[RCN] HMCS Haida | Canadian Tribal-Class Destroyer

– HMCS Haida (G63 | 215) – (Images captured using Pixel A3 phone for simplicity.)

(Note: Posting contains 257 Images; View when able.)

After a few years of plotting and planning I finally managed to visit the beautiful HMCS Haida. I’m proud of having done so, I’m happy, I’m highly satisfied, and am highly impressed as to how HMCS Haida commands respect. She even commands respect as a museum vessel. HMCS Haida is an Canadian Tribal-Class Destroyer serving the RCN from WW2 up until the Korean war, and into the 1960’s. It was then fought for (by those who served on her) to be a museum ship to be stationed at Toronto, then Hamilton after that. I’m honestly happy she’s been saved for museum purposes to spread awareness and to have a lovely vessel to be proud of. 

Why did I even visit HMCS Haida? It’s with special thanks from a Japanese WW2 web game called ‘Kantai Collection‘ (before it turned rage-inducing) for sparking interest in some Canadian pride after being curious in seeing what Canadians had during WW2. Anime has been known to be free, thus why I praise anime so much seeking out Canadian things for it in certain series. Basically war time anime exploring elements to things, thus how I was made aware Canadians even had a museum ship in Canada with HMCS Haida and HMCS Sackville; The latter being harder to get to for me. I wanted to know more about them so I could connect with them in games, and etc. I however had a “falling out” with the game ‘KanColle’ because of how unforgiving and abusive the gameplay is (games are meant for fun). With that, I’m now pushing for Canadians Azur Lane side because it is genuinely more fun and entertaining on that front. Without KanColle though, I would have been majorly ignorant of Canada’s contribution during WW2, let alone their naval fleet and Haida. Schools don’t really teach you these either, thus games are being the ones to bring awareness to where everything else lacks. I’m still thankful for being made aware of HMCS Haida, thus I’m paying my respects to this beautiful woman of a ship through this blog posting, and any way I can. Ships are viewed as feminine so I’m quite fine with praising beautiful ships. 

Canada’s navy basically consisted of mainly destroyers, Corvettes, 3 Merchant-Cruisers, and 2 light cruisers, among many other mischievous vessels. HMCS Uganda (Later HMCS Quebec) and HMCS Ontario were our largest vessels right at war’s end of 1945. Aircraft carriers came far too late to enter service for WW2, though we co-served on HMS Nabob & HMS Puncher. Not fully Canadian though.

Related Links & Resources:

Azur Lane Hype & Addiction:

– Comparing KanColle & Azur Lane:

– HMCS Haida:

– Kantai Collection:

– Canada’s WW2 RCN Naval Fleet:

-Exploring HMCS Haida:

Just seeing HMCS at a glance was a sight to behold. Just seeing the size (even for a destroyer) was highly impressive. Plus, you would be hard-pressed to even find a vessel from WW2 anymore, thus her beauty and worth grows even further from that. You could basically see others and myself taking selfies, taking pictures of what we’re able, and to just record everything while I can. While I’m down here (in Hamilton, Ontario) to see her I had to take as many images as possible, thus I had by trying to record ‘EVERYTHING’ which caught my eye. For a long trip there I spent a good 3 hours gradually making my way through the vessel finding out just how gorgeous she is. Who knows if and when I’ll be able to visit her again.

I honestly wish someone would provide hefty amount of funds to continue to upkeep HMCS Haida properly because she honestly commands respect. She needs to be shown the same amount of respect back without being treated as a side-object. HMCS Haida needs to be remembered, not forgotten, nor treated as a forgettable entity. You’ll see what I mean once I start showing off the bridge area and the Captain’s room.

HMCS Haida – Parks Canada Video:

Sailors and naval crew view their vessels as ‘she’ (Bismarck as a ‘he), thus why Japanese & Chinese games called ‘Kantai Collection’ & ‘Azur Lane’ view these vessels as human woman (personifications) for that fan-service type tug. It ended up being an interesting selling point for the Asian market, and now the western market. Having toured HMCS Haida I view her to be a stoic and strong girl, especially with what I had to go through in touring her. Many rough edges (uneven footing, tripping hazards & etc), yet gorgeous for the view. Haida is no pushover; She commands respect. It’s no wonder HMCS Haida is called “The Fightingest”, and it’s true. I say this because only fairly fit individuals may explore and traverse the majority of what the vessel has to offer while also being rewarded by the various sites offered on her. Many tight areas, low spots, obstacles at foot level, among other hazards. A combat ship, basically. It’s no pleasure cruise (obviously), and that’s a given. Proceed with caution. Treat HMCS Haida with respect and she’ll do the same.

Games can be used as a learning tool, if done correctly, and not in a ‘cookie cutter’ manner. If schools won’t teach people, games shall; Kantai Collection & Azur Lane shall teach those interested about history itself. It’s why I keep weaving Azur Lane & KanColle into my posting for being a heavy influence on me for inspiring me for even visiting HMCS Haida in the first place. I also wanted to connect with my Canadian identity while seeking them for various World War 2 games hoping to eventually “command” them to connect them with my Canadian identity. Too much to ask, yet something I’ll still desire while also admiring the beauty that is HMCS Haida. 🙂

– Quick brief overview of HMCS Haida
ORP Blyskawica – Twinned with HMCS Haida. ORP Blyskawica is a Polish Destroyer having fought of German air raids, among other heroic deeds. Just as “fighty” as HMCS Haida
– Foxhound A.K.A HMCS Qu’Appelle (Azur Lane) standing on top of a mine. Ships have been known to both lay down mines and be sunk by them.
– One of HMCS Haida’s torpedoes put on display. Labeled as a ‘practice torpedo’ on the tourist pamphlet. Nice cross-section showing how it works.
– Closer look at the torpedoe.
– Depth-charge & torpedo on display.
– Sonar dome – Seeking enemy contacts (Submerged).
– Haida’s propellers.
– Canadians aren’t properly represented in WW2 war games, thus having to use Foxhound for also being known as ‘HMCS Qu’Appelle‘, an F-Class Destroyer. Those propellers are beautiful, even if they’re weathered by nature. Waiting to see how Azur Lane shall portray HMCS Haida, if at all. Canadians tend to be forgotten because they’re “minor”, and because schools don’t really teach people. I found Canadians to simply be shy about their history & heritage. Not always, though mostly.
– Seeing is believing. Everything is far better in person, and damn! Even at this scale she’s highly glorious. She still commands respect, she’s still awesome, and beautiful. I was impressed through-and-through….
– Squid.
– Torpedo launcher & Haida’s bell. First thing you see when you hop on the ship.

It was at this very moment (the moment I stepped foot on the ship) I knew how ‘dangerous’ HMCS Haida is, and how ‘dangerous’ she was. Not a death trap, just a military vessel. Do not take my wording that she is “unsafe” and “unkept”, she is a military vessel, thus needs to be treated and respected as such. An example could be instead of walking through a park, think of how cautious one needs to be when hiking in the woods. All those rocks and such. I was warned to be cautious, thus I was. I’m grateful for that warning. Haida is no push-over. Her deck was uneven (angled), various ceilings were low, and many obstacles in the way because of war-time needs and standards. You had to watch where you were going most of the time, especially at the bow section with where the gun is located. It gets so narrow that I had to start crouching. I can’t swim, thus having to crouch as to force my center of gravity lower to match the railings to my side as to not slip overboard. I’m not taking any chances. I also had my phone and charger with me. I kept tripping near the very front of the bow section with where the guard was. All those low bumps and black hook spots. It’s also fairly easy to hit your head on various parts of the ship with how low everything is. Everything is tiny, cramped, and dangerous, yet still somehow majestic. It’s also quite rough behind the bridge, something I’ll note further down below. It’s the part right before the first funnel and at the mast.

Safety first! HMCS Haida is still an impressive ship. Like a rose with thorns.

– HMCS Haida’s bell
– Haida’s life raft, torpedo launcher, & exposed torpedo. #20 points down to the engine room, something I was made aware of near the end of my tour. Yes, you see it now, I was however oblivious. I was overwhelmed by the sheer size of Haida. You follow Haida from #1-26 (or whoever you desire).
– Lovely funnel with a Canadian emblem on it. If HMCS Uganda possibly had that emblem on their vessel they most likely wouldn’t have had their ‘Uganda episode’. “Possibly”. I still love seeing this, even on a WW2 vessel. This allows me to connect with HMCS Haida.
– A view down into the engine room, something which shall be relevant later (final half of blog posting).
– Walkway of the ship. Note the uneven bumpy areas. Still fairly easy to walk on. Need to also note the black hook points, I found myself tripping on those fairly often. Amplify this at the bow, stern…. Safety first! Caution is needed. (Right: Funnel smoke vent)
– HMCS Haida’s boiler room “parts”. Make sure ‘Scuttle’ is shut before opening.
– Boiler Room Info.
– Catwalk leading to the Anti-air portion & the secondary helm of the ship. This is something I’d visit later on in the tour, thus the #10 on the list. I was aiming for the bow first.
— Ooo!~ Pretty!~ These guns looking gorgeous, even for Haida’s scale. You can still see the fine detailings here, thus why I admire this so much.

