Experimental Farm w/Figmas

In my hunt for more Cherry Blossoms I saw that the Experimental Farm had a few in their garden. Also brought my Figmas with me just to even out the Ottawa scenery bits with a bit of Anime-ness. The Experimental Farm is a vast open space to experiment with crops and such. There is no way you can miss it as it covers a large portion of Ottawa.

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(Article contains 62 images. All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens)

What is the Experimental Farm?

-> “Friends of the Farm” – http://www.friendsofthefarm.ca/
-> Wikipedia – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Experimental_Farm
-> Central Experimental Farm – http://www4.agr.gc.ca

As I always take pictures of Mud Lake, Britannia Beach, and Andrew Haydon park I thought a change of scenery was needed. It is a spot that both locals and tourists should visit whenever they get a chance as it is a nice place to unwind or to admire.

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There is no way you can simply waltz around Ottawa without spotting some part of this farm, heh.

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Carlton University to the left and the blue glass building is Canada Post.

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I would of waited till Summer but I only went here for the Cherry Blossoms and to take pictures of my Figmas. I got carried away….

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Sakura Blossoms!
(As I never took pictures of such a tree do enjoy the numerous images of one tree heh.)

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Might be hard to see, but tons of bees and wasps were flying about.

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If you’re the curious type just click the link at the bottom of the image to read up on the garden.

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And this is the part where the blog SHOULD of ended….my curiosity got the best of me. Do enjoy the rest of the tour ^^.


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Moving on from that garden……

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……to the next garden.

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Bright Saber is bright 0_o. Going into the shade next time….

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Of all the places to focus, it focused on the shoes >.>

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And someone lost an earing?

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More Cherry Blossoms?

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The brightness ruined the image but I tried to make her look like she was waving.

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I’m not sure but this appears to be a flight to Frankfurt? It looked bigger then any other plane flying before or after it. Congrats on flying once more! It took off to the North then made a quick turn to the East.

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Note to Self: Only photoshoot Casual Saber in shade!

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And to wrap up the tour……a kids “playground” area.

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And something not related to the farm.

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And now we reached the end of the article. I may come back here during the summer to “redo” casual Saber’s photo-shoot and add some additional images with her accessories ^^.  Have yourself a good one and hope you enjoyed these images.


(Edit: – Thursday, April 22, 2010)

Article can also be found on the archive forum:
-> http://forums.swgbex.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=426

On Figure.fm.
-> http://www.figure.fm/post/en/10199/Figma+s+and+Sakura.html

And then some interesting blog sites for you guys and gals to check up on.

My Life in Scale
-> http://mlscale.wordpress.com/

A little of this, a little of that.. – Battrastard
-> http://battrastard.tumblr.com/

Chibichibiusa’s Flickr Photosteam.
-> http://www.flickr.com/photos/dollfiedreams