Shinki Kohiru & Fubuki playing Chess

Hello again! This time I thought I’d experiment with how intelligent my Shinki’s are with Chess, and to see how well they play. Why not? Would also boost their positive morale program!

(Link – MySite) – The pre-game stare down.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

Was a mostly nice day so brought Kohiru and Fubuki out to witness the brief joys of Canadian summer. Was a bit hot and humid so we settled on a game of chess, even if they never played before and are programmed in a Japanese manner. Well, shall we see how well the game goes?

There was a large Raven, or a massive crow, scavenging for food when I arrived. S/he kept on overlooking these Shinki’s playing their Chess game every now and again probably imagining them as the crackers that the birdy just ate. Was amusing to observe.

(Link – MySite) – Chess board being set up.

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(Link – MySite) – The first move!

(Link – MySite) – Surprisingly you couldn’t hear any noises or hums from their hardware from the over-thinking.

(Link – MySite) – Horse attacks pawn!

(Link – MySite) – Fubuki points out the lurking Raven.

(Link – MySite) – Shinki’s attack animals? Never. They’re too kind….I hope.

(Link – MySite) – Raven? Massive crow?

(Link – MySite) – But back to the game at hand, progress was made!

(Link – MySite) – Kohiru doesn’t mind the loses. It’s all fun and games!

(Link – MySite) – Check!

(Link – MySite) – Hello again!

(Link – MySite) – Too painful! The attack hurts!

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Was partly cloudy so the sun was constantly going in and out of the clouds. The blurryness! Noo! Still a nice image!

(Link – MySite)

– Fubuki shouts: “Look Master! I won! I won!
– *Kohiru claps*
– Me: Awesome! Did you girls have fun?
– Kohiru and Fubuki: Hai!~ (yes).
– Me: Glad to hear! 🙂

(Link – MySite) – And the good girls that they are, they decided to clean up after themselves haha.

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Then they decided to simply “hang out”. Oh the puns, so horrid XD.

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite) – Fubuki tried climbing up but the branch was quite light.

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(Link – MySite) – Quite a balance :o.

(Link – MySite)

Ah, awesome! Guess I’ll let them try other board games next to see how that goes haha! And it got a bit too humid for my liking so they jumped back into their travel case and back home we went. Wanted to take more images but as I said, the humidity there was nuts. A few more summer days left then more fall photoshoots. Anyways, hope you enjoyed and thanks for viewing!

Peace! Kon!~