. I just had to take an image of it….Seriously, it looked like it was snowing with the amount of fluffy white weed seeds flying around.

(Link – MySite) – Snowy-lined bike-path.

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite) – Another Spring with another group of baby Canada Geese to harass the bird feeders!

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite) – Mirai studying the image she snapped of a unique butterfly. (Pssst – It’s fake.)

(Link – MySite)

– Renge: “A good day to be out taking pictures! Master would be brought to know someone like you!”
– Mirai: “Ah! Hello! I just arrived here recently. Mind showing me around?”
– Renge: “Arrived? Where did you come from? I came from Konami’s manufacturing facility in Japan.”
– Mirai: “Oh? Around the same neighborhood I see! I came from Danny’s cloning facility. Danny Choo, the King of Anime in Tokyo.”
– Renge: “Cloning? *ponders*…I have a minion that does my bidding for me  *snickers*.
– Mirai: “So….mind telling me what species this butterfly is?”
– Renge: *Stares at camera*

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite) – Purposely blurry; can’t double focus.

– Renge: *Shrugs* “….need to consult Master about this!”
– Mirai: “Master? You a slave?”
– Renge: “No! NEVER! I have to say that due to my programming! I purpose is to fight battles amongst others of the same type while I lecture and train my Master in how to fight!”
– Mirai: “Ah……..I see.”
– Renge: “Look! *points* – “You can see the Canada Geese over there! I shall assume that you and my Master are the same when it comes to picture taking?”

(Link – MySite) – Geese were very curious. But after a bit they ran away for some weird reason.

(Link – MySite) – Renge pointing the way for the touristy Mirai.

– Renge: “And here we have one of the the best waterfalls in the city. Isn’t much, but it’s something to stare at!”

(Link – MySite) – Tons of discussions to be had!

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite)                                             (Link – MySite) – Micro-Mirai gets stuck on Renge’s finger (no joke).

(Link – MySite) – Renge pretends to runaway with the Micro-Mirai. Mirai ain’t amused!

(Link – MySite)                            (Link – MySite) – Due to Renge’s prank she agreed to allow Mirai to piggy-back up a hill.

(Link – MySite) – Renge forces Mirai to snap a few images before the necessary leave. Mirai is jetlagged from her flight to Ottawa!

(Link – MySite) – For more randomness from fellow figure-enthusiasts may want to visit and!

Renge and Mirai appear to have become great friends! On that note – “Good night ! Don’t let Renge bite!” – Should be the new sign-off for Twitter, MSN and the like, if you’re a Renge fan.


Final Thoughts:

Mirai is a neat figure. I’m actually pleased that she was worth the purchase, though a bit disappointed with the insanely loose joints! Someone must of shook the box so damn much that the joints simply were loosened. Maybe heated up in the sun and chilled in the plane? Besides that, I managed to pose her with little hassles or issues at Andrew Haydon Park. If anything, the stares from people and the wind were more of an issue than Mirai’s quality.

Would I recommend this? If you want to support Danny, want to show respect to fellow comrades and to show your loyalty to the community then yes. If you’re just some regular “Anime Otaku” then flip a coin to decide. People whined that Mirai was a generic school girl Figma so the choice is really yours. I just barely ended up recommend her.


– Decent articulation and nice sculpting. It’s quality over quantity. When posed right, you can see her belly, can pose her all “moe” and into some unique ones. You can get truly lovely poses if you know how to pose her well.
– Danny’s mascot got turned into a Figma!
– Comes with a laptop, camera (attached to hand), Dollfie Mirai, and handkerchief.
Mirai can balance well, even in slight Canadian breezes. She can even hold her own from falls.
– Skirt is made of soft and flexible plastic.


– Very loose joints! So loose that her shoulder and elbows come off with ease.
– Face-plates pop off very easily. Just poke the face and the plate pops.
– Camera is pegged, and probably glued, into Mira’s hand. At least you won’t lose it like I have? Should add spare loose ones instead….Think Lego with those spare light-pieces.
– The whiners and attention seekers that hate just because they want attention. I mentioned it only because the attention seeking is at a truly horrid level outside the main community and it’s affecting Mirai.
Mirai is partly generic, but eh….so are some of the other Figmas and things people buy en-mass.
Lacking in spare hands with different hand positions.
– Head can’t turn, unless you improvise.

Thanks for reading and hope your Mirai/future is bright! I like Mirai and Renge approves of Mirai as well!
