Rising World [Game] – Future Feature Desires:

– Aurora Borealis in my northern, frozen outpost.

Rising World is a German-made game, of an indie origin, having similar vibes and features to Minecraft. It isn’t Minecraft, though it shares similarities under open-world, survival, and even building. Where Minecraft and Rising World do overlap is in its modded-Minecraft zone of entertainment, one also noted via Rising World’s Java roadmap (now Unity) providing realistic farming, smelting, boating, and other fun elements. I have to hype Rising World up, even if it knocked me down time-and-again by false players, all for its fun features. I side with Rising World because it’s an actual, proper game. It’s a nice gem in the rough, sadly plagued by Left-Wing political activists and activism. It’s genuinely a great game, sadly horribly plagued by its own Left-Wing leaning fanbase favouring social destruction, chaos, and a corrupted morale compass. Even with the low-level intellect of various community members, the game is something I hold close for how high of a potential it is. It’s wasted on those people, and it honestly shows day-in and day-out. There’s no genuine gratitude from other people. I’m only seeing more sabotage occurring on a daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly basis. It’s depressing, especially with how complex, realistic, and how much of a vast potential it has to matching Minecraft in various areas.

The way I enjoy comparing Rising World is – “Minecraft meets Skyrim” – for having Minecraft building elements meshed with Skyrim graphics and features. It’s valid, especially how you can build Minecraft style, if viewing everything from a Skyrim point-of-view. That is, if you’re stuck playing in the Medieval-era of Rising World. If you’re playing in modern era, with modern tools, then it has less of that comparison. Modern Era Skyrim, if you will.

Red51’s intentions were to have you spawn into an open world from caveman era, building up into Medieval era, and eventually into modern era with vehicles, electricity, and windmills of varying sorts. Progression (similar to Rise of Nations) is the name of the game here. You’re ‘Rising’ in a world, hence the name, “Rising World”. It’s in the name, if intentional or not.

There have been various features officially noted, even ones acknowledged by Red51, those of which I hope shall be implemented into the game to push it to where it needs to go. Left-Wing ideologies need to be purged, leaving Rising World to focus on its pure escapism, as unfiltered Asian games have done, and have succeeded with envious results for the self-sabotaging Western gaming market. There’s a genuine reason as to why I always hype up Asian games, even hoping to guide Western games to that success, to the constant dismay of Western political activism dragging their false-admiration to those games’ deaths and demise.

(Sidenote: If you see AI images, or images of Minecraft, then do note that it’s easier to share Minecraft comparisons than it is to tell Bing AI what Rising World is. Minecraft is far more anchored into the gaming market than Rising World. I’m also aware this blog post shall not age well, I’ll however treat it as a time-capsule to note how much Rising World has matured between January 2025, and whenever various requested features have been implemented. Especially trains. I simply desire to see what has progressed, what hasn’t, and how much Rising World has been sabotaged by Left-Wing political activism.)

Feature Requests:

  • Gliders & General Aviation.
  • NPC Companions | Followers | Booth and VRoid.
  • Trains
  • Moose Mount
  • Camera | 3rd Person | Drone Feature
  • “Big” Boats | Bigger Sailing Vessels
  • Farming – Mass Crop Planting (Quality of Life fixes)
  • Handcarts – Medieval & Modern-era Carts
  • The Naughty List – (Those who wronged the game, others, and myself.)
  • (And maybe more requests later.)

(Yes, most of these are noted. Some aren’t, and shall be noted at a later date on the appropriate forums.)

(Haven’t noted fishing in knowledge of it appearing in a future update, or two, in a few months. Here’s to hoping it’s sooner, not later.)

[Rising World – [X/Twitter] – [Steam Page] – [Trello/Roadmap]]

Gliders & General Aviation:

Red51 had this feature noted in his Java-version roadmap, now officially removed in focus of Unity. It’s something which has become a hot-topic for the community to discuss, if also naively, and arrogantly, to the point Red51 simply desired an overly basic vehicle of the glider. A small, manual glider to float around in, something one would also see in Genshin Impact, Craftopia, and even Palworld. Yes, even various Zelda games for various Nintendo devices.

It’s welcomed, and I do desire them. They would make zipping around far more entertaining.

Planes have also been noted, preferably of generic German origins. I have noted Canada’s Twin Otter, a staple of survival, “middle-of-nowhere”, and ease of transportation in harsh environments. Red51 preferred the overly-simplistic Cessna, I however recommended the Twin Otter for it’s STOL capabilities. Twin Otters are capable of short take-offs and landings, being beasts in the air. They can reach every nook and cranny. The call is eventually his own, these small aircraft shall however fully change how we play these open world games. One would rely on dirt runways (or maybe officially built player airports) to transport goods around. They won’t make boats and trains obsolete, they however shall simply be an option. An alternative, competitive option.

Helicopters were also brought up, in replacement of planes. They don’t fly as fast as small aircraft, able to land and take-off from even smaller areas. They can reach far less accessible areas, even being slow enough not to over-take world rendering speeds.

General aviation is something I would highly enjoy, and highly welcome. Minecraft has shown how to do play around with planes, and it’s up to Rising World to portray aircraft & gliders in a realistic, if fun manner.

If Red51 ever desired to have true fun, of the Asian variety, then he can also look into “mystical mounts”, one where we could fly around on fantasy creatures, as done in Pokemon & Palworld. Not everything has to be painfully realistic, to the point people forget how to have fun. Always being “stick in the mud”, or of the “party-pooper” variety.

– A small taste of various aircraft in modded Minecraft & Bedrock market.
– Palworld – Flying around on a Pal. Hang-gliders are also a thing in both this, and Craftopia.
– Twin Otter flying North-west of Shizuoka. (Flight Sim 2020)
– Palworld – Early days, using a wooden glider. Wooosh!~ (This is more of what Red51 desired.)