As you can also see in the image (top image; Right side) you can see diggers digging away. It’s because of their construction efforts that I was slightly frustrated I was unable to obtain an alternate view of the vessel. I had to be content with what I had, and I was. Having traveled from Ottawa to Hamilton I had to make sure to grab everything there-and-then, or else I’d waste the trip (Thus this overly lengthy blog posting. I had to snap everything while I could, thus I went image crazy trying to capture EVERYTHING which caught my attention. I spammed my Discord group saving all my images there to show before sharing here. Who knows if I’ll come back to this fine vessel again, thus taking tons of images out of necessity, and to make the most out of my situation as possible.

– Haida’s front gun with Haida logo.
– Mission accomplished! Front image captured. You need to be extra cautious at the bow because of the guard up above. Too many hooks, obstacles at foot level, among other craziness. I kept tripping after tripping. There is just way too many things to trip on. HMCS Haida shall not hold your hand, you need to do that yourself, thus why I can praise & respect her all that much more. If you hike through the woods then she’s a cake walk heh. I’m just happy I was able to finally meet & greet HMCS Haida, our last grand WW2 vessel.
– Haida’s bow. You can sit in those red chairs, if so desired. You can admire the view. Extreme caution is required…. This is not a joke. It may appear safe in images, it’s quite “unsafe”. All the thoughts you could go through, especially with desiring Canadians to have saved HMCS Ontario & HMCS Uganda. Just generally noting things. 🙂
– Double-backed to obtain an alternate view of the very front gun because I was tying to follow the map to get to various areas.
– Bow section – Behind main gun at the bow. You’ll find this being the first room you enter before you get deeper into the ship.
– Shipwright Shop – Flooring – Mind your step.
– Gun Director & Fire Control.
– HMCS Haida model.
– Haida’s bell on display.
– Canadians gaining praise & becoming their own entity for all their war effort. Canadian identity genuinely became a thing during WW2, thus you now see the Canadian Beaver at the bottom of that info board.
– HMCS Haida – Haida ship badge of a Haida people’s thunderbird.
– HMCS Haida fighting hard; An regretable loss for HMCS Athabaskan; Canada becoming the third largest navy in the world by the end of WW2. I’m honestly proud of this.

I’ve seen my fair share of people denying others & myself from admiring HMCS Haida. I’m not trying to be blindly patriotic to Canada, I however do respect Canada’s contribution when its genuine. Canadian aviation, Canadian naval and military  accomplishments, among others. When Canadians care they can accomplish whatever they want, they however tend to be “tardy” at times. Too complacent. I admire Canada’s contribution to World War 2 (special thanks to KanColle & Azur Lane, as noted) while also hoping to see them in a genuine WW2 game which is not a ‘cookie cutter’ type game. I would honestly love to command HMCS Haida in a proper game, such as a ‘Silent Hunter 3‘ type game in modern times (not World of Warships) for being free-roaming to do as you desire. It’s honestly difficult to connect with your Canadian identity when people keep treating Canadians & their smaller Allies as expendable trash.

Canadians can’t even treat their Avro Arrow replica with respect:
(Keep it in a hanger, or somewhere genuinely safe. Don’t leave it sitting outside! It’s a national & historical piece of history. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!)

I get called “dramatic”, that’s however caused by people pushing back on my desires to see Canadians in a proper war game; For game developers to actually do their job when making war games. Every time you request Canadians for these war games you always gain some puzzling push backs for being a ‘minor nation’, or some nonsense, or how the game is USA focus, or some nonsense like that It’s genuinely baffling, especially when it comes from a fellow Canadian trying to impress fellow Americans, or something. I still genuinely admire HMCS Haida though, thus why I went to see her, and why I’m blogging about her. She’s highly gorgeous!

I’m proud to have visited her, and I’m proud with what I’ve learned what Canadians have contributed in WW2. How we had two light cruisers named HMCS Ontario & HMCS Uganda (two light cruisers) during the final stages of the war. Same with knowing how we had HMCS Prince Henry, HMCS Prince Robert, & HMCS Prince David for being our three Armed Merchant Cruisers. Many destroyers, many Corvettes, and how we captured a few German submarine U-boats. Just paying that bit of respect in a WW2 game would go a long way,thus why I respect ‘Silent Hunter 3’ game for adding detailing where able. I’m highly happy I learned new bits of tid-bits by reading the info signs about various mascots, potato theft, and etc. There’s much to learn to those who want to listen.

– I’m loving how beautiful HMCS Haida looks, how neat these gadgets are. Interesting seeing amunition hoists popping up from ground and being interacted with. It’s however a shame to see paint peeling off. HMCS Haida honestly needs more repair, or else she’ll become like that Avro Arrow replica at Toronto Pearson Airport. Someone needs to show genuine love and respect to HMCS Haida.
– Ammunition Hoist. You can actually interact with it.
– Secondary model of HMCS Haida in the same room.
– HMCS Haida’s role was a peaceful one after WW2. She’s now a teacher, if one opens their ears to listen. Canadians also gradually finding their place in the world with thanks to WW2.
– It’s honestly a shame you can’t hear what I heard. Basically equipment running on HMCS Haida in keeping the lights on and everything running.
– Wondering where we can go on HMCS Haida? Basically 90% of the ship. There are a few parts I ‘may’ have missed, or simply unable to visit because of being roped off.

Feel free to open up the tour map on the side to follow along while trying to keep track of where I went. It may help guide you on the route I took. 

– Speaker system, the general view. I have to note that space is a luxury that everything shall become cramped making it hard to take interior pictures.
‘Do not remove hatch cover’
– Landry room. Need to keep clean at sea.
– Electric box making note of how many watts for what room & devices. 1930’s labeling.
– Laundry room – Laundry press while having a peak at Mess room.
– A quick peak outside to get a general idea of what it ‘may’ have appeared “back then”.
– Note the lights witch (left); Bunk room, Mess room (front), Chief’s Pantry (right), and entrance (furthest right; Off camera).
– Interesting. Those bunks are TINY. It’s a nice room, though quite difficult to take an image of. I wish I learned how to do panorama sooner than later. Would have been handy when taking images here. (Looking left when at doorway)
– Honestly difficult capturing images in tight quarters. I tried.
– Hmm…. Loving how they kept the old items, it however needs some heavy upkeep. Nice radio box, phone, and sink. Just needs quite a hefty amount of shine to remove those rusty areas. Haida is a beautiful ship, it however hurts to see this.
– Fancy~ You can fix any rips and tears with this lovely sowing machine. Glad they kept this on display.
– More bunks and a cute puppy having joined HMCS Haida’s crew. They had quite a number of animals on board. (Beds facing the door)
– Bunk beds & table to learn how to knot.
– Pom Pom the Dog 🙂
– Looking out the other porthole, because why not. It’s all in good fun and curiousity 🙂
– Chief’s Pantry.
– Chief’s Pantry – P2
– More bunks, sinks, lockers, and a resting area (opposite side of this image).
– Resting area for fun and games, eating, and etc. Whatever goes.
– Lovely fridge & bell.
– Some dated circuitry.
– On/off to a certain something. This one is quite interesting because of how it is labeled on the left side.
– Made my way up the bottom set of ladders finding out how cramped and tight everything is. You need to be skinny. I’m even amazed how chubby people even made their way up those sets of ladders. Not trying to be rude, you have to be fairly in shape to make your way up those sets of ladders.
– Captain’s quarters. Fairly cramped making it near-impossible in taking images. The back porthole is cracked giving the room an interesting characteristic. Nice bed, a sitting area. It’s obviously for general use, nothing more.

At the bottom left (outside of image) you can see how harshly the rust had eaten away at the ship. There is a nasty hole at the left corner of the doorway. It was painful to see. The ship is in mostly fairly good condition, it’s however rusting in a painful manner. (Out of sight, out of mind).

On another note: Captain’s quarters tend to be tiny because they should be busy commanding the ship, nothing more. This isn’t a cruise ship, or so noted by various tour guides on other museum warship sites. Captain has to be ready at a moments notice to tend to whatever the ship needs, the rooms are as tiny as a closet room. Took this information from a video about USS Iowa or USS Missouri.

If they want a better accommodation they can always go to the Captain’s Day cabin.

– Damaged port hole, speaker tube, telephone & etc.
– Speaker & flashlight.
– binocular case & helmet. A few mementos from the past.
– Captain’s bed. Seems cozy enough for a trip.
– Operation room – Maps & plotting various elements.
– Room was closed off, this is the best I could do. I would have happily snapped images from every angle. 🙂
– I’m nerding out and amazed by this. The plotting of various things. Even seeing I could have peaked from an alternate angle to see the maps has me a bit frustrated. It is what it is.
– The open bridge of HMCS Haida. Had to come up from the ladder at the right side of the image. Captain’s quarter is at the bottom right of the image at the bottom of that ladder.
– View of the spotlight and various, navigation gear, and mini gadgets.
– Other gear, possibly ASW related.
– Alternate side.
– Quite interesting how this is an open bridge, something which was highly common for these sorts of vessels. Even Corvettes.
– Would have been neat if this was restored/cleaned to be able to be seen. It shows the degrees to either side.
– The lovely compass. Cracked.
– Steering and communication area; Ship wheel removed.
– Haida’s mast & radar dish. Even the lovely Haida flag with the Haida emblem on it representing her name-sake.
– Various communication gear and a view towards the bow.
– A gorgeous view in the proximity of the helm of the ship.
– Steering helm, navigation housing and the Haida flag flying proudly.
– Speaker tubes, binoculars, and a broken piece of equipment.
– Random wooden chair next to some rusting piece of gadget. It’s neat they still exist making you wonder how they were used during war time.
– Side portion containing navigational gear, degrees, and a spotlight. Apparently one of the equipment was made by ‘Fleck LTD’, though can’t seem to find them.
– Alternate view
– Charlie – Golf – Juliette – Delta. (Reference)
– Spot light, vents, closed doors, and an area I should have briefly explored. Didn’t feel “safe” at the time.
– A warning that the mast is made out of Aluminium that you must use stainless steel of aluminium are to be used. Must obtain appropriate approval from dockyard authorities. The second paragraph is noted to be to government specifications. The third part notes notes that the presence of Aluminum oxide should be noted to dockside authorities, or so I can make out.


The material used in construction of the mast and radar hut is aluminium. No fastening of any kind except stainless steel of aluminium are to be used on the structure and no fastening of any kind are to be fitted without prior approval from dockyard authorities.

The priming paint used on the aluminium is to government specifications I-GP-40 and the colour paint is to government specification I-GP-81. This paint system is to be rigidly followed in future coatings.

The existence of aluminium oxide is white powder is to be reported to dockyard authorities immediately.

(Hard making this out, though this is what I’ve managed to make out. The second paint may either be 81, or 86. Hard to make out.)

– Flag holders on either side to assist with communication. Even tels you what each flag would mean.
– View towards the stern. Such a beautiful sight to see.
– Walkway around the mast being a bit “dangerous”. Need to be paying attention, especially with how low the railings tend to be. It’s safe, just need to pay attention.

Warning! As of September 5th, 2019:
There is a wasp nest in a screw hole under the mast (left side of ship; Port side) with wasps coming in and out of a hole. There was a missing screw (or similar) allowing wasps to make a home there. HMCS Haida needs a lot of polishing and a tiny bit of pest control. 

This warning may not be valid if read past 2019. This is simply what I saw on September 5th.

– Life rafts. Apparently Haida used to have yellow light rafts when stations in Toronto noting many changes to her as an museum vessel.
– HMCS Qu’Appelle decided to say “Hello” while hanging around Haida.
– Looping around, found myself going across this catwalk to get to the rest of the ship.
– Unsure what this is, though shall assume its for anti-air weaponry rounds.
– Possible anti-air ammunition storage.
– Anti-air gun.
– View of the finer detailing.
– Alternate angle.
– Ammunition left on anti-air gun.
– Secondary funnel closer to stern.
– Secondary walkway. Cable halfway across needing to be crouched to get past. Quite a sight to behold.
– Torpedo launchers and some netting. Impressive set of gear. Massive.
– Secondary helm for when the bridge is knocked out. Can control vessel from this position.
– Secondary helm.
– You may also regulate the speed of the propellers from here on both the red and white gear using wheel on either side. Steering the vessel is fairly easy, or should be.
Ammunition workshop.
– Ammunition workshop – P2.
– Ammunition workshop storage & workshop.
– Rear anti-air weaponry.
– Possible ammunition feeding area. Loads in from previous workshot image into this towards the guns. (Possibly).
– Alternate view of the anti-air guns.
– Anti Submarine Warfare gear. It appears to be such.
– View of Canadian military vehicles from vessel. This is stationed right next to ‘2814 Hamilton Service Battalion’ & ‘HMCS Star’. HMCS Star is not a vessel, though gain recognition of one were noted to contain honours as if they’re vessels, though on land. (Or so noted online).
– Stern of HMCS Haida with all the ASW gear. Quite a nice sight.
– Squid launchers
– Squid Launchers
– Loaded from indoors heading outdoors.
– ‘Squid handling room’
– Handle squids with care.
– Calling in the shots using the phone.
– Haida’s emblem on the left, squid storage on the right.
– Look at all them squids! They looking so lovely! 🙂
– Haida logo. Covers for squids? Unsure.
– Something apparently went “boom!” here.
– Laurence Scott & Electromotor Ltd.
– Engine was running. This may have been the cause as to why it was so warm at the stern within the squid room. Also, firefighting gear, if curious.
– A bathroom if one needs to get clean. Most likely for the officers whom are stationed below deck, something shown in quite a while.
– Lovely sink and mirror. Even nice heating.
– With how cramped it was I honestly struggled taking image of eveything. As noted before, everything is COMPACT. I also should have learnt sooner to take panorama shots to note the bathtub, door, and mirror all in one go heh.
– Stern section appearing more like the Titanic. It’s far fancier for the captain area, officers, & even medical section. What I really assumed was the Titanic style was below this floor.
– Various keys for various rooms. You can still make out what key would be for where, even if “decoration” & display.
– Looking back from where I came from. Squid room, the lower officer area, & stairway heading upward.
– View into the kitchen.
– Surprisingly fancy kitchen area. Higher class for higher status officers.
– Various Commanding Officers of HMCS Haida.
– Parks Canada Volunteers.
– Korea Veterans Association of Canada.
– HMCS Haida’s accomplishments & Friends of Haida.

