– Amagi-chan VRChat model provided by Manjuu Japan, found on Booth store.
(This blog posting is split into two parts: 1) Amagi-Chan avatar being tested out & used, 2) Midnight Haven World hop. Latter can be found after the testing of Amagi-Chan’s section.)
VRChat is awesome when you have things flowing in a nice manner. Finding people to hang out with, being provided cool avatars, and just riding the hype from VKet Summer 2022 into these various Midnight Haven groups. I’m genuinely glad I poked a friend in the Midnight Haven group to be somewhat active in there, if with various technical issues and problems on my end when in massive gatherings.
I’m also genuinely surprised (and glad) Manjuu Japan decided to release an official model of little cute ‘Amagi-Chan’ from the Azur Lane side for both MMD & VRChat side. Sadly, with a few faults found in her file. A “LOT” of cleaning up was necessary, hence I had to sadly pester my poor friend to help me troubleshoot the issue. Some guessing and poking around for textures allowed Amagi-chan to regain her colour from a pure purple state. Secondly, her blueprint for VRChat had to be detached, allowing me to upload her avatar onto VRChat. Her files were not tested before release. Manjuu Japan eventually saw this, updating the file after.
Again, I’m happy they released little Amagi-Chan. She’s adorable. I’m hoping they make this a habit of releasing more Azur Lane models. I’m expecting Laffey, and those they’ve Vlogged with. I’m hoping for Kasumi, though expect Bismarck, Tirpitz, and others before Kasumi. I admire Kasumi’s foxy cuteness.
– Had a bit of an issue with ‘V1 version’ of Amagi being all purple. Had to guide the path to Poiyomi with a slight guidance of my busy & annoyed friend.– Manjuu Japan – Error noted, fixed next day.
Thankfully, the error was fixed the next day. I still have her original version. Her “newer” version is something I still have yet to experiment with. I admire the effort I put into making her work originally putting me off from acquiring her updated version. I’ll test it out eventually.
Also, the “test” images below are somewhat scattered around thanks to VRChat’s weird naming system. They’re out of order of when I snapped them. I loosely put them back in order.
– !!!!!
– Testing out cute Amagi-Chan via desktop mode. Her model works! WOOOO!
– Original Amagi-chan is something I tested out first, eventually making a V2 ‘Ghost Version’ after. I desired Amagi-chan to have white hair for that arctic fox touch.
– Nani…….
– Nandayo~ (Tried to fit her into her Japanese element)
– !!!!
– Baka~…… (Loved the snowy atmosphere, very Canadian-like. Also used this image as an example for ‘Rising World’ game modding).
– Amagi-chan’s public avatar world I happened to randomly stumble upon. Nice timing! I prefer my modified Amagi-chan better, though both are cute 🙂
– Amagi-chan’s public world for a public avatar.
– “Bleh”
– Cute. And these personal mirrors are neat.
– Lurked in this world for awhile catching up on any Amagi-chan news. Played Azur Lane on my tablet. Multi-tasking.
– Insanely bright. Hello Kitty Nyaa~
– Now in VR Mode attempting to hand gesture.
– Pat Pat
– Trying to meet up with a new-found friend from the Midnight Haven group from previous hangout.
– Examining, admiring Amagi-chan in VR Mode using the VR Camera.
– Wooo! He’s here! Forgot to emote-smile.
– Trying to hand-gesture.
>One hour later of technical difficulties trying to enter ‘Backrooms VR'<
– Honestly amazed by how patient Frosty was waiting for me. I’m damn impressed. People would have just upped and left. No patience.
– With less time we were bouncing around aimlessly and recklessly.
– Kon! Kon!
– Grab a drink! 🙂
– Hard to take camera angles with Amagi-chan heh.
– Now my turn to wait for bagels being toasted heh.
– Hearing knocking put me on alert assuming roommate knocked on my door.
– V
– Cleared the first area 🙂
– Oh, the horror…….
– Loaded into this area without my friend. He saw me, I was unable to see them.
– That devious smile is far too adorable.
– Prankster fox persona is awakening in Amagi-chan.