The requests, desires, and expectations are simple. Red51 desires a simplistic hang-glider, and that’s what I’m desiring. Twin Otter, helicopters, and fantasy creatures are simply bonus requests, ones I’m not expecting, though would warmly welcome them. If I’m to gain a Twin Otter in Rising World, with STOL capabilities, that shall be great!

NPC Companions | Followers | Booth & VRoid Request:

– Image from ‘Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii’, an upcoming game for PC & Consoles allowing you to recruit NPCs of various sort.

I initially joined the ‘Rising World’ gaming scene back in 2015 thanks to the general attraction of welcome-ness of the game. The game had the correct amount of feature-rich desires, and potential to implement NPCs, and even free-roaming birds. It had everything I desired of a game, especially with compatibility with NPC Companion desires, those of which other users/players have also desired from a game such as Rising World. People desired having NPCs craft for you, mine, cut down trees, cook, and fight combat with you. The general basic behaviours from Skyrim with their followers; Thralls from Conan: Exile; Dragon’s Dogma with their companion Pawns, and many others. There have been many games, if few actually reaching to where they need their NPC followers to be.

It’s interesting (in a curious note) how Modded Minecraft is attempting to fill in the various gaming voids, the same ones Rising World is struggling with, allowing their users to finally feel less lonely in their open-world game. I’ve noted similar, only to be shunned by ‘White Knight’ individuals in the gaming sphere, the same void Minecraft is attempting to fill in via the modded route. Where other people pretend, I genuinely desire, and I admire the attempts being done in the Minecraft-modding-sphere (especially from Japan) attempting to implement various types of NPC companions to join you.

Little Maids Mod, Minepal, Yes Steve Models, and various other companion mods I have yet to discover. Little Maids Mods having been the most popular, now slowly being overshadowed by Minepal + Yes Steve Models.

– Sons of Forest with AI companions able to fetch resources for you, fight, and even punctuate their errands with necessary rest and morale rebuilding. You can even dictate tasks to your companions, it shall be up to them how well they’ll listen to you through cause-and-effect behaviours.
– Dragon’s Dogma – Dark Arisen – Customizable Pawns able to aid you in the field, and in combat. You can customize them, hire other people’s Pawns, dictate how they(your Pawn) behave, and even have them aid you in return.
– Minecraft’s ‘Little Maid Mod’ to aid you in basic crafting, mining, cutting trees, and combat. All very basic, if highly handy.
– Minecraft – Minepal mod – Minepal allows you to have an AI companion join you in your world to aid you in basic tasks. Mileage shall vary in quality in usefulness of AI companion. Mita (Cappie) from MiSide as Anime companion in Minecraft, a companion you can also Princess carry.
– AI Companion (Minepal mod) able to enter basic combat.
– An foxy Amber companion attempting to seek out cows, failing at her task. Travels a few steps, always left in confusion.
– Minecraft – Yes Steve Models + Minepal = Shipgirl companion for Minecraft. What I would give to have fun with any, and all shipgirls in Minecraft & Rising World. Any game, really.

It honestly disappoints me we can’t have these sorts of companions in Rising World, all thanks to two factors – 1) Left-Wing political sabotage of the forum and game, & 2) Red51 forced to rework the game from the ground up; From Java engine to Unity, one now progressing further than Java. The latter is more understandable, if depressing on the former. Yes, we “may” eventually gain the the feature of befriending companions, that has yet to be seen. We currently have an option for NPC Dummies, and that’s a start. Granted, and I’m aware people shall note it, that we have to wait for these actual NPC Followers & Companions to actually be implemented. I understand that, and I’m eagerly awaiting their arrival.

– Rising World – NPC Dummy – Editnpc command. Able to customize NPCs (Male & Female), customize their appearance, and even how they appear.
– NPC Dummy, Bob says “Hello”.

The game engine being reworked is fine (Java to Unity), it’s the constantly Left-Wing political sabotage within constantly destroying Red51’s efforts which isn’t fine. Those same efforts forcing him to work his day-job, come back to his precious game, and feeling less confident thanks to those vile attempts by other users, ones which also drag me into their Left-Wing political delusional state. Regardless, Red51 has noted (and acknowledged) he shall look into NPC Companions, also requested by others, eventually implementing them at a later point. Users have suggested (in equal-note) what I had previously noted, even desiring similar NPC Companions of my own. Basic RPG elements, basic NPC behaviours, and customization, as seen above in the NPC Dummy field to make the world less lonely, and more functionable.

Red51 has also noted he desires faction favourism to play a role in his game, one which shall dictate who is hostile, and who is peaceful to you. This such element also playing into account as to who you can hire from settlements; what mercenaries you can hire, recruit, and run errands with. Hunt various supplies down for other NPCs, or where you can go with them.

A secondary feature, a requested one, being able to rescue your own NPC companions from Bandit/pirate camps to save as your own partner, one who you can hopefully customize (Dummy NPC Style), allowing them to join you in your world.

Another main request being able to swap a rescued NPC (or a custom one) with external models, as done via VRChat, Tower Unite, Craftopia, Valheim, and Desktop Mate. Various models are able to be swapped out with ease, if maybe with a simplistic catch, or two. This would allow Rising World to go much further, and be customized in a far more fun and entertaining manner. It would redeem itself greatly, especially when sabotaged by Left-Wing political activists hell-bent on sabotaging Red51’s Rising World game.

– Myself, and another forum user (years ago) desiring NPCs and populated settlements.

(Sidenote: It’s genuinely concerning when what I request/desire appears in Minecraft first, and not Rising World. What Rising World could have, it self-sabotages itself in not having, allowing modded Minecraft to show self-sabotaging forum users how it’s actually done; Providing features and gameplay actual real people desire, and not fake political activism found in Rising World’s Left-Wing leaning community via constant forum wars, arguments, and unnecessary disagreements, the same types scaring away genuine forum goers & potential consumers.)

What I would give to have an actual interactable shipgirl in Rising World, or any game, with HMS Formidable, Yuudachi, and Bismarck from both Azur Lane and KanColle. These shipgirls, as NPCS, shall be glorious.


– An official image posted by Red51 of a steam train for Rising World.

Rail transport. Trains run along railway tracks and can be used to transport players or freight.

Covers smaller trains (minecarts) and larger trains.

With all the various issues Rising World had to suffer, trains shall indeed be the saving grace of the game. Why? Many reasons as to why.

  1. Multiplayer: Other train sims either refuse, or suffer with their online component, thus allowing Minecraft & Rising World to reap other people’s neglected features. Friends would desire to play with trains in Rising World, not some overly-linear train sim game. Minecraft is proof of that. Rising World easily allows people to connect via Steam friend invites and Dedicated servers. It’s far too easy to connect and play with trains, and everything else.
  2. Trains are universally Admired: Babies, kids, teens, adults, and the elderly all admire trains. All nationalities, especially the Japanese, admire trains to the point they’re willing to be accidentally arrested in other nations for their admiration of trains. Many train stores across the world for you to purchase train sets, static displays, etc. Games provide and easier access, and similar with Rising World.
  3. Matter of convenience (quality of life): Rising World already has horses and boats, trains shall speed things along by hauling more tonnage than what boats and horses can. More resources able to be transported at a single time. Sure, some islands may be smaller than others, while others are larger than the smaller ones. One can also construct underground, and ocean-railway-bridges to cross areas. View Hakodate (Japan) and Eurolink tunnel between UK-France for ideas of underwater tunnels.
  4. Vast Storage Space (customizable): Trains have the advantage of hauling far more cargo than horses, boats, and trains. They can transport around 1-20+ cars (game willing) providing a VAST amount of cargo space, more than what’s available via chests, barrels, and even crates. Consider it more than 10 pages of storage in a crate (Java version) allowing you to have fun with more resources in various settlements. Ran out of room? Add another storage car. Too much? Come back for it later in another run with another whole grouping of cargo cars.
  5. Variety of Trains: Red51 has noted, time and again, how we shall see steam trains, diesel, and even electric. We shall have all sorts of trains to play with, and hopefully ones being additionally implemented via mod support. Import your own train types, especially from Japanese and European origins.
  6. Modding Capabilities: As noted, various users should be able to easily use pre-existing models (or fresh ones) to have fun with their favourite trains in the game. Japanese admire their trains, as do Koreans with their own, providing modded-Minecraft levels of fun and entertainment.
  7. Low-Speed auto-throttle: Red51 noted trains going at lowest speed can crawl automatically without player inputs.

As I’ve noted in the main forums, and the fake forum users disagreed, is how people are eager to fake-hate people because it’s simply “cool and hip” to do so. It’s far more enjoyable to berate someone than it is to constructively contribute to the Rising World forums, and towards the game itself. They disliked my comment, hating on me, gaslighting me in a very childish rage. They’ve noted my perspective of their actions to be false, ironically being false in itself with how genuine their vile behaviours have been. Their attempts are manipulative gaslighting, one in an attempt to misguide those who question their intentions to be false, when in actuality it’s genuine. Gaslighting, voiding-tactics, and mental manipulation are common place on these forums. Shame, especially in regards to how valuable trains are to a game such as this one. Train shouldn’t be rudely underestimated, especially by folks who appear to have a figurative memory of a goldfish.

(Side-note: Goldfish can actually remember a lot of things, more than what I’ve seen Rising World members recall. Animals are smarter than we credit them to be, smarter than certain people in the community. 😉 )

– Morally corrupted Germans & Left-Wing political activists hate genuine progress. Actual proper features are “racist”, “transphobic”, and “sexist” to these folks, and it’s a shame, especially when Rising World can genuinely be so much more than these professional victims always desire to be. Red51 forced to moderate, delete, and clean up Left-Wing political sabotage at every chance. FioO & CurseExistence are filth in Rising World’s presence, and trains aren’t allowed because they don’t kill enough white males in the world. Trains aren’t “D.E.I” enough for them. Red51 is forced to side with people who sabotage his game, something which is depressing to see. He’s a victim of his own success, especially in a nationally (politically) corrupted nation of Germany, like Canada.
– Minecraft – Immersive Railroading – CN Rail train modded into the game by others at Version 1.12. Desiring similar for Rising World. Behaves realistically, and something I would expect to behave similar in Rising World. Attempting to connect with anything Canadian, especially in modded Minecraft. Can’t wait to do the same in Rising World, if allowed, and if we reach these necessary features, if not prematurely sabotaged by left-wing activism possibly prematurely killing off Rising World.
– Minecraft – Immersive Railroading – DW Gondola storage space, compared to inventory. Can carry insane amounts of resources, especially in regards to if properly implemented into Rising World.

I’m genuinely amazed by how far more detailed ‘Immersive Railroading’ is for Minecraft, something I was both hoping and expecting to see implemented in Rising World. These trains require fuel, time to warm up, and handle in ways you would expect them to in feature-lacking train sim games. One requires both throttle and brakes to be applied accordingly, and time for the engine to warm up. Once warmed up, one can hear the soothing rattle of both the steam and diesel engine as it hums its way from one point, to the next. Linking up with train cars, or shuttle goods between places. Count me surprised, especially having initially assumed TrainCraft was the most complex train mod for Minecraft. That’s now a toy train mod when compared to ‘Immersive Railroading’ mod for Minecraft.

Feeling the actual weight and rumble is something Rising World is calling out for, even having planned in its roadmap. It’s what Rising World desperately needs, especially at this point, to link up various points of interests with another; shuttling both people and goods around. It’s what my main hub and my snowy outpost desire, especially with how close in proximity both islands are to one another. My main island and the snowy biome are as far away as both Hakodate is to mainland Japan, and UK to France. Just a few minutes boat and train ride apart.

Hatred, dismissals, and voiding tactics need to take a back-seat in a genuine interest of implementing proper trains into the game. Egoistic arrogance needs to be muzzled, political activism needing to be violently purged. Trains is something other people have also desired, and I can back them up on this. Farm Simulator 22 implemented trains via modding, and same with Minecraft via Traincraft, Immersive Railroading, and ‘Create’ mod.

Denying trains is a deathwish, and people have shown they desire to rain on Red51’s game-making parade. They desire the genuine death of Red51’s game, hence their constant political activism, white-knighting, and vile behaviour. Granted, Red51 shall implement trains once everything is ready on his side. Hopefully.

– Farm Simulator 22 train mod bringing new life to a stagnating farming sim. People having a blast playing with trains, setting up train routes, and even progressing.

A forum user had the nerve to note how they had yet to see a train feature save a game, something which I had noted via Minecraft, Farm Simulator 22. As for other games? I have yet to be aware of their existence. If they hold trains, they’re popular. I’m only one person, and I can only be aware of only so much.

Rising World community always desires to self-sabotage itself, and it’s a shame it always seeks out self-sabotaging behaviours to do so. Trains are more valuable than they ever can comprehend, and with the correct trains, even uninterested gamers shall be able to play Rising World, and solely for trains. Even with the activism going on in the forums people shall curiously experiment with trains in Rising World.

– Minecraft – Various, numerous train mods only skimming the surface of the vastness of how people admire trains. TrainCraft, Railcraft, Immersive Railroading, Create mod, and numerous others I have yet to be aware of. Old and new, Western and Asian; Japanese.

Rising World, you’re genuinely missing out, and it’s the forum user’s fault for always self-sabotaging itself every chance they’re able to do so. I’m aware Red51 is gradually working his way towards these features, and it shall genuinely be glorious once he’s able to push those, and the highly anticipated train feature out, forever changing how Rising World is played. I can’t wait to see trains shut up my vile critics, and Left-Leaning political activists residing in the main & steam forum side of things. People don’t see what I see, and even intentionally so, in regards to discredit me, mentally manipulate me, and to also ‘character assassinate’ my own person. Everything I say is invalid only because I, myself, brought it up, and not them. If they mentioned what I had mentioned it would be 100% factually correct, something which it is regardless. What I’ve stated is factual, and valid.

Rising World genuinely deserves more than what it’s being currently treated with. But I understand, Rising World forum users would much prefer to hate and deny anything because it’s “hip and cool” to do so, like the hipsters that they are in that negative context. They disliked me noting such, knowing full well I’m correct on that statement. They rather be “hip and cool”, not a genuine gamer of Rising World, or on the topic of trains. Topic & gaming saboteurs.

– Minecraft – Japanese train mods of varying types.

Lastly, it goes without saying, for the train feature to appropriately accepted, it needs everything it needs to function. Straight and curved, turning, and all sorts of other necessary track variations; Crossing, and covered types, station accessories, and even the necessary train cars to go along with them, mainly of the cargo variety. The various gondolas carrying the overly vast amount of cargo space, more than what your typical storage chest shall ever contain.

To really hit a sweet spot, aim for Japanese trains. Aim for local JR model trains, bullet trains, and even those of which travel on the outskirts of Japan. Japanese train nerds admire those, and they always hit the sweet spot, copyright willing. Can always obtain a copyright free asset. Hopefully.

If there is a will, there is always a way. Excuses are a sign people are lazy, and/or stupid. Those with a drive always push through to the finish line, and even beyond.

– Infinite Rails – A recently announced game with trains, various biomes, and an infinite world. It’s an indie game, a sand-box train game. (Made aware of this in March 2025; Edited into this train section.)

I was made aware of this game thanks to a Youtube recommendation making note of this game. The YouTuber playing a demo of the game, something which I promptly done myself. I fiddled with things, played around with others, and it is mostly what I desire from Red51, and I trust in Red51 to handle trains properly, especially with what he had noted for trains. Sadly, I can’t trust him when it comes to Left-Wing political affairs, I however can trust him on these train issues. This game fills in a void both Minecraft & Rising World both fail to currently fill in, something modded Minecraft (Immersive Railroading) had to do themselves. Modders have to do everything, developers doing the bare minimum, or nothing. Granted, Red51 is trying, and I respect indie developer game-making stress. And yes, I’m well aware ‘Infinite Rails’ is insanely ‘Early access’, at least you can tell where it’s desiring to go. It clearly tells you, shows you, and I admire it for that. Expect major growing pains going forward.

Where other games fail, is where Infinite Rails (currently) works best at. It gives you a canvas, and it’s up to you how to set up your railway, your trains, and how you manage everything. Nothing is limiting, forced, or linear. Everything is where you desire it to be, even in the initial demo provided. It’s fun with deciding where to place rails, how to place them, and where to, especially in a vast, open world. Don’t make the rail lines too steep, or else your train shall fail to climb steep inclines. Everything else works in a way I expect Rising World to behave, and I hope to see similar features within Rising World.

(If Left-Wing political activists ever manage to rudely remove me from the Rising World gaming scene, I can always have Minecraft’s Immersive Railroad experience, and also Infinite Railroading. That, and the notes of their mental retardation of their constant tantrums, histrionics, and constant intellectual dishonesty.)

Mounted Moose Mounts:

– AI Art – Nier Automata of 2B Riding a Moose mount through an urban setting.

A simple request, of Asian-Japanese influences, from a game called Nier: Automata. The request was simple, if having spawned a whole slew of heated arguments by people pretending to admire the game stating everything I’ve noted about Moose mounts to be false. Even with the overly heated arguments, discrediting, and voiding-tactics, Red51 still noted he would assist in allowing players to mount any animal, including Moose via the ‘Mount plugin’, one to be released at a later date.

[Russian guy riding on a young Moose.]

– Red51 disappointed people aren’t civil, nor understanding. They’re always so vile, like diseased zombies. ‘Mounts Plugin’ was considered here, and re-confirmed on the main forum.
– Red51, thanks to other people’s vile behaviour, noted his desire to aim straight for a ‘Mount plugin’ to meet myself, and others, in the middle. A compromise. Other people are vile, and I know what I’m talking about. Red51 listened, and adjusted appropriately.

I’m sharing this out-of-spite, and because it’s a fun feature, one which only Asian games are now known to have fun with. Western people self-sabotage themselves on everything, including riding a Moose as a horse, and anything which is considered and easteregg. God forbid you have fun, I guess….

– Nier Automata – Riding a Moose. It may be difficult, and limiting (restrictive), it however is fun. Rising World would do well by implementing this, even having fun with such a feature, even outside of the ‘Mount plugin’ done as a compromise.

I can’t wait to check back in a few months to see myself sharing screenshots of my character riding on a Moose. If we even obtain such a feature/plug-in in the first place. Maybe the self-sabotage and internal forum-strife shall make a negative lasting impact on the forums, especially to the dismay of the genuine few who actually admire the game, those who aren’t CursedXistence. I pray for Deirdre, and a few others, to still genuinely admire Rising World.

– Pig wearing sunglasses.
– A purple cow based on the Milka Chocolate bar. It makes me sad when who are unaware of this are confused by this purple Milka Cow assuming it to be a mutation.
– Note the 4 ducks. They’re your reward for spending time fishing, and another easteregg feature for you to find and collect while fishing. Has yet to be implemented, something I hope to do in the near-future with a fishing feature finally added back into the game for Unity version.

Goes to show Red51 has a sense of humour, something his community fails at, and harshly. They intentionally sabotage everything Red51 does, and Red51 has to side with them, or be cancelled by their political Left-Wing activism. Germany being politically sabotaged, ‘Woke’, and ‘DEI’ centered, and all that. I feel bad for Red51, even if some slight actions are of his own fault. Germany has a loaded gun pointed at his head, forcing him to betray me both of his own decision, and of Germany’s politically charged POV. Shame. Red51 needs to keep pushing with his humour, easter-egg side of things.

3rd Person | Drone View (Camera mode):

– VRChat – Renge – Using a mirror as a selfie stick & camera. (Desktop mode; Non-VR.)

Red51, during the Java days, noted how he shall implement 3rd person mode, especially upon request by a few users. It’s been months, even years, yet still needs to find its way into Rising World. Think Skyrim, think Dragon’s Dogma, and that’s your 3rd person.

Additionally, a camera photo-mode is something Rising World would strongly benefit from. It would allow people to capture proper images, especially of their own avatars, especially with each new update, and hopefully with future modding to allow further customization. A proper camera object would be highly beneficial allowing for fun, professional, and specific in-game photography. Modern games are partaking in this far more frequency, specially with the ever-updating SCS Software ‘Euro Truck Simulator 2’ & ‘American Truck Simulator’. You hit exit, go to photo-mode, and you can snap any happy picture.

Many J-RPGs have a standard built-in photo-mode, especially in AAA Japanese game releases. Stellar Blade recently updated with such, and even Granblue Fantasy: Relink. Minecraft has a loose option when hitting the F1 & F2 keys.

– American Truck Simulator – Camera photo mode.

Never underestimate basic features. Japan, and now Korea, has taught us how necessary picture-taking is. Also look at VRChat with how people admire taking, and sharing what they have captured. All the memories contained within a simple picture, or many. It’s how you share your fun and joy in gaming.

“Big” Boats | Bigger Sailing Vessels:

– Big sailing boat – Pirate ship – Colonial Ship (Java Version, prior to Unity Version upgrade).

I only desire what Red51 had initially shared, along with one simplistic medium-range boat. He initially teased a sailing ship, one we can now obtain in various sailing games (some better than others), while missing out on the fun within Rising World itself. Refer to: Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii, an upcoming game which allows you to command, customize, and live in a sailing vessel, something Rising World is missing out on in a bigger picture.

What’s planned?

  1. Big sailing boat to be added in the future.
  2. Ability to place crafting stations & storage onto it.
  3. Customize the sails and name of the vessel(s).
  4. The potential ability to interact with smaller vessels, even scooping them up to carry them elsewhere. Think lifeboats, for safety.
  5. Crafted in segments, functions as a whole.
  6. Potential degradation in oceans needing occasional repairs. Vehicle durability.
  7. May, or may not contain cannons to defend themselves.
  8. The potential of lazily living in your house-boat without building any external structures.
  9. Using your boat as a home away from home. A moving hotel.

I’m happy with where sailing boats are going, and I genuinely praised Red51 for them when initially implemented, and the second time for when we obtained customizable banners. Having some elements of customization goes a long way of personalizing your boats to your person, such as banners and naming a vessel.

– Recently added feature allowing players to customize sails on sailing boats in Version 0.8. A much welcomed, and highly anticipated feature. More of this! The banner represents ‘The Arcticu Empire – Navy Branch’.
– Sailing ship from the game called ‘Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii’. With the way we progress in Rising World this image appears highly accurate.

Farming – Mass Crop Planting (Quality of Life fixes):

– Farming up one hemp at a time. Painful to plant, painful to harvest.

I’ve attempted to suggest a ‘QoL’ fix to allow us a tool to harvest many crops at once (seeds included), while also being able to plant many seeds at the same time. It’s simple as that! With crop failure, crop diseases, and other elements in play, certain crop tending needs to be eased up on to prevent too much frustration from occurring.

Wouldn’t mind a scythe option, or a small farming vehicle to tend to such. Even a properly themed medieval-era gadget. Anything.

Handcarts – Medieval & Modern-era Carts:

– Handcarts

It’s a simple request, and I’m certain others would feel at ease knowing they can wheel back their resources around without running fetch-quests. Carry what you need to a nearby area, work on it, and come back.