My main one regret when visiting Haida was not using the panorama mode here, and other certain areas. Exactly here! I should have done an panorama of this room from left to right showing off this room. Nope! I had to learn fairly late while on a floor before. Even, this was still an awesome experience. I had fun exploring everything, even doubling back a few times because I apparently missed a few things. I still feel I may have missed something. Who knows how long I’ll have to wait to visit HMCS Haida again. Maybe another few years, who knows. 

The smell of oil, grease, and furniture was strong in this part of the ship. The smell of oil and grease (even paint) could be noticed throughout the whole ship giving the ship some aging qualities. I guess a military perfume, or something.

– Captain’s Day Cabin (Viewing left)
– Captain’s Day Cabin – on right side viewing left.
– Captain’s Day Cabin – (on Left viewing right). That fireplace honestly caught my attention the most with how lavish it is. It’s honestly top tier. This honestly feels like a captain’s Day cabin. I’m highly impressed.
– A picture of a fancy picture framed of HMCS Haida with two AA rounds. I love the style here.
– I’m sorry, I’m however highly mesmerized by this. It’s so fancy!
– Captain’s semi-fancy washroom.
– I’m amused by this arrangement. Bathtub next to a half-table, and heating. Then you have a cabinet above. On the opposite side you have a sink and another cabinet. Funny. Ship layouts are amusing.
– Looking back towards the captain’s area. You have the captain’s day area, the sleeping area, then a washroom. Basically three areas. Also, note the switches. Those always catch my attention.
– Cute pet bunny hidden in the wardrobe.
– Handy-built the Rabbit! Another one of Haida’s special pets heh.
– Stairway heading into more luxurious areas. It made me feel like I was on the Titanic with what was behind me, and the rooms for these officers.
– The first thing I see when coming down the ladder was this. Holy hell! This room honestly gives off that Titanic vibe, or any WW2 movie I’ve seen. ‘Das Boot’, or even ‘Silent Hunter 3’ game. That atmosphere. Saving it for “last” while down here.
– Kitchen area.
– Kitchen area, part 2.
– Room 1 – Viewing left.
Room 1 – Viewing right.
– Room 2 – Viewing left.
– Room 2 – Viewing right.
– Room 3 – Viewing straight on. Those bunks, pipe guard, furniture. Gives off that same vibe as it would on what was seen for the Titanic.
– These officer’s cabins are most impressive. It changed the vibe greatly throughout the ship.
– View into a closed cabin. Had to view through a window seeing old records and such. Quite a nice vibe.

Wardroom – Grand area:

As noted numerous times, this is no joke reminding me of the Titanic. The various movies, or even the Das Boot movie with the scene still at port in Germany. It’s quite lavish. The officers are treated almost like royalty, and it shows. Not quite like ‘Silent Hunter 3’, yet close. 

This honestly caught me off guard. Also, at the back, there is a hole which you can squeeze through to see a certain section. I stuck my phone through there (a bit paranoid) taking images of what was back there. Some equipment, and then a sign noting what’s where. I’m not sure how to get there officially, or if you’re even supposed to be back there. Feel free to read the sign when we get to that image. It’s very “funky”.

Basically, look at the pillar on  in the middle of the image to focus on the leftern portion to see a gap. I feared I would have gotten stuck there, thus I haven’t gone through.

– Wardroom Area – Panorama – Viewing both left & right, as well as the support pillar. Note on the left side of pillar is a hole to enter a certain area.
– This place would have seen lovely plates & spoons, fancy mugs, among other fine dining. Interesting. I’m also ignoring the whole A/C thing there, even if it did catch my attention. “interesting”.
– Fancy~
– HMCS Haida painting is awesome, nice clock. It’s a cool place. I would love being here.
– Fancy relaxing area. This now brings up scenes from the ‘Das Boot’ movie.
– Poked my phone through the hole to find this interesting gadget. This is looking to the left.
– Stewart’s Mess, a place I was unable to reach. I could only gain a sneak peak.
– Simple images just admiring the beauty of this place. The wheel table, and such.
– Just further admiring the beauty.

After I felt satisfied I’ve searched everything I double backed heading back up the stairs to continue the tour. Next up, the sick bay. This is where I learned my ticket contained a word to play a research game called to find out what my role was  HMCS Haida. Apparently I’m a ‘tiffy’, a doctor on the ship. 

– Doubling back again (to continue the
– My station card from HMCS Haida (taken after the tour)
– The card you’re given to note who is on and off the ship.

To the left of the ‘sick bay’ there’s a ladder leading downward leading to the radio room, office, machinery, and cabin. A funky place tucked away under the other rooms. 

– Engineering Cabin & office – Radio.
– Diesel Oil tank notes, among other things.
– HMCS Haida schematics.
– HMCS Haida watch and quarter bill board.
– Lovely.
– Nice office room with a lovely Haida sign where the sun is glaring onto the cabinets.
– In case you wanted to freshen up.
– Desk & blueprints/schematics area.
– Panorama of a cabin for the engineer/Radio folks.
– Hull schematics.
– semi-hidden machinery.
– A slightly better view of the machinery in this room using panorama mode.
– Next room was the radio room.
– Other RCN destroyers noted on bottom left of board. Note their names, Google them, learn about them. Spread their presence where able.
– Making note of the electronics.
– Made my way back up to notice a random toilet in front of the cabin’s day cabin.

Having felt I checked everything at the stern I made my way way towards the front of the stern; Into the interior. Had a quick talk about Haida with the volunteers sitting on the ship, about what ‘Tiffy’ was, while also being told about the engine room. Was going to leave that for last because I still had areas to visit. 

– A bakery up at front.
– Funny part being I’ve seen this image point of view on an image online elsewhere. Seeing this in person, following the way it leads. It’s quite awesome.

Like I said, I’m making note of everything while here. With how far it is, how much of a hassle it is to travel to HMCS Haida, I have to make note of EVERYTHING, even the crew list with religion and location 🙂

– Page 1 of 5
– Page 2 of 5
– Page 3 of 5
– Page 4 of 5.
– Page 5 of 5.
– No admittance. Crew Only – Urinals.
– Toilets, because why not.
– Forward radio room. Panorama because of how wide this was. I should have zoomed in on the signs. I couldn’t walk in, thus being semi-sneaky about it.
– A ‘wash’ room. Neat.
– Mail reception area of the ship.
– Mess decks. Quite impressive. Hammocks, sailor uniform, and such on display.
– Hammock – Do not try to sleep on it. Safety first.
– Very bow of the ship contains spare parts for the vessel.
– Leftern side containing containing numerous hooks for winches.
– Randolf the Reindeer, another one of Haida’s mascots heh.
– HMCS Haida’s main mess area (middle section). There are two parts to this. Third section is storage (shown above). Basically storage, display, then this area.
– Panorama shot of the bigger section of the mess hall at the bow.
– Ammunition hoist.
– Lower section to the mess hall. Closed off not allowing you to go further below deck. Area closed.
– Ginger the cat – Meow~ ….. Or “Nyaa!~”
– Anybody want to do dishes?
– Mini-panorama of the things the crew could purchase. Tobacco, coca-cola, among other goods.
– Mini-panorama view of an inner radio room.
– Articles of War – The very fine line rules of what to do and not to do.
– Canned goods hanging out in an external storage room.
– Panorama shot of an semi-external kitchen near the bow of the ship.
– Potato loader – This had me laughing how crew would steal potatoes to then cook on vents in engine room, thus this sort of potato loader. This is located at the outer neck of the ship near the bow.
– Damage control room on the main deck.
– Various phones to all stations across vessel.
– State board
– Layout of the ship & status board.
– ‘May be left open’.
– Panorama on the main deck. Stern to the left | Torpedo middle | Bow to right.

Finally, onto the engine room! People claim its the best, though that’s just perspective. it’s surely impressive. It is, though there are finer details people need to pay attention to, something they miss out through because of inexperience. Everybody is tuned different though so each to their own. Let’s head off to the engine room! 🙂

– Hatches hiding behind the torpedo launcher. This honestly scared me for how narrow it is, and how far it goes. Hold on tight!
– Into the belly of the beast.
– The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Limited. 1943 | Engine No 377 | Wallsend upon Tyne.
– Preheater for boilers
– Various engine gauges (Top)
– Lower set of gauges.
– Various phones for various stations.
– Was wondering where HMCS Qu’Appelle ran off to. She was hiding away in the engine room all this time. Could have come to say “hello” to me elsewhere, but here she is heh. Almost to scale also in 1:1 human scale.
– Warning: Close Immediately Extraction Pump Stops.
– Switch panel.
– More lovely pressure gauges.
– Turbine diagram and checklist.
– Turbine diagram.
– Close loop system/ Feed system
– Impressive size of these turbines and work desk.
– A look at a nice big engine. Gorgeous.
– Excellent size.
– Beastly.

– HMCS Haida, propellers, and plaque to D-Day.
– Panorama of Haida at boarding ramp.

Bonus Images from my trip to visit HMCS Haida. 

– The 416 & 401 containing this sign – Veterans Memorial Highway – Lest We Forget | Seems fitting for whom I was going to visit down in Hamilton. o7
– GMC truck in Hamilton.
– Military vehicles stationed near HMCS Haida.
– Toronto’s new lovely trams. I prefer these over the other ones.
– Toronto’s Skyline and CN Tower. It was on my list to take a more ‘present time’ image of it. Been there, done that, type of thing 🙂
– CN Tower, slightly closer.
– CN The closest, now to head home. I wish HMCS Haida was easier to travel to.

To conclude: 

HMCS Haida is awesome. It’s a shame and a pain to see her rusting. When I read someone’s account of how she was shiny when in service, then rusting as a museum ship I can now believe that. She’s struggling to contain her former glory, though she still manages to still command respect with how she’s being treated as a museum vessel. Even when viewed from afar (mast alone) you just know how special Haida is. When I simply saw her bow coming from the west (Guise St E) first seeing the bow it was a highly majestic experience. Is that Haida’s bow? Yes! yes it is! Damn, that’s impressive. Got closer, the view simply became grander. Everything about Haida is impressive. It’s however a shame to have noticed paint peeling, rust eating through the Captain’s cabin flooring, and even a wasp nest at the mast. HMCS Haida needs love.

I honestly loved the contrast of how the room styles changed from aft to forward, what rooms are hidden where, and how they are hidden and how accessible they are. Everything is awesome, and you learn something new every day. Even though I took many images (280+ images), you still have to view this ship in person because there’s are things you can only notice in person. The sounds, the 360 view you gain as a human, and the smells. With it being cramped I can only note so much. I can’t note the grease/paint smell, nor atmosphere. You have to also support Haida as much as you can before she suffers the same pain both the Avro Arrow & Avro Arrow replica had faced. Canadians and other folks do visit her, Canadians however neglecting their past, their history while taking things for granted. 

HMCS Haida was honestly worth the trip south to see. I’ve learned a lot, I’ve recorded a lot, and I’ve even noticed things after the fact (from images) viewing HMCS Haida in a better light. I have a better understanding of her “personality”.  The staff working with HMCS Haida were extremely nice and helpful. I’m simply grateful HMCS Haida is even accessible, unlike HMCS Uganda & HMCS Ontario. I still wish Canadians would have saved them somewhere. It however is what it is, thus having to make the most of HMCS Haida & eventually HMCS Sackville. Though, Sackville shall be harder to get to. She’s painfully far out of my way to get to, thus shall be difficult to get to. 

Favourite station? All of them. Though, I could probably narrow it down to the Captain’s quarter & Mess hall, though minus that gap in the wall. A solid wall is what I prefer. The engine room was indeed highly impressive (into the belly of the beast), though not my main focus. I loved being able to walk on the bow, to see every inch of the ship (90% of it). Everything about Haida was awesome. If anybody is able to financially support HMCS Haida, they honestly need to. If you lose HMCS Haida, you lose everything Canadian, as you would with the Avro Arrow replica. You might as well reject Canada, and step on the Canadian flag by not supporting HMCS Haida. A bit harsh, but that’s how strongly I feel after having visited Haida knowing she’s the only museum ship we have from WW2. No replicas (or partial) have been constructed of HMCS Uganda, nor HMCS Ontario to pay respects. Only in name, not physical form. Trying to also get them into games is a difficult tasks because game developers love their cookie cutter games while ignoring the finer and more interesting parts of war. Whenever you request Canadians in games people always whine and moan, guilt tripping you about being “dramatic”, and a troll, among other weird nonsense. It’s nasty experience. Stop with the dramatic games and just add the Canadians in naturally. Don’t play these moronic games with Canadians seeking Canadian identity in games.  

Just know that I left HMCS Haida all happy and hyped. She was worth visiting. I wanted to visit her for many years, finally having done so. I’m 98% at peace, yet 2% left with unfinished tasks. I want to go back to take some final panorama images of certain rooms & sections before feeling fully satisfied. I want to purchase a mug I was eyeing, and to come back with Azur Lane’s version of HMCS Haida to pose next to Haida in various portions of the ship. 

Thanks for reading, and hope you enjoyed the images & the thoughts contained within. She’s highly impressive! Please visit her in person if able. Keep her afloat and as a museum ship as long as possible!