– Stuck at this level again seeing that shadow figure in the window.
– Spooky~
– The glitches are real.
– Time running out on my end favoured going to easier and more photogenic worlds. A surprise guest visited my friend. I lurked.
– Beautiful display. More focused on trying to find picture spots 🙂
– This tree in itself is amazing.
– One specifically for the tree.
– Group shot!
– Amagi-chan annoyed her ear is hiding.
– Wooo! Her ear is back.
– Happy cuteness 🙂
– The endless path.
– Amagi-chan making the most of it.
– Seems like they’re making the most of it also heh.
– For the chill vibes.
– Amagi-chan sees something amazing 🙂
Sent my friend to the public Amagi-Chan avatar world for me to lose the portal. Hopped off with how late it was at the time. Wish it was pre-2020 allowing me to be on as long as necessary. 2020 really screwed everything up hard with everything.
Also, it may seem weird putting Amagi-chan’s section here first, it adds context. I view it as adding context to everything, and to answer anybody’s concern. In case anybody missed it, Renge isn’t going anywhere. I’m just testing out a few avatars I desired to use, such as that Booth I-2 model, and now this Amagi-chan winning my heart thanks to her cuteness. Renge shall return, in time.
Midnight Haven – World Hop Event – August 31st – September 1st, 2022:
My time was once again tight, I however had a strong drive to both join and to show off my new Amagi-chan avatar. I wanted to share off her cute charm with my friends (three, and more). When I joined only Chesh was online in the world, others joined shortly after.
– hehe~ snuck in being the only one other than Chesh. Was checking to see if my other friends would join, they sadly hadn’t. Also planned to drive this tank around the room, never did.
– I roamed around pretending to study things. I however DID genuinely enjoy the view from the ceiling. Best gimmick in this world.– (Discord sourced shot) – Group shot. If you look VERY carefully you can see my white-haired Amagi-chan sitting on a chair on the roof on the ceiling behind some white ears. I loved sitting up there, nice view and perspective.
– Briefly made a new friend up here who hadn’t been on VRChat much. Too busy with life, such as myself.
– Chillin’, talking a bit.
– Amused by the sleeves effected by gravity.
– I’m here, lurking. Others tried sitting, they failed. Watching my friends below waiting for one other special guest to join.
– And waiting… (attempted jumpers)
– And waiting……… (attempted jumpers)
– Lurking. Someone stole my tank idea. I snooze, I loose.
– Obtaining a closer group shot image for blogging purposes, such as here. These random images are for the blog. The people who joined.
– This world “destroyed” our computers.
– It’s a Blue! Finally! Of all the avatars to load last it had to be my two friends I was unable to see for the longest time. LOAD FIRST! I missed headpatting opportunities thanks to this stupid loading priority. Had to pretend to headpat Blue.
– Wooo! I’m getting headpatted in return! Adorable! Dying of cuteness! Success! Seeing Blue react to Frosty’s headpat was cuteness overload. I love Blue’s expressions.
– I tried playing the mini-game in this world, it lagged me hard. I was only allowed to lurk viewing the crowd above.
– Making note of the avatars up here.
British railway world! Better experience here both lag and interaction with people.
– Retaking an image I saw when loading in. Had to re-capture it.
– Passengers here are special. Loading, yet special. In a good way.
– Admiring the populace on the train.
– “Lonely” – (Artistic photo)
Done this image both intentionally and unintentionally. Saw this angle when glancing at my VR camera, had to take it. Also represents some of my days on VRChat when nobody wants to hang out, now in digital share-able form.
– Chesh probably searching for more worlds to check out. I fell through the train, came back to see the below scene…….
– Love birds. 🙂
– Avatars now loaded in more making it more visually pleasing.
Bunked with a roommate and shared net. Doesn’t help my computer overheats at times causing me to lose my pace. Things aren’t what they used to be, not 2020, or before. I’m making do with what I can.
Even so, the love birds I saw, one of them spotted me giving me headpats, gesturing, etc. They took an interest in me. Nice!
– Cute! Tried spamming as many images as possible while lagging like a crazy bastard.
– Giggling thanks to how much I lagged. We headpatted one another, I lagged, they hide, I pretended not to notice to see them hiding behind me. I found this a nice memory thanks to them doing that, the hiding behind me to then giggle.
– Adorable.
Like a lunatic, I snapped tons of images hoping I would get some good ones. I was lagging really badly to the point I had to click the camera button as many times as possible hoping it would capture “something”.
– V 🙂
– Heh.
– The look of confusion thanks to my lag. I know it anywhere.
My lag going from bad to worse as I attempted to capture images from a different person. Headpatting them, getting headpatted in return. Only one image “survived” with the rest being denied existence, forever lost in my own memory.
– The only image to survive from the love bird duo heh.
– My focus was to capture the ‘Pot of Greed’ on the table. I failed. Instead, I’m amused to see Blue passed out with the rest doing their random thing.
– Lurker! (More like straggler venturing to a new world).
– This world is cool. A Nier: Automata-esque world with bikes. I simply traveled by foot exploring the area.
– Exploring the scenery in VR was neat.
– Admiring the beauty.
– Trying for something other than a selfie. Everybody was leaving to a new world.
September 1st – Eastern Standard Time Tick-Over (Timezones):
Gotta love time-zones. I’m just giving it a section of its own for the laughs and amusements. Just a simple continuation of the Midnight Haven World Hop event. If anything, I loved the train bit the most for the amount of interaction I obtained. The second half is still neat, just on a more “sleepy” note. Managed to talk to my friend Frosty for a bit.
– Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~
– Yokosuka Museum of Art was the next location (after a brief stop at a library).
– The moment I could finally talk to Frosty without lag! Ah, the relief! 😀
– Midnight Haven crew hanging around in the cafeteria.
– Alternate angle.
– Seeing a giant entity making me highly curious. Even a Miko Priestess.
– Yokosuka Art Museum scale model. Nice place, genuinely.
– Quickly exploring various areas while amused by the avatar randomness.
– New world hop into a cramped area.
– Chesh exploring the world they chose.
– Chesh disappear-eth.
– Being a world hopper must be hard work. Glad we had a brief conversation, if scuffed. I love this Amagi-chan avatar for her floofiness hoping to see Kasumi’s model released.
– Making note of various avatars.
– Making note of various avatars while hiding behind a wall.
– Slimey
– Ooo, A new local.
– Fancy.
– I actually genuinely had fun watching memes. No joke. Was amusing.
– Final world, the Pokemon world. Lurked a bit before jumping off to briefly play Gundam SD Battle Alliance on my Steam Deck.
These are actually fun, going to visit these more often when I see them listed on the schedule. I also love the Amagi-Chan avatar I have in her ‘Ghost version’ form. Just white hair, though am desiring to add blue eyes, more items, once I figure things out. I’m also thankful and grateful for being acknowledge in this hangout, something making me eager to jump on more to these events. I need to sort my Nagzz21 stuff out as to not hurt me financially, I haven’t been on Nagzz stuff for a long while, and I’ve been sidelined for all the wrong reasons. I was booted out of Nagzz’s server over a technical issue via Patreon, still being billed for it even if I’m not on the Patreon. I guess Midnight Haven is where it indeed is at. Not leaving Nagzz, or bashing. Just priorities change.
Renge shall be back as an avatar, just testing out these Booth models I desired for a long time, and saw shared on Twitter. Renge hasn’t left, just taking a rest. She’s been to Vancouver and constantly taking photoshoots. Variety is needed. I-2 and Amagi-Chan being the focus. I’m hoping to eventually see a Kasumi MMD/VRChat model released. Not expecting it, just hoping. I already have Bismarck, Tirpitz, and others.
Midnight Haven, thanks for the hangout. I’m actually amused someone decided to talk to me while hanging upside down on the table, for Blue’s headpats, for Frosty trying to talk to me while lagging to death, and the train amusements & pranks by Richter. Good times, good memories. I want more of those, the good old VRChat 2017 days.