Japanese Admiration – Positive & Negatives:

– JS Izumo at Yokosuka, Japan (February 18, 2024).

I figured I would finally document, note, and share why I admire Japan, what I admire of Japan, and what I also dislike about Japan. A friend also encouraged me to make a video Vlog of why I admire Japan, something I haven’t done, to which I would go in-depth of what makes Japan highly magical to me. I’ve constantly admired Japan, especially from 1990’s, and into 2024+. I’ve always admired Japan, seen it rise and fall in various areas, as well as follow Japan through various trends. It’s only fair I make note of how, and why I admire Japan, and what makes it highly appealing to me. Initially, I was only a “window-observer” of Japan, now having two Japan trips under my belt; two first-hand experiences of both Japan, and those who treat Japan in different manners. Through 2000-2020’s I was always left out, even left behind as others traveled to Japan prior to my visit, even boasting how they beat me to Japan. Some even taking advantage of programs I was fully unaware of, only becoming aware of after the fact. I was totally sidelined, and stepped on which also has me annoyed with various people. Other people always hijacking everything, and that annoys the heck out of me.

Prior to my heightened interest in Japan (all prior to 2006), I was firmly fixated on Slovakia, and how far more “common-sensed” Slovakians were, especially when compared to Canada. Anything European, anything Asian, and anything with firm common-sensed traditional values always held a strong place in my heart. It was how I was raised, and it’s how I view the world, and why I also gravitate so strongly to Japan, even if the Japanese locals may, or may not, see my strong gravitation towards traditionalism. Sure, Japan isn’t perfect, nor is Slovakia, or even Canada. Every nation has their flaws, and every nation is different.

I’m a proud Canadian, born and raised, yet constantly reminded how I’m not allowed to be connected to my Canadian upbringing. Sure, my family and relatives were of Slovakian blood, I’m however of Canadian birth, and should have been valued as a real Canadian, something which isn’t all that highly valued in Canada. Being Canadian, and proudly Canadian, is shunned; frowned upon by Liberal-political activism. Fireworks, bus & train transportation, and basic standards of living are frowned upon, also allowing me to gravitate towards more traditional European and Japanese values. Ottawa journalists-in-training always went out of their way to sabotage Slovakian’s far more cemented, reliable tram and bus routes, something they themselves failed to implement. I simply desire to admire the actual real way of living and admiring the world around you, not the Ottawa way of sabotaging those around you, hence why I initially gravitated towards Slovakia, and then (now) Japan.

Japan Trip – 2023:

[Day 1] – [Day 2] – [Day 3] – [Day 4] – [Day 5] – [Day 6] – [Day 7] – [Day 8] – [Day 9] – [Day 10] – [Day 11] – [Day 12] – [Day 13] – [Day 14] – [Day 15] – [Day 16] – [Day 17] – [Day 18] – [Day 19] – [Day 20] – [Day 21] – [Day 22] – [Day 23] – [Day 24] – [Day 25] – [Day 26] – [Day 27 & 28] – [Day 29] – [Day 30] – [Day 31] – [Day 32] – [Day 33] – [Lumix GF1]

Japan Trip – 2024:

[Day 1] – [Day 2] – [Day 3] – [Day 4] – [Day 5] – [Day 6] – [Day 7] – [Day 8] – [Day 9] – [Day 10] – [Day 11] – [Day 12] – [Day 13] – [Day 14] – [Day 15] – [Day 16] – [Day 17] – [Day 18] – [Day 19] – [Day 20] – [Day 21] – [Day 22] – [Day 23] – [Day 24] – [Lumix GF1]

The Positives of Japan:

– Yokohama, Japan (2024).

There are many great things to admire in Japan, and I mean a great-many deal of things, especially of common-sensed, ones which are intentionally poorly handled in the likes of Canada. Europe is able to far-exceed these, more so with Japan, yet Canada fails on many of these, especially over it’s constantly political, Liberalism, and tardy mannerisms.

