Winterlude 2010 – Rideau Canal

The final article about Winterlude 2010. This time I went to check out the Rideau Canal as I forgot to do so on my first visit. I of course missed out on the most important part of Winterlude – skating on the longest skating rink in the world, the Rideau Canal. Up for some Beaver tails or a simple skate?

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I consider this a lucky shot ^. I love it how Canada can keep some form of historical value to its modern image.

For those not in the know:
Rideau Canal via Wikipedia.

Kids were happy and entertained on the canal. One didn’t even care about my camera and went in-front of it while I was recording one of my videos. I don’t mind as kids need to be naturally happy. People also enjoyed themselves en-mass for their first or multiple times at whatever event Winterlude had to offer as they either skated or simply browsed through the ice & snow sculptures. I can’t say the same things for the garbage cleaners though. Tons of garbage were left near and around the portable food stalls and on the benches. I guess we want to be known as Garbage Canadians? 😛 I jest, I jest! Blah, someone is going to take that waaay out of context now.

First Article is here – Confederation Park (*Image heavy – up to 65 images)

Second Article is here – Gatineau – Jacques-Cartier Park:


(Feel free to skim down to the Rideau Canal section.)

Confederation Park – Part 2 – recap:

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People were hanging around this Ice Bear Statue. What did the Bear Symbolize again?

Bear Spirit Guide: Symbolizes Great Strength and Leadership. Is a great Protector.”

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This had a nice purple light,  it just kept changing back to blue every time I pressed the shutter button. Remember this from the first article?

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Two fellow Canadians.

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K 181, The Ice boat’s turrets actually light up like a kid’s toy (without the annoyingly loud sound).

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Rideau Canal:

While we are here do you want anything? They have  Beaver Tails, Hot Dogs &  sausages, souvenirs, fries and the like.

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Or do you simply want to skate/walk around? Be careful as some people are oblivious to their surroundings.

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My first real attempt at some form of Time-lapse video. Short Term time-lapse perhaps? The meaning of Time-lapse may have been lost in this video, though I did promise I would make one so here it is.

Rideau Canal – Timelapse Video.

(Watch under 720p)

Taken with a Sony W170 Digital Camera – Burst mode on Auto Program 16:9 and fine (640) video. I also used a tripod but it kept slipping or tilting in the snow and ice. The wind also probably contributed to the tilting.
(Edit: For those that seen the Windows Movie maker, come back and watch the Sony Vegas version please!)

Also, is it highly unusual to have a small camera on a mini-tripod recording video? Had many laughs and stares while recording.

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Blow off some steam as you seem moody enough with the cloudy weather always hanging on top of your head on a daily basis. Heh.

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A river of people.

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And one image taken from each 100 image “burst” mode clips that I used in the video (minus that hot dog image below).

Extra respect points if you spot the Senators fan below.

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mmmmm, Beaver Tail~

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Ended up having a Hot Dog instead as I had Beaver Tails twice before.

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Re-discover your city, re-discover Ottawa. You may have missed something through the season changes. Noticed anything I haven’t?

On a side note, I even got to try out some new camera techniques that stayed dormant until now. Found out how long my Camera lasts to the minute – About four 10 minute long videos and about 7-10 bursts modes (or  almost 4 straight hours). Video mode drains the batteries the most. I know this could be stated in a camera review site but hey, its best to know your own camera the best :).

Hope you enjoyed the three part articles in some way, shape or form. If you disliked it then rejoice as this is the final one until next year’s. Noticed any grammar errors? Do let me know and it will be fixed.


And on a Off-topic side-note:
Did anybody hear or see a giant plane in the sky on Friday in Ottawa? It was around 3:30-3:40 pm Eastern Time as it was heading either towards Vancouver or Toronto. I think it looked like an A380 taking off from the Ottawa Airport as it pridefully ascended into the thin layer of cloud cover leaving behind three trails of cloud vapor off the top tip of the tail and wings. A long wake in the clouds was also left behind. It had a gray paint scheme (or I think it did) with a red arrow pointing downwards and was extremely loud as it went up. I didn’t have my camera with me at the time and I couldn’t find anything on flight trackers or any paint scheme archives.