Fubuki Hails Autumn

Hey guys! A semi-severe thunderstorm decided to bombard and flood Ottawa with a combo of rain and hail. It was quite nasty and quick flooding Ottawa a bit.  Fubuki also observed both autumn and the weather in her own ninja way.

(Link – MySite) – Mini-hail raiding the area (Not my slippers, decoration.)

(All images taken with a Lumix GF-1 Pancake lens.)

Crazy and wacky weather this was! I love it! Nice and unusually warm during the morning period, then BAM! Rain accompanied by hail got heavier very quickly to the point where it was mimicking fog. Weird thing is the storm came from the south…normally comes from the west. Crazy storm. The rain and  I needed something to remember this incident by so I called ninja Fubuki over to help show off the mini-hail.

I’m pretty sure this is quite unusual for this time of year and season. And rushing shots for the lose…..but if I didn’t then I wouldn’t of had these images for future references.

(Link – MySite) – Hail scattered everywhere.

(Link – MySite) – Fubuki examining some mini-hail.

(Link – MySite) – “Hmm…..looks like a nicely polished diamond.”

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(Link – MySite) – Fubuki tunnel-visioned on a pile of mini-hail.

(Link – MySite) – Hmm, a piece of hail on the hand would of helped this image. Ah well, it melted and can’t reset :(.

(Link – MySite) – Whoa, Fubuki! Your aura! It’s messing with the white-balance haha.

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Well, that should be it? 10 images? I want to share more! Hail melted making me share only these images. Oh, and I’ll share a lovely tune to make your trip more worthwhile –

DJ Okawari – Another Sky:


Actually, better yet, I had this small burst of creativity after staring at my hail pictures.  Basically kept it simple due to everything being soaking wet. Decided to just hit two birds with one stone by taking images in the light rain and autumn colors. The autumn leaves can still brighten up one’s day even on this soaked summer-meets-fall thunderstorm weather.

Also, because I didn’t give Fubuki much blog-time she gets another article for herself. Speaking of which, I really do need to go back to my Figma’s. Been wanting to photoshoot Figma Saber’s for the past few months but stumped.

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(Link – MySite) – The planes were low due to the weather being quite nasty today.

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(Link – MySite) – Can see a bit of rain droplets on either side of Fubuki.

(Link – MySite) – Common, you should know by now that I like planes :P.

I’m pretty sure I scared or startled a few people biking and walking their dogs…Ah well, can’t be helped when one wants fall and rainy images after a swift strong hail storm. The bike-path seemed silent for a lengthy period of time so I decided to hog the path for myself making sure that those that did go by wouldn’t be stopped by me.

Had a cyclist zig-zag a bit trying to look back, curious to see what I was doing with Fubuki on the path….amusing.

(Link – MySite) – Fubuki decided to climb a tree, obviously having trouble getting proper grip for various obvious reasons.

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(Link – MySite) – Fubuki indirectly staring at the lone cat on a bright leaf.

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– Threat encountered: Random cyclists.

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It would pain me to see Fubuki squashed and broken into bits so I’ll just snatch her before she gets herself injured. And with that, final fall image!

(Link – MySite) – Natural beauty.


Wacky weather was wacky. Quite out of season as well…….Crazy Ottawa, this is one of the few times Ottawa truly is entertaining in a positive sense. Love it! Sure, Ottawa gets hail but this would be my first time seeing it in person and not in someone’s image.

Well, stay dry and have a nice autumn!  Peace!