Red51 noted he desired to add these to horses (horse drawn carriages), they however failed to animate properly. Unable to provide us these handy gadgets.

Even with all the gaslighting, mental manipulation, feigned ignorance wondering why I say what I say, I still find this game a genuine ‘gem in the rough’. They can feign confusion as much as they desire, they’re only holding themselves and Rising World down. If they desire to sabotage Rising World then they shall genuinely sabotage it, even under Red51’s watch and guidance. Rising World is genuinely a great game, sadly plagued by Left-Wing political activism, ones’ also hellbent in destroying Red51’s game. Red51 has to work a stressful day job (self-noted), while also attempting to find time to deal with updating and coding for Rising World. Everything is progressing at a slower pace, with special thanks to people who have also mistreated others and myself in the community. Only those who partake in Left-Wing political activism are allowed to admire this game, and I’ve stated this previously, and I shall keep stating this. If they discover your political stance, and view you as a normal human being, they shall shun you off, and away from the Rising World community. They’ll view you as a terrorist, a vile human being, one unworthy to play a German-made game fit for Left-Wing political activists. They’ll pretend you’ve violated their family, and cold-shoulder you over their fantasy problems. It’s a shame it has to be this way, especially for such a neatly detailed game. So many great features, fun elements, all ruined by people on the forums.

– Similar to ‘Anime tourists’, you have ‘gaming tourists’. They don’t care about Rising World, but they do care about cancelling ‘Little Witch Nobeta’ for collaborating with Hololive. They hate Hololive, and they’ve done everything they could think of to cancel me off the internet, and also from the Rising World forums. Rising World forum (both fronts) community supported their vile behaviour, and they still support them, also showing why I dislike the Rising World community itself. Highly brainless, too vile, and eager to sabotage people for the whole fun of it. Fake people who fake-admire Rising World, sabotaging everything they dislike. No intelligence. This isn’t my alleged “Manifesto”, it is my feature request, and noting why certain features aren’t allowed in Rising World, all thanks to ‘bad actors’, such as these and the “home crowd” for Rising World.

I genuinely would love to see how far this game goes, though the internal and self-sabotaging may do otherwise; Undo Red51’s hard work and stressful times. It may prematurely destroy Rising World prior to the game having its fully planned features noted in both Java & Unity gaming roadmap. Red51 may be forced to give up on this game early, all thanks to Left-Wing individuals scaring away potential consumers. It’s a shame people always have to note how afraid they are of this game, something I’m hoping at least one feature – trains – shall connect with these genuinely hesitant playerbase! No joke about it. Not even in the slightest, nor naively. I’m genuine about it, especially having seen other games hype their fun and amusement regarding trains. With all the scare-tactics from other users I would hope trains would be the major saving feature normal people could connect with in this game, and for people to feel safe in Rising World again. For something for them to do, other than building, fishing, and stressing out with other features. A good train ride eases the soul, and same with riding a Moose for the whole fun of it. Games are escapism, and it should be treated as such.

Provide genuine European and Japanese trains and you’ll see trains genuinely admired, especially if treated with proper care and attention, as done to horses and boats. Seeing the constant care and attention from Japanese hobbyist always blows me away in astonishment, something Red51 and the modding scene of Rising World genuinely needs to tap into, especially for the health of Rising World itself. They’ll ignore me, and they constantly prove to me they desire the death of Rising World, we however need to keep pushing forward with whatever we can, especially trains. They always whine about “low profit”, or seeking sales & revenue, something they can easily tap into via the train feature & modification scene. It’s simply easy as that, and it’s no joke. Provided, you also provide all the necessary accessories to go along with the trains. The cars, switches, and tracks variations being the obvious accessories needed. The rest can be implemented later.

Never underestimate Japan’s admiration towards trains, especially from a digital perspective. Viewing Minecraft, and even Farm Simulator 22 notes people’s true passions, those away from Left-Wing political activism. Genuine behaviour spawns genuine results, of any element and feature implemented into a game. Trains, Moose, sailing ships, or what-have-you. Anything, really. I don’t want to see any future Red51 statements of failing profit, especially when having ignored my numerous warnings, suggestions, and recommendations from a forum-community standpoint. At this point, you’ve done this to yourself. You’ve (community) screwed yourself up.

(Side-note: I may edit other desired features at a later point. All for now.)

The Naughty List:
(Various people who have done horrible things in the community. Shall briefly note their sins, sharing the deeper sides in a proper Rising World blog posting. People pretended to be friendly, later villainizing others and myself once they realized where we leaned on the political spectrum.)

– “Enough with the histrionics!” – Marco Polo (Azur Lane).
  • Avanar: Desires Rising World, every medium, and content to be highly politicalized in a covert (if overt) manner, politically Left-Wing, Intellectually dishonest, and artificially sourced. Desires to stunt Rising World, prevent achievements from being applied to the game, has issues with Flight Simulators (prefers viewing Maps instead), and finding ways to take the fun out of everything (downer-Debby). Intentionally refuses to see the actual reality in the world, favouring ‘D.E.I’ & ‘Modern Audience’ type mediums. False illusions of assuming D.C & Marvel are the same as they were in the past; pretending they’re on par, or even a match for Anime & Manga. Is offended by the presence of KanColle & Azur Lane, especially in how both games pay their respects with German shipgirls. Afraid to be German over ‘Modern mentality” fears. Actively seeks out “low hanging fruit” in self-righteous self-gratification mannerisms in regards to political correctness; “Justice”. Punishes people in an overly lonely “teachers’ pet” mannerism. Highly manipulative. (Actively insulted and berated me on forums and my private Discord Group.)
  • Bluewind: Intellectually dishonest. Pretended to be friendly at first, later devolving into berating me on hours-on-end over a Twitter link I bookmarked for myself in an now-deleted private Discord group dedicated to Rising World. They insulted me, berated me, even after I noted I was stressed and fatigued from work. They continued to berate, and berate (on an insulting rampage) having taken advantage of after-work fatigue and stresses to further degrade me as a human. Always says – “what?” – after a serious note and conversation. Left-Leaning delusions. (I eventually deleted my own private Rising World Discord group over Avanar & Bluewind’s berating, degrading, vilifying mannerisms)… Shame.
  • Red_Baron: Falsely intellectual, and the actual meaning/definition of the word “antagonizing”, falsely having labeled me with such a term. Actively tantrumed, whined, and complained about each, and everything noted by others and especially myself. Tattle-tailed to Red51 (like a toddler) to have my threads closed after having shared “food-for-thought” conversations, such as ‘The Why Files‘ from YouTube videos on the main forums. Pretended to have a University degree, failing to comprehend my threads are simply meant to have conversations going, to ponder about possibilities, yet failed to intellectually and honestly insert themselves into these same discussions. Was highly dishonest, highly inappropriate, and very rude with the way they carried themselves. Had an incorrectly applied saying applied to me – “If it talks like a duck, walks like a duck, it must be a duck” – something which has a far truer meaning applied onto them, and others. They failed to converse intellectually, forcing Red51 to close threads, censor threads, and side with people who desire Rising World to be a political game.
  • Gopher/Yellow51 (or whatever their name is): For one, they have an identity crisis issue. They don’t know who they should be, what they should be, and support a failed game – [Your Journey of Survival] & [Profile]. Siding with those who seek to sabotage Red51, Rising World, and those who wish to have me forcefully removed from the Rising World community. Skimmed through my Twitter/X feed, voided my perspectives, and gaslighted me every step of the way since. Pretended to be of the “intellectual” variety, being anything but that. Is under a delusional perspective assuming I’m fully incorrect, knowing full well I’m in the correct. Is under the false impression that “older members” can do no harm in the community, contain no fault, and have no sin to them. Arrogance radiating from this, and other folks radiates like a stentch from centuries old, rotten, and stale cheese. (Unfollowed on Steam after being constantly gaslighted.)
  • AlphaGodith: I honestly am highly uncertain as to why they dislike me, but they do. Noted to be female, a delusional devotee of Rising World, and highly temperamental around my posts. Again, I’m uncertain. I’m going to speculate they may have anal beads shoved far up their anal canal, too far up there preventing them from being safely removed, hence their hostilities needing to be taken out on someone (being me) to make them feel better in life. They also had an [secret admirer], something which was amusing. Maybe they should consider people they converse with as humans, and not bots to worship Rising World in an unholy manner. Don’t treat this as a religious conversion. Rising World is a game, not a cult. Also, may want to take a trip to the hospital to treat your anal bead infection, if that’s the issue. I don’t know, though I’m aware there is a faux-reasoning as to why they’re “fake offended” with me. Every reasoning to hate me has been artificial, and shall continue to be artificial.
  • Enderkatze: They come off as goofy, especially with how they have this weird good-bad mood swing. One moment you can converse, the next you’re this evil villain, something to which they whine and moan about having been offended. Has a furry avatar, and with mannerisms leaning on the ‘Left-wing’ side of things. Had Red51 moderate, hide and delete posts, further censoring and disrupting the flow of conversations. Not allowed to converse with them, unless they (themselves) dictate what the conversations should be. Only they can talk about a certain topic, and nobody else. You’re not allowed to piggyback on their own topic, it’s offensive to them. Hypocritical, fragile person. I feel bad for Rising World when it comes to this person…. Highly fragile and sensitive.
  • CursedXistence: Pretends to admire Rising World. Only there to spread “The ‘Gay’ word”, something even real-world gays & lesbians have actively voted against. The real ones desire to be disconnected from real world political activism. It’s always the fake ones who are the loudest and the most corrupt. Desires to inject ‘D.E.I” (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion) in to Rising World and other games, aware doing such things instantly destroys games. Many games to prove this…. Pretended to be a friend to me, eventually vilifying me as if I’m going to bomb their house, or something. Deranged behaviour. Their intellectual dishonesty is now marked and noted, especially with the whole world to see (especially by God). I may not be religious, even God may be peeved with their victim-playing acting routine. Red51 may allow him to be actively retarded (even noted to behave himself in DMs by Red51), their dishonesty preventing such. Desires to taint any, and every good will within the actual genuine ‘Gay’ & ‘Lesbian’ community, one which is disconnected from CursedXistence’s viewpoints of their own artificial viewpoints of ‘Gay’ & ‘Lesbianism’. Desires me “forever banned”, pretends to care about Rising World, and is on a corrupted mission to convert folks into their own weird grand delusional world. (I feel bad they’re this brainless, they however chose to be this stupid and petty). Initially claimed I “slandered” them, considered blowing up their house, spreading alleged falsified information, desired to violate their family, rape their dog, and other victim-playing nonsense. They blame others of their own sins, possibly outting themselves of their own past wrong doings. Hypocritically nonsense. They proudly beat their chest in pride when actively playing the victim with (or had done so initially), something football-soccer players actively do on a professional level. They gain pleasure when they can claim someone is “transphobic”. Creepy. They actively vilify myself and others for their own victim-playing narrative, actively seeking pity over fake “transphobic” happenings, something Red51 bought into, which now taints Rising World. Shame. Stirs up problems, pretends myself and others are the problem, and falsely (in a hollow manner) apologizes in an artificial mannerisms. Any apology coming from this individual is hollow, and shall always be hollow.
  • No Edge No Point/Vox/Natural Selection/Aristupidity/Cloud075 (and many other burner accounts): A Rising World gaming tourist, one who isn’t interested in Rising World, yet happily accepted by Red51 to sabotage his own game. Noted as female, destroyer of all innocent-male desires, abuser of the mentally handicapped (in their home nation), and a collector of many male dick genital pictures. Has a whole archive/folder full of male genitals on their computer to blackmail other guys with. Hates ‘Little Witch Nobeta’, desires to kill/destroy/harm Hololive members having collaborated in LWN game, and blackmails each and everybody over their own highly delusional perspective in life. They behave as any moron does when destroying Anime, and is an active Anime-gaming tourist. Stalks, harasses, and twists wordings to destroy many people’s lives on the internet. (Sidenote: I allowed them to have false victories to pretend they’ve won. They fail to realize there is a thing called work; newer video games, Anime, and other interests to make note of). They’re the slut of the internet, and may contain nasty ranges of sexually transmitted diseases, as noted by other users sharing concerns over under-age activity (via Discord), perverted activity of male genitals being distributed on the internet (without consent), and hostile activity on the internet. They’ve been actively banned on Steam & Discord (few stints at a time) for their stalking behaviour of my account and other deranged behaviour on other folks. They’re highly hostile in nature in desiring to see me removed from Steam forums (and whoever else they desire to harass), falsifying my behaviours to fit their deranged narrative. Harassed my friends to obtain more information about me to use against me. The most low-IQ, deranged, and idiotic person I’ve dealt with. I’m still highly amused of their posting about me on Reddit on r/inceltears. Proves me correct on every account about how useless they are, and how I’m actually still highly superior over them. Their victory over me is simply false. I allowed them to win. 😉

Now, if Red51 still sides with these users then he shouldn’t complain about his game faltering, failing, or losing steam. He shouldn’t complain, whine, and moan about his wallet lacking funds. He chose to side with the latter half, allowed others to boot off the more genuine players, and failed to protect those who actually treated his game with respect; Failing to keep Weemcast, VortacVideos, and others attracted to his very game. Red51 needs to do a necessary clean up in both his game, and his own community. Users desiring “Forever bans”? Dishonest. That’s what you call – “gaming tourists” -, and that’s what the Anime community has pestering various Anime titles & franchises on a daily basis; People pretending to admire something they otherwise wouldn’t care about. Political propaganda reigns supreme, and those who are genuine are punished, hence my fears of Rising World’s futures. Karma eventually catches up to those who actively sin. How long will it take for Rising World to face its own issues, that’s something I’m genuinely curious about.

This is the “thanks” I get for purchasing a new computer (XP to Windows 10) in 2015 to play Rising World (Windows XP wouldn’t allow it), and I also pitched in for Red51 to have his new keyboard. I’m a villain to Red51, Rising World, and these false players of Rising World. Nice hospitality. Very nice hospitality!

(Yes, I’m still friended with Red51, and I hope Red51 proceeds with actual honesty, not artificial wordings and falsehoods. Just make Rising World as the best as you can make it. I gave Red51 many benefits of the doubt, and I hope he stays true to actual honesty. I hope he doesn’t hide behind intellectual word barriers, as many other people have done in a very ‘red-herring’ mannerism.)

Pardon my language, but I want to fucking play the fucking game. Just Rising World, with (Anime-themed) modding, and whatever Red51 promised on his roadmap for Rising World. But no, we have to deal with hostile and fake political idiocies, retardation, and deranged behaviours. I feel bad for people who actually (genuinely) admire the game, now forced to curse at those ruining Rising World for other people, all because they hate me, view me in false lights, and desire to see the world burn. Burning statues, berating truckers, sabotaging religious sites around the world, preventing people from having festive holidays, and etc. Shame…. What a major fuck up….. I’m disappointed in Rising World, with Red51, with those who genuinely wronged me, and failed to guide Rising World to where it genuinely needs to be. Fucking jackasses……. Community members always whine and moan about how much Rising World can’t perform better. Maybe if you drop your political Left-Wing activism, witch hunting, and actual antagonizing, maybe Rising World shall actually perform better, especially in ways Eastern Asian games have performed. Drop the political narratives, focus on actually making a game, and stop being a professional victim. But seriously, how in the living fuck can you fuck things up this fucking badly?! How can you fuck this up so much, especially when viewing how Asian games are honest. HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU FUCK THIS UP?! This badly?! I know why, and it’s Left-Wing political nonsense. Destroying games over Left-Wing political activism. This, especially when I gave Red51 easy answers on how to make his game attractive, appealing just as much as high-performing and earning Asian games; Tips on how to be as successful as Asian (Chinese-Korean-Japanese) made games. I gave him easy tips and answers…. But no, he has to be needlessly cautious by pretending to care about a gaming fanbase that actually doesn’t care about him….. His out-of-date survey, people who hate survival gameplay in his game, and always desire to filter, censor, or neuter some sort of feature in his own game.

Fucking dipshits…… How the fuck can you fuck such a simple thing up……. It honestly baffles me how people can be intentionally this brainless, this moronic, and this self-sabotaging all because of their inflated artificial self-worth. It…… Baffles me……. Yes, they have to tow a political message, and for “the modern audience”, but how can you be this braindead?!…….. Holy fuck……….. I can’t wait for my “having the last laugh” moment. I’m fully well aware I’m factually and realistically in the correct here, and nobody can gaslight that fact for me. I can’t wait for my “having the last laugh” moment. Self-sabotaging pieces of shits.

(I digress. The nitty-gritty, with screenshots, shall be shared at a much later date. Other, more important, things to admire until then. Chinese, Korean, and Japanese mediums, for example. Asian nations doing what Western nations fail to do, something I had hope Rising World would be able to do, hence these “feature requests”.)

Thanks for viewing, and hope to see Rising World stay afloat with actual proper players playing the game, and not Left-Wing political activism killing their own German-created game. If Red51 desires to sabotage his own games, then I guess that’s also up to him. It’s been nice knowing you, and your game. o7

Stay honest, and be true to your actual self.
“Honesty is your best policy.” 😉