Winterlude 2010 – Gatineau

This is a part two of the Winterlude 2010 article viewing the Gatineau region – “Ville de Gatineau”, the French half of the Ottawa region. I was in Confederation park on the first Winterlude event (5-7th) and forgot to check out the Rideau Canal and GAnime 2010. Jacques-Cartier Park is located, Here. For the Winterlude event in Confederation park do check out this image heavy article: .

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Ah, I see my camera didn’t fair too well in this windy and cold weather. For the record all my images from Europe 2008 till now were taken with a “Sony W170 Digital Camera” and has served me well until now. I mostly used ISO and “P” (Auto program) mode which allows me to have some slight control over the camera.

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The above and below images are what you basically see when coming through one of the entrances.

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Ice Hog Mascot of Winterlude.

Ice Hog Legend:
(Hope these links don’t break once the event is over.)

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And a map just to show you how far Winterlude spreds across the capital and what is located where.

Gatineau = 1
(This article)
Confederation Park = 2
(As shown in my Article)
Fifth Avenue = 4
(Beaver tail images within the two previous articles.)

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Similar to Confederation Park this place has snow statues from various Provinces and Terroritories of Canada.

Try guessing what flag belongs to what province or territory without looking at this:

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Eating beaver tail and snapping images at the same time, try it.

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Should have I zoomed into the flag more?

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I didn’t take a picture of the snow maze that was adjacent to this. It was basically a maze out of snow similar to the hedges you see in old European Palaces and such. I forgot to take a picture of it.

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Greetings from Ottawa!

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Ice Hogs!

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I think this is self explanatory?

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Rideau Canal Camera:
(Link will most likely expire after the 21st of February.)

Confederation Park Camera:

(Link – MySite – Please visit for this image)

Confederation Park looks beautiful at night.

And we’re done for today/tonight. I hope you enjoyed the tour and hope you will join the final one on February 20th to 21st (either or) of the Rideau Canal Skateway :). If my camera doesn’t suddenly lose battery power or if I don’t catch another cold then the next article will contain will contain the planned content. Saving up my camera battery’s energy for that day.