Ottawa’s Ferrari Festival – 2011

Ferrari!!! The Italians wanted to welcome everybody to view their national pride on Preston Street! The one event that is bound to get my attention is the Ferrari Festival! Ya, now you know who I am cheering for in Formula 1 haha! Oh! And because I missed out on last year’s Ferrari Festival, I shall post double the amount I normally would so make sure you have a great net connection!

(Link – MySite) – Little Italy!

(All images taken with a Lumix GF-1 Pancake lens on Preston Street – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada!)


Related Articles/sites:

– Italian Festival 2010 + Kiko Sushi Bar + Chinese Arch:

Preston BIA:

Ottawa Ferrari Festival:

Ferrari of Ontario:


There were many people in the way so I couldn’t get many good shots of the Ferrari vehicles.

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(Link – MySite) – Alfe Romeo.

(Link – MySite) – Maserati!

(Link – MySite) – Ferrari of Ontario!

(Link – MySite) – Parked and off-limit Ferrari!

Decided to visit Kiko Sushi Bar as I was hungry and to say hello once again! I’m there and I was craving Japanese food. The cars took more than an hour just to get into parking. I however missed out on the revving and all, ah well.  Also brought my divine Miko Renge as well, and she sure got some nice attention within the restaurant again.

(Link – MySite) – Pacific Salmon Sushi.

(Link – MySite) – Yosenabe – And I’m crazy for ordering something so hot on a warm day.

With that gobbled down, I went Ferrari exploring again!

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(Link – MySite) – Ferrari 599 sitting away from the rest and open to public abuse (which occurred). Seriously! No respect *sighs*.

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(Link – MySite) – Quite a crowd we have here! Business boomed haha.

(Link – MySite) – Doubling back to see if I missed anything; went for different perspectives.

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(Link – MySite) – Doesn’t hurt to have more pictures of the same gorgeous car! F430 I’m assuming.

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I was trying to figure out how to twitcast for a good 10 minutes before I came across a nice mini-Italian parade. It’s nice, and it brings me back to when I was in Europe – Slovakia, Croatia, Austria. While listening to some of the other Italian music brought back Croatian and Cuban atmosphere when I traveled there which was awesome!

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(Link – MySite) – Messing with camera settings.

Was about ready to head back home when I looked past a street corner to notice some old cars. My curiosity got the better of me and I noticed a “Lada shop” with a Ferrari Festival banner on it. Not only that, but a lonely “new” Ferrari and some gorgeous oldie cars. They should be out on the street behind the rope!

The sun was also setting so the camera settings needing changing, but told me through display that it was perfectly fine. LIAR!

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(Link – MySite) – Boo! Go away blurry image! Lovely cars though!

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(Link – MySite) – Italian tow-truck amongst Fiat cars.

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(Link – MySite) – Drink and drive?

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(Link – MySite) – Oh, hello Dodge Viper! SRT-10 spyder?

I took videos of the Ferrari’s while I could and you can see the first part right here:

(Basically showing the display and the Italian mini-parade.)


Day 2 – Italian Car Parade & Basic car drag:

I decided to place the second half of the images and videos in this article as there weren’t that many. Also didn’t want to spam up my blog I merged part 1 with part 2! I also tried a Twitcast stream and it was partly successful. I thank those that viewed it! My phone was about to die so I kept spamming my twitcast about 5 times and didn’t have any real chance to reply back vocally through the stream.


Twitcast Stream parts:

– Parade P1:

Parade P2:

Parade P3:

Ferrari 250 GTO Drag:
(Phone was about to die so cut this very short.)

Ferrari Parade – Drag:


I took a 10 minute video of the parade and another 10 minutes worth of the drag if you’re interested! Or you can just skim through the parade into the drag, or whatever your viewing style is!


(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite) – Italian Bike Gang? 😛

(Link – MySite) – Ferrari California.

(Link – MySite) – Tons of honking, revving, and exhaust to turn you European?

(Link – MySite) – Jiiiiiii~ (sfx: stare)

(Link – MySite) – Mr. Danny and his Ferrari F430 Scuderia (joke reference to Danny Choo.)

(Link – MySite) – Chose the underpass for this very reason – The revving!

(Link – MySite) – Two Formula 4 cars.

(Link – MySite) – Canada meets Italia.

Going to poke an Anime reference here quickly:

Ah! My Goddess – Ferrari Enzo in Anime and 288 GTO in the Manga.
Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom – A female big-shot has a Ferrari F40 and Cal has a Ducatti.

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(Link – MySite) – Gorgeous!

(Link – MySite) – Preston Street = Proudly Italian.

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(Link – MySite) – F4 Mazda cars speeding on Carling Avenue.

I know I shouldn’t find this insulting, but I found “Stun-man Stu’s” comment about watching this over Montreal’s F1 race a bit insulting. I know, I know…it was directed lightly and towards the kids and those that don’t watch F1. So in return I shall post up my run on F1 2010 PC game using a BMW-Sauber on the Montreal track while chasing my Ferrari Ghost.

This was probably a bit too much, but as I mentioned earlier, this is to make up for missing Ferrari Festival last year! Thanks for viewing and hope you liked what you saw!
