Sinterklaas 2011 – Renge’s Curiosity

Ah, hello folks! Got to love the festivies of December! The time to give and to be given various kinds of gifts; no matter how big or small!

(Link – MySite) – Renge examining my gift.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – pancake lens.)

Sinterklaas? Ya, Santa Clause, but Slavic. You know, German, Dutch, Slovakia, Czech Rep’, and that general area. Or let’s just say the whole of Europe for simplicity? 😛

Basically this:

What is it about? Celebration of the name’s day of Saint Nicholas. The one I know of  is where you put a pair of footwear under the livingroom window or chimney and recieve gifts from either Sinterklaas himself, family members, relatives, and friends. It all depends on what you believe. For the kids, I hope they believe in Saint Nicholas for that nice magical feeling. It actually feels awesome. You basically recieve small gifts, or basic electronics (i.e shavers, cellphones, etc) from what I witnessed when in Europe.

I enjoy the “mini-Christmas” more in Slovakia than what Ottawa has to offer because I could actually feel the spirit over there than over here. But hey, I got Renge to brighten things up so I guess it’s all good haha.

I bet I’m going to get lectured by a European that actually knows about this. Apologies if I butchered this. Now lecture away!

Related Articles:

Sinterklaas, Shinki, and Snow (2010):

Saint Nicholas, good holy man!
Put on the Tabard, best you can,
Go, therewith, to Amsterdam,
From Amsterdam to Spain,
Where apples bright of Orange,
And likewise those granate surnam’d,
Roll through the streets, all free unclaim’d

Oh? Renge already picking through my gift. Ah Renge, your curiosity knows no bounds.

(Link – MySite)

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Carried Renge from the shoe towards the table so she could examine it much easier. Might as well fuel her curiosity.

(Link – MySite) – Peekaboo!~

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(Link – MySite) – Mmmmm, Ferrero Rochers.

Oh? A penguin snow-globe lol. She tried to lift it but was too heavy for her, ah well.

(Link – MySite)                                (Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite) – I think she likes it; all that floating snow.

(Link – MySite) – Mini-Santa sold separately.

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(Link – MySite) – Going with the North American, such chocolate nuggets suit Renge’s other-wordly self.

Close enough to what I wanted to share:

(Link – MySite) – Shiny~

(Link – MySite)                                (Link – MySite) – Om nom nom!

(Link – MySite) – What about the Kinder surprise? For another day.

(Link – MySite) – Lovely pose.

Well, hope you’re enjoying your own festivities…..with whatever you may or may not be celebrating this fall. Been hearing and seeing Christmas related media ever since mid-October.

Until then, Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays!