Mizuki’s Spring Flight

Greetings folks, couldn’t pass up on a nice glorious day with both Renge and Mizuki. Been itching to take more images of my lovely Shinki pair and to simply take images of any signs of spring. The buds are still taking ages to pop out. Also took the time to fiddle around with the effects, filters, and the like.

(Link – MySite) – Renge’s eyes scare me.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens & inserted into Photoscape.)

Maybe Mizuki really didn’t fly, but she did come close a few times. She leapt off a branch a few times hitting my shoe and the grass a few times. Luckily she is tougher than she looks, withstanding the fall damage nicely. As always, I’m blaming the wind.

Hmm…the amount of people looking at me oddly increased by twice or three fold. Quite curious Ottawa be to the point of creeping me out. Didn’t have my figures out until a bit later. 😛

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Renge having her fun while searching for any new buds on branches.

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(Link – MySite) – Messing around with boundaries.

I guess this turned into a sub-concious thought of mine when people were looking back at me taking images of these figures. Basically had Mizuki looking out at the people, even scouting out her scenery similar to people looking back at me. Turned out nicely.

(Link – MySite) – Fly like a bird, Mizuki!

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(Link – MySite) – Scouting the scouters.

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(Link – MySite) – Frustrated Renge.

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– Renge: Shall we attack those foolish humans?
– Mizuki: No, Master would be displeased.
– Renge: May we at least “play” with them?
– Mizuki: Shh, I’m examining the scenery.

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Those Seagulls truly don’t care where they walk around at haha! One on a car’s roof with a possibly confused driver within. Look up on your roof and you’ll see what I took an image of. Probably too late when posting now, but……ha!

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Purposely over-filtered the following pair of Mizuki images thinking that I gave her a nice aura. They were dark silhouette type images needing some brightening up.

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Been listening to Rinne no Lagrange OST because it does have a handful of nicely made tracks. Perfect!

Water – I still get hypnotized by the way it moves and splashes around. It has this nice calming effect.

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Well, hope you enjoyed those images of both Renge and Mizuki. Enjoy your lovely Spring weather.