  • Japanese trains and railways being highly efficient. They’re able to transport you anywhere, at any time, to any place you desire in Japan. Mostly everywhere, except the deeply rural areas. Japanese trains are nearly God-like in their status in japan, especially by train-nerds (otakus) chasing trains down, even finding themselves in highly dangerous situations. Various trains were also stalled by over-enthusiastic train-nerds in their high-desire of obtaining the “perfect shot” for a picture. I also admire Japan’s JR Trains, especially those not affiliated with ‘Japanese Rail’. Everything trains, in Japan, allowed me to visit everything Japan, and I admire everything train. I could easily turn into a Japanese train Otaku, if I haven’t already, with how genuinely heavenly the Japanese train experience is. Where Canada fails, Japan wins. (I also admire Bratislava, Slovakia’s tram lines. Far more reliable than Ottawa, Canada’s transportation routes.)
  • Japanese Rail – Station Bell Chimes & Jingles: These melodic station jingles are simple, yet highly effective at notifying the passenger of where they are, when the doors are closing, and provide auditory cues (also for the blind) as to where you are. They still echo in my mind, and they’re highly nostalgic. They’re tuned in a way making each jingle & chime very memorable. I love Japanese train station jingles! The chirps, the melodic chimes, and the neat announcement. It’s the small things I admire of Japan. Respect!
  • Convenience stores (7/11, FamilyMart, Lawson, Ministop, Seicomart): Japanese Konbini are true to their meaning, and actually handle as they should. Japanese Konbini/Conbini actually provide for your needs, something North American Konbini fail to handle. What would be a death-wish in North America is a life-saver in Japan, and much more. Konbini are your life-blood in Japan, and without then, the death of Japan. A perfect spot to sort out your money, grab food and supplies, keep warm in cooler climates, and to tackle your bills, and other daily necessities. I’ll happily pig out on Japanese Konbini food, it’s far healthier than various Canadian foods. Let me eat more!
  • Heated toilets: I haven’t hyped them up much, they however are a major game changer. They make North America appear third-world with how technical, warm, and sophisticated toilets are. You only gain plain seat covers in Canada. These automated, heated toilets are a major game changer for being pre-heated for you to use any time of the day. Even at night, or during cold periods. Japanese heated toilets have also been known to sexually arouse people, especially finding new sexual kinks in their personality, as also noted by a few JAV females pleasuring themselves unintentionally with the bidet. There are also comic-strip jokes of foreign males going to Japan, even marrying Japanese toilets for their special sensual experiences.
  • Artistic Scenic Beauty: Various places are known to be both artistically, even poetically decorated bringing out brighter charms in their area. Certain places may be themed to Anime, others to local town themes, or with various physical decorations to further allow certain areas to stand out. Japan goes above-and-beyond when it comes to scenic beauty. Not always, if mostly. Certain areas may have lights on trees, Anime collaboration themes, or KanColle themed decoration, or year-round static artistic touches further brightening up the area for both locals and tourists to admire. Various Japanese settlements, if willing, can be far more heavenly than even the most tourist-heavy areas simply by installing/placing various decorations.

Not my video, it however notes Japan Rail station departure jingles/melodies.

– Video – Not my video; Noting various departure JR melodies.
– Video – Not my video; Secondary “back-up” video noting these departure JR station jingles/melodies. I miss these a lot! Very memorable.
– Video – Not my video; Third, and final JR Station departure “back-up” video.
– Ramen in Akihabara (2024)
– Shibuya!~ (2024)
  • Food is heavenly (Ramen is great!): Goes without saying Japan has some of the best food, and obviously in Japan. Their ramen is awesome, especially if it doesn’t make you run to the restroom in the 20 minutes you had initially consumed it. I admired each, and every Ramen food I ate. Same with varying rice dishes, how I had a female Japanese server respectfully, formally bow to me in Yokohama (2023) while eating Ramen, to the surprise of other rude, obnoxious white foreigners. They were surprised, I was secretly proud, if highly exhausted from my Yokohama adventure, sightseeing the ‘Moving Gundam’ prior to its removal. I have my regrets, I however wish I thanked her for the overly formal, graceful bow, the ramen. I went back the next day, she wasn’t there. I however admired other Japanese food, even Konbini, Oysters in Sapporo, and whatever else I was able to manage to eat. Japanese food is genuinely enjoyable, and I admire both the traditional, and fast-food type foods; Supermarket foods. Everything is good, and I admired it.
  • Accessible Food Restaurants On Every Block: There is something for anyone, especially in an arms reach. Simply because I’m not Japanese, and I’m unaware of what’s where, I had to guess as to where the good stuff was both in person, and through Google Maps. Food joints are everywhere, and anywhere, all within reach. Simply turn a corner and you’re set for your meal during the three meals-of-the-day. It obviously goes without saying that being more in-tune with food joints in your area is far more rewarding than simply being ignorant. There’s always something for everyone. Granted, some places are fed up of stupid foreigners risking a chance they may reject you, they however have great accessible food.
  • Always Something to Do: There is always something to do in Japan, and I admired each adventure I had. Half of my adventures related to museums, the other half to Japan itself, with even those branching off into Anime, KanColle, Azur Lane, and other fun adventures. Japan prides itself on having a good adventure, something you’re easily able to do, especially with the ease of Japanese Rail, domestic airline routes, and even via Ferries (something I have yet to do in Japan. You can hike up a mountain, or take train rides to important places, or simply venture to Anime-influenced areas. Japan is your oyster, and there is always something to admire. If you’re bored then you’re not looking in the correct areas. There is *always* something to do, you simply have to know, and be tuned into the correct mentality to do so.
  • Japan’s Admiration of their own Navy: It’s honestly both interesting, if curious, how Japan prides itself on its own navy. Kantai Collection (internet & arcade game) allows you to connect with real-world vessels in human-female form (anthropomorphic) armed with their warship parts attached to their back. They fight their enemies using these down-scaled parts whatever foes come across them in hostile waters. It’s thanks to Anime historical games like these, it’s honestly no wonder they wholeheartedly pride themselves in both their navy and their Japanese nationalistic pride. They aren’t afraid of being true to themselves, even if it may accidentally blind them in the process. They admire their navy, their Kantai Collection game, no matter how flawed their game is. Granted, other Japanese have fled from the game, not those who have a real-world military background, or surrounded by military influences. Japanese are far more honest and true, more than Germany shall ever be with their own navy. They flee in terror, afraid of their past engagements in war, something Japan turned more into a hobby, national pride, even priding Germany’s naval accomplishments for them.
  • Ink Stamp Collection: It’s honestly great seeing Japanese partake in little things, especially in domestic stamp rally collection. Every major attraction containing ink stamps, ones you can place into your stamp book to collect, similar to an actual mailing stamp collection. You can proudly show off your collection to others, Japanese and locals alike. I have to thank Y’s Cafe, in Kure, for encouraging me to go around collecting stamps, especially in places I had already been to, revisiting them on numerous occasions for additional stamps. Japan is big on collecting, and I admire Japan for that. A simple activity like this is far more appealing, making me wish Canada would invest in something similar for their own adventures.
  • Unfiltered Japanese Games Are the Best: Whether it be arcade, or those for PC & consoles, Japan simply makes some of the best video games out there. Their racing games are some of the best, and especially with their numerous J-RPGs. The numerous safe and R18 games are to be genuinely valued, even held at a sacred status for how well crafted these games are. They’re far more advanced than any Western games, and it shows. They have awesomely crafted characters, sexy characters, highly-researched vehicles and settings, for-fun, and all sorts. Everything is make for the actual “fun” and “entertainment”. Sadly, the Liberal-Western political world desires to censor, sabotage, and ruin everything, especially to national-shaming values knowing full well at how superior Japanese games are to Western games. Liberals dislike how Japan admires the female form, especially from a traditional point-of-view, forcing Japan to gradually erase the feminine form in the digital world (no wonder why Japanese females are being actively raped in the real world) to the point only males and Trans-Gender “males” are allowed both in the world, and Western-influenced video games. No females allowed, too transphobic, racist, and sexist, especially from a Western point of view. The way Japan admires their game, even respectfully caring for them with dignity and care, reselling them nearly in ‘brand-new’ conditions. Everything Japanese make in gaming form is “for fun” and actual entertainment, and it usually is accepted in high regards solely for Japan’s care, attention, and creative processes. The visual attraction of Japanese games, of all genres, is their selling point. Their deep story-telling, intriguing plots, teaseful (relatable) characters, gimmicky-worthwhile features, and poetic soundtracks. Everything gaming is of deep investment.
  • Anime is Bliss, Anime Is Life: Everything Anime is bliss, even the low-tier Anime. Japan has been known in breaking the boundaries, ones Americans have attempted in replicating, if failing horribly, to the point it puts American mediums to shame. Characters of all sorts (realistic, to overly perverted), of any genre, of varying art styles, and music made with absolute passion and care. Actual orchestras, professional musicians, singers, artists all work to make as-perfect product as possible. Various Anime are also propped up to national patriotism, or even the very backbone of Japan itself. From sexy female characters, memorable characters from Ghost in The Shell, racing Anime (Initial D), mecha Anime (Gundam), and etc. Anime is what makes Japan awesome, and Liberal-Political America hates Japan for its freedom, creativity, and constant mockery of mental retardation of the Western world. Anime tells things as it desires, as they actually are, and also respectful fantasy-related settings. Anime is what modern-American (Western) mediums can no longer compete with, hence the VISA/Mastercard sabotage to undo everything Japan in the world.
  • Japan Animefies almost everything: Almost everything. When allowed, and if able, various locations, stores, and food places decorate itself with Anime influences attracting a major uptick in ‘Anime nerds/otakus’ to visit the location. Any Anime, any Japanese & Chinese game, and anything aimed to the Anime crowd shall find itself collaborating with said IP, selling, and lightly (or heavily) turning into what they’re promoting. It’s highly amusing, if somewhat frustrating to the staff members, as I had found out with KanColle, Blue Archive, and even Hololive. Some are neutral, others simply “accept it”, or go full blast. It all depends on the person. I find Japan far more interesting with the various Anime influences, especially in how it “beautifies” areas, possibly to the annoyance of stiff locals unable to see certain benefits. Visual benefits. Anime-influenced collaboration is a life-blood of Japan, if in (and from) a certain perspective. It allows certain places to stay beautiful; To feel full of life and enjoyment. From people from suiciding, such as blood banks, something Left Wing political activism has shunned. You rarely see any North American mediums being respected in the real-world as Japanese mediums are found to be respected, also noting how boring North America can be.
  • Japanese Employees Are Overly Helpful: I was genuinely surprised, shocked to find out helpful various Japanese staff members were of varying professions. Not always, if “most-of-the-time” moments. Some Konbini staff were disconnected, but outside of that everybody was always helpful, overly kind, even going above-and-beyond their pay-grade to help with anything. From Japan Staff, Japan Rail, and anybody. The best experience, especially for those treat the Japanese with kindness in return. Less common in Canada, if still present. Find the right person, treat them respect, and they shall go above their pay-grade to assist you. Not always, less to than Japan, but it does happen. Japan is more magical for how far more willing the Japanese locals go, all because they’re a high-trust society, and they desire you to see the best of Japan. Sadly, foreigners take their kindness for granted, sabotaging everything they touch.
  • Mascots everywhere! Japan has mascots for every product, every organization, and every transit network. Japanese locals relate more to mascots than they do anything else, and it’s cute. Every city, town, village has a mascot, and they’re lovable. You’ll be sure to run into a mascot of some sort, and you’ll love each, and every moment of having done so. Everything has a mascot. Every company, station, organization, and business has a mascot, and it genuinely attracts people to their products.
  • General Population Can be Overly Helpful: Not always, they however can be far more helpful than usually expected, 90-95% of the time. They’ll stand with you, aiding you, guiding you. They’ll attempt to make sense of what you’re doing, even if they have to miss a train to do so. I do feel bad on missing the train part, they however do guide you to the fullest of their ability. Granted, not always, if mostly. A high 95% chance. There are those who are afraid, desire nothing to do with you, or are in far too much of a rush to even bother. There are those who actively watch you, actively deciding to themselves if they should aid you, especially observing how you navigate through various Japanese hurdles. I’ve also had a random Japanese male come up to me, guiding me through Peach (airline) machine to check-in, guiding me. I, sadly, came too early, though found him far more helpful than the female Peach airline staff in Osaka (2023). This male surprised me, even being highly friendly.
  • Trains and trams are everywhere, even in cities which appear to not need it: It genuinely surprised me, shocked me at how efficient Japan is with its tranportation. Yes, I’ve already hyped Japan Rail, this however notes I’m genuinely shocked, surprised to find trains where one usually wouldn’t find any, especially in more “outwardly” towns, settlements, etc. Running through the town, even linking back up to other major hubs. This is what makes Japan so special, also for it’s active connectivity. And for those without trains, or trams, are linked with efficient buses, and they’re also highly welcomed. Far more accessible than other places in the Canadian region.
  • Store – Everything at your fingertips (accessible): Japan makes it fairly easy allowing everything to be accessible, whether by train, or retail. Everything is at your fingertips. Sure, maybe you need to hop on a bus, or by tram, train, or walk a fair distance, everything is however more-or-less accessible. If you can’t find a grocer, you at least have a Konbini, or even a local equivalent at your access. Desire something more hobby related? R18 related? They have your backs. Anything hobby related is easily accessible, and highly cherished, treated with utmost respect.
  • Japanese Females are actually “female”: I say this, because Western females have become fairly masculine, unattractive, rude, bratty, and almost every other negative label they’ve actively desired to collect for their negative behaviour in the world. Japanese females actually appear feminine, and that’s attractive, and a win. As noted, one even bowed overly respectfully, formally for me in Yokohama in formal politeness to enjoy the Ramen. I was overjoyed, even if I failed to show it in return. Others treated me as human, something Western females have refused, or even struggled to do so. If a Japanese girl is a girl, she behaves like a girl. If she’s a woman, she’s a woman, and nothing of the Western sort. Sure, they keep to themselves, or they may converse with you. They actually treat you more of a human, more than what Western females have refused to treat others as. Japanese girls/woman/females are actually attractive, visually pleasing, modest, even if they hide their more perverted, nefarious, crazy side behind their modesty, also dictated by their traditional cultural values. Granted, you have Japanese females of all types, such as high-class, low-class, normal, hikkikomori, otaku, silent, loud, etc. They’re all in Japan, and they’re actually biologically female! Win! Genuinely feels highly rewarding to converse with them, if you do, as I had done with a few.
  • Japan’s north has actual winter: I was genuinely shocked, surprised to find out how brutal winter can be for norther Japan, especially those in the Hokkaido region. The snow squalls, wind-storms, snowfalls, and how much snow they actually obtain was a genuine surprise to me, especially from a Canadian standpoint. How they handle snow is actually highly interesting, and it was genuinely entertaining fighting with the strong wind gusts.
  • Sapporo’s Winter Festival: I was honestly amazed how much Sapporo prides itself in snow sculptures, ice sculptures, and does it far more proudly than Ottawa does in Canada. Sapporo’s Winter Festival actually has massive sculptures, bigger displays, and actual Anime displays, something Ottawa itself could learn from. I’ve had a far better winter experience in Sapporo than I had in Ottawa. I’ve always felt guilty in Ottawa, and right at home in Japan, even if I was a tourist. I actually enjoyed viewing the Blue Archive display, Gundam SEED Freedom display, and even those Sapporo Station related. Sapporo showed me how a true, real, proper winter festival is actually held. I sadly wasn’t able to connect with the locals on the Anime side, I however had fun regardless. An unforgettable experience.
  • Japan is a walkable nation with many walkable settlements: It honestly surprised me how walkable Japan is, especially in various, and numerous cities. It’s honestly no wonder why the Japanese locals are insanely fit, skinny, and in modest attire. They’re able to go to any retail outlet, any points of interests, museums, and other areas with ease, and without cars, simply by walking, a short tram/train ride, or even a proper train ride across the nation. No sitting in a car being lazy, though there are tons of cars regardless. Japan is insanely accessible, and you can go almost everywhere you desire. It’s great! Under that bridge in Ueno? Sure. To that tower? Sure. Walking from one JR station to the next is roughly 20 minutes. One could walk the whole train route, or even loosely exercise while in the various JR Stations. You’re always staying healthy one way or another.
  • Japan’s Manhole covers are decorated: It’s honestly amazing how far Japan goes in decorating their manhole covers, even with regional emblems you can obtain as stamps. Some covers are also extravagantly decorated, especially in warmer climates, allowing you to admire them in more detail, such as the Yamato manhole cover (as shown below).
  • Lost Property is returned to you: If you ever lose something, or misplace something, it shall eventually find its way back to you. I forgot my phone in a hotel lobby on my first night in Japan, to which it was tagged, eventually returned to me after I’ve realized I’ve misplaced it in my jet-lagged state. Staff kindly, swiftly returned my phone to me back in 2023. Umbrella was forgotten in Asakusa café, also returned to me once I realized. Was a rainy day. Other people noted having their wallets (full of cash) returned, and other possessions. You can freely leave your belongings around, just as long as you aren’t near any Chinese & Koreans willing to steal your possessions on the Bullet train, or other tourist hot spots. Yes, Japanese are known to steal stuff, that’s however far down the list of things to worry about. It’s always foreigners doing the bulk of the damages in Japan.
– Hakodate’s manhole cover, one you can also obtain in stamp form in a nearby tourist center, and other areas. (2024).
– Kure, Japan – Yamato & Musashi manhole cover (in colour) – (2024)
– Hakodate 7/11 Konbini. (2024)
– Canadian Royal Navy represented in Kure’s military museum. Canadian pride! (2024)
– Gachapon machines, as far as the eye can see! (2024)
– Tokyo Station (2024) – Best experiences here.
– Tokyo Station, a reminder you’re allowed to be travel in Tokyo, and around Japan without restraint. You’re allowed to be a normal human being, and it’s not “racist”, “transphobic”, nor “sexist” to do so. It’s simply a normal thing to do. (2024)
– Japan ink stamp collecting in 2024, as I’ve done in 2023, and I’m thankful and grateful to the Japanese locals for encouraging me to do so in Kure, Japan. To admire Japanese culture at a more finer point, something I initially brushed off in arrogance on my first arrival in Japan, in 2023.
– Genshin Impact collaboration for Tokyo Skytree. (2024)

Japanese Locals Encourage Respectful Photography:
Maizuro to Tango-Yura: A train conductor encouraged me, waving me closer to the window, to take proper images and videos from the window. I was simply being polite, if highly awkward.

– Yokosuka – Mikasa Mall (2023) – Themed to normal Mikasa museum ship, and also to Azur Lane’s Mikasa. KanColle and Azur Lane both live in Yokosuka.

Yokohama – Mikasa Mall:
After an awkward encounter, I was later encouraged in capturing more photos of the store’s Azur Lane Vaneltines Day collaboration, documenting it. Sadly, not to its fullest. I snapped pictures, just not as much as I should have. I even had Japanese locals priding themselves on their specially designed Azur Lane VISA/Mastercard credit card. I was genuinely amazed, sadly appearing as if I wasn’t with the limited Japanese I knew. I wish I was able to converse more.

– Mikasa Mall (2023)
– Japanese Navy Curry. (2023)

When the Japanese are genuinely proud, they proudly show it, and I admire that:

Disregarding the whole toxic “loyalism” for KanColle, Azur Lane, or anything, I genuinely do admire when the Japanese are true to themselves. It’s something I’m unable to obtain from my fellow Canadians, and anybody Western. I have Liberals pretending to admire Busou Shinki, KanColle, or anything Japanese, solely for tribalism (Tribal-Mentality) in their attempt to “fit in”, or seek out “clout points”. It’s all for show, and not genuine. The way I’ve seen Japan handle their hobbies is how a kid would, and I genuinely, fully admire that. I admire when a Japanese local puts their heart into something you can see genuine, uncorrupted, results from their true passion. They genuinely admire their hobbies!

The admiration for KanColle and Azur Lane are the same! I’ve seen the same amount of happiness, pride, and enjoyment. Sadly, because KanColle is Japanese, and Azur Lane is Chinese, you have nationalism play a part. I view both as cake, and two delicious cakes. One is self-sabotaged, the other is shared too hastily, yet both provide their own forms of awesome entertainment. It however still honestly amazed me how much Japanese hobbyist care about what they do, rain or shine, to the point they’ll pride themselves on train images of trains running through Tango-Yura, or even warships, and fun captures. They’re simply happy to share their hobby with others, and it’s great.

Lose the “loyalist” nonsense, and let’s have fun. Let’s mix KanColle and Azur Lane together, even mixing the two together, as a true Japanese would with any hobby, including their over-obsession with trains. As aggressive as it is, at least they have a true drive, and that’s something I desire to see more from in Canada. A true, non-dictated hobby that people themselves admire. Not a friend, but their true selves admire.

– Video – Maizuru to Tango-Yura (2023)
– Azur Lane Valentines Collaboration in Yokohama (2024)

I genuinely respect Japan, especially recalling how overly polite, helpful, and kind Japanese people are. Japan behaving in ways Canada used to be, especially in 1990’s, and without the typical Canadian rude sarcasms. They help you, and they help you with all their might. I always think back to the two overly friendly Japanese mothers, one in Fukuoka Lalaport’s bookstore, and the other in Yokohama Station, both in 2024. The mother in Yokohama surprised me the most, also because she firmly insisted I stamp my book with the station’s ink stamp prior to her, even though I insisted she should. She aided me in my plastic cover fumbling, retrieving it for me. She warmly allowed me to stamp my ink stamp.

I genuinely admire Japan’s hospitality, and from all over Japan. From Tokyo, Yokohama, Kyoto, Nara, Kure, and Sapporo. Other places were a little more stiff, such as Osaka, and also Sapporo, people were however people, all doing their own thing, at their own pace, and focused on whatever profession they needed to tend to. When they care, and when they desire the best for you, they shall go out of their way to encourage you to see “the best” of Japan, and I genuinely respect that. Japan is proud of its own nation, and I admire seeing people who are patriotically proud of their nation. Makes things more magical, and I love that.

It was also noted, by both Japanese locals and Canadian locals, how rural folks always tend to be more welcoming, and that also appears to be true. I simply found Japan to be magical, almost in all the regions. Sure, I raged, vented, and even vented from my own fatigue, I however found everything worthwhile in Japan.

I was honestly surprised to see how easily one could immerse themselves into Japanese military and navy sightseeing. Sure, Japan is an island nation, it however also allowed you to view things in a more noteworthy, sightseeing, and nostalgic manner. Sometimes with KanColle, other times with Azur Lane, both being nicely Anime. I wish I could have done similar with Canada and it’s navy, and also in an Anime mannerism. Canada isn’t tuned in the way Japan is.

– Viewing Osaka Cherry Blossoms for my Birthday in Japan (2023).
– Japanese police helping me get around to find my bus station stop to travel to Fujikawaguchiko. I was painfully lost in Shinjuku Station.
– To-ji Temple, Kyoto (2023)
– Maizuru, Japan (2023)
– Japan treats & Ink stamp collection; KanColle sweat treats for KanColle’s 10th Anniversary! Thank you for the gifts! (2023)
– Tokyo Skytree – Kirby (2024)
– Yokohama Station (2024)
– Maizuru with KanColle displays. (2023)
– Yokohama – Hotel Harbour – Azur Lane Valentines Day Collaboration & Stamp Rally. (2024)
– Maizuru x KanColle collaboration & ink stamp slips. (2024)
– Tango-Yura Station with KanColle, train, and even Yura memorabilia. (2023)
– Mikasa museum ship & Mikasa in her Azur Lane AR Mode festive wear. Azur Lane hype! I admire how proud Japan is of its own history! They make everything so elegant and graceful; Repairing Mikasa’s front deck while I was there. (2023)
– Kamakura locals admiring my Shinki Renge photography. They genuinely admire stuff like this, plushies, and anything of the photography & Anime sort. I have happy memories of Japanese locals simply accepting my presence, happy Anime thoughts, and figure photography related amusements. (2023)
– Yokohama – Moving Gundam (2023) – One of the many reasons as to why I traveled to Japan, also because it was supposed to be the last year prior to its dismantling.
– Enoshima Island (2023) being highly magical, and far more dreamy in person. The initial visit was genuinely surprising, and I fully admire it then, as I do now. Reminded me of a properly made Japanese world in VRChat.
– Maizuru (2023) – I was meant to go to Maizuru, and I’m glad I had. It was suggested to me, unknowingly being a KanColle hotspot. I’m glad I was guided towards Maizuru by Nara tourist info guide female staff. Thank you!
– Sapporo Winter Festival & Ice World – Note Su (2024)
– Susukino Ice World (Mascot) – (2024)
– Sapporo (2024)
– Sapporo Street Market (End) – (2024)
– Kyoto – Kiyomizu (2023)
– Kyoto – Naganami’s Memorial – (2023)
– Kyoto Skyline (2023) – The views in Japan are great, especially from nearby mountains, observatories, and other areas allowing unobstructed view. This view is from a paid graveyard, one containing Naganami’s monument.
– Kyoto Skyline (2023) – The views in Japan are great, especially from nearby mountains, observatories, and other areas allowing unobstructed view. This view is from a paid graveyard, one containing Naganami’s monument.
– Sapporo – New Chitose – Air Do Vulpix themed aircraft.
– View from Goryokaku Tower in Hakodate, viewing Mount Hakodate (2024)
– JS Izumo docked at Yokohama (2024)
– Azur Lane Collaboration – USS Independence – Yokosuka (2023) – I also admired the flight-deck table. I had fun relaxing here, if with one possible comment made. The rest of my stay here was neat.
– Enoshima’s Shonan Monorail – Ofuna to Enoshima Station. (2024)
– Gundam Seed FREEDOM movie display (Tamashii Nation Tokyo) next to Akihabara Station (2024)
– Highly decorated advertisements of various games and Anime at Akihabara, the Anime capital of Japan. (2024)
– Japanese Shinkansen (Bullet train) from Hiroshima to Tokyo (2024).
– My second proud Ink Stamp book marking my 2024 journey in Japan. Proudly so! New friends met, new memories, and revisiting friends from 2023. Great times in Japan! I cherish these memories close to my heart, and safeguard my memories closely. Makes me happy meeting friends I’ve befriended during this visit. (2024)
– Anime memorializing Japan’s role in the war is highly cherish, especially when done poetically. Kure, Japan (2024).
– Happy memories from Kure, Japan (2024). Thank you for having me, and thanks for the ramen! 😉 (2024)
– Enoshima – Kua Aina Sandwich Shop – Burgers are actually burgers! They’re proper sizes, very filling, and what you expect of a burger. You would genuinely struggle to find burgers like these in Canada.
– Kure City Mascot (2024)
– Kure City Mailbox. Kure Mascot riding Yamato. (2024)
– Japanese JR Train themed Mailbox at Shinagawa (2024)
– Lovely decorative displays at Ueno-Station’s underground JR lines. (2024)
– Fukuoka – Daienji (2024)
– Fukuoka – Ohori Park (K-06) – (2024)
– Fukuoka – Hakata Port Tower (2024)
– Lalaport Fukuoka – Gundam RX-93FF Statue (2024).
– KanColle Arcade – Sapporo – Hamakaze & Amatsukaze Valentines Day mode. (2024)
– Azur Lane – Mutsu – Yokosuka – Valentines Day 2024 Stamp Rally event at Mikasa Cafe.
– Yokohama – Ichikakuya – Eating a lovely warm bowl of Ramen after a very chilly, windy day. Female server gave me a highly awesome, if respectful bow to enjoy the Ramen. I admired her bow, failing to show kindness in return from how cold I was. I was only wearing a sweater, and it was colder than that. I wanted to warm up. I admire how feminine Japanese females are, and I admire the overly formal bowing gesture to eat my food. I should have gestured back! (2023)

When the Japanese admire you, you will know it:

When the Japanese really admire you, they really make it known, and they do send gifts as tokens of respect to you. That is, only if you win them over, treat them as proper humans, and view Japan as properly Japan. You know, normal traditional, and common-courtesy stuff, things ‘Left-Wing’ activists have forgotten. I still haven’t forgotten the kindness the Japanese Busou Shinki community as shown me, nor the KanColle side. I’m always grateful, even if I can’t continuously show it.

– Renge doujinshi sent to me, especially with a Shinki Renge art noting my admiration of Shinki Renge by Yoshitsune Izuna.
– Gifted some more by local Tango-yura locals, and KanColle Admirals (players) in 2023. Thanks for showing me around! They’re proud of their location, their hobbies, and I fully respect that. o7

The Baffling, and the Sabotaged:

– Tokyo Station (2024) – Attempting to document ink stamp station, rudely pushed aside by a group of foreigners coming from the gate. They never asked, only assumed.

Certain things are simply out of Japan’s hands, something which tends to lay more on Western/Tourist/Foreigner side of things. Certain behaviours people were taught not to do, yet still do so anyways out of arrogance, clout, ego, or social pressures encouraging people to be the lesser version of themselves. You’re taught to be a guest in Japan, a respectful foreigner admiring the beauty of Japan, welcomed by the locals of Japan. It is taught to those who visit Japan to treat everything with great respect, to view things in an overly sacred manner (as traditional Europeans value life), and how you need to leave things as you had initially found them to be. Many foreigners/tourists have been observed disobeying, disrespecting, littering, and being rude in Japan, and that’s depressing. Trying to be our best, only to be seen as the “worst” in Japan by other bad actors ruining it for other people. Shame.

(Foreigners are guests in Japan, a guest in someone else’s home needing to be formally guided, and toured around with their acceptance.)

  • Western Political Activism & Sabotage: Many forms of Western activism have found their way into Japan, especially with R18 Anime censorship, game censorships, removal of features, and sabotage of various Anime itself (Gundam Mercury), among others. Many non-Japanese related protests (of the Western variety) have been known to cause unnecessary disruption in Japan (especially Tokyo) relating to genuine non-issues around the world. Fake protests, anti-Japanese sentiments, and false-interests into diversity, equity, and inclusion, something which has been known to simply sabotage the Western world, and now Japan. There are no profits, nor gain, in these political movements. Only harm, destruction, and social destruction, as has been proven in the vast majority of the Western world, including Australia and New Zealand. Left-Wing Feminist groups prevented a road-safety collaboration with a Vtuber from going through, instead implying they promote an increase in road safety accidents. Another similar Left-Wing Feminist group also sabotaged a blood drive in Japan over an anime character mascot (falsely assumed to be “lewd”, never was), sabotaging any goodwill from those donating blood to never donate blood again. Once the falsely accused 2D female mascot returned, people proceeded donating blood once more. It’s almost as if Left-Wing political activism kills Japan, and it’s true. Left-Wing political activism actually sabotages Japan, and obviously not in a good way.
  • Harmful Pro-Palestine Protests: Both sides are at fault in that conflict; Pro-Palestine Protesters have been found guilty of harassing tourists minding their own business, even gaslighting them into being false-abusers of their own protest groups. Rudely hijacking Shibuya, Shinjuku, Hiroshima, and other areas, all in the name social disruption, harassment, and chaos. They’ve been known to rudely insult the very nation they reside in, wishing death and harm to them – “Death to Canada! Death to U.S.A! Death to Japan! Death to Israel!” – and etc. They’ve done major harm in Europe and Canada, and shall gladly uproot Japanese lives to prove how uncivilized, ungrateful, and idiotic they are. Protesting in another person’s home while rudely disrupting people’s lives in their own nation over ideals they, themselves, should have fought themselves in their own conflict zone, similar to how various Canadians & other nationalities fought in Ukraine have done to keep Ukraine safe. Ungrateful turds.
  • Hijacking Japanese culture as their own: We’re well aware of the fact how people hijack anything they can for clout and fame, including hijacking Japan as their own. Many bloggers, Vloggers, and influencers have been found disingenuously admiring Japan solely for public attention, nothing more, and only for self-gratification of others. Tribal mentality. Some tend to be overweight (fat), others are fragile with their ego, and the rest share “anything” Japanese related in hopes others indulging in their ego-chasing fantasies. Some harm has come out of this, especially from nuisance streamers, content-farmers, and those only in Japan for “content farming”. They’re too greedy, only seeing people and Japan as currency signs for their own gains.
  • Fake Japanese: There have numerous moments and encounters of foreigners posing as Japanese to spread false information, false ideals, and to sabotage Japanese from within. People within Japan pretending to speak Japanese spreading misinformation, slander, and lies in an attempt to corrupt Japan into an ungrateful society. They don’t care what they’re preaching is false, they only care about the sabotage, destruction, and chaos they cause. Others are also known paid-actors intentionally being paid to disrupt Japanese society, further spawning distrust and disharmony amongst their own Japanese residents and others. Some accounts have been known to openly share Pro-Trudeau propaganda, Anti-Japan sentiments, and with real-world R18 NTR porn. Crude real-world porn is sometimes associated with these accounts. They would much rather see Japan burn, something which is depressing to see.
  • Fake Japanese #2 (Westerners Overtly Posing as Japanese): It’s sad to see foreigners passing off as Japanese, even imposing their own rules and ideals onto the Japanese people. If you don’t wear a mask then you’re allegedly an “terrorist”. If you don’t comply with LGBTQ standards then every Japanese must die, and those similar standards. Japan isn’t your nation, it’s for the actual Japanese born there, those of Japanese blood and heritage. They made the rules, that’s their saying, and everybody else is simply a guest. They always attempt to speak in place of the Japanese, even over-stepping their boundaries to not only agitate the Japanese, but also actual, real tourists & foreigners, those who genuinely admire Japan, desiring nothing to do with their corrupted political drivel. No fake mask mandates, no fish-placing on a taxi, no destruction of properly by tearing down statues, or anything of that sort. There have also been cases of people attempting to censor the Japanese flag solely for it being patriotic to the Japanese (A Japanese brewery noting the anti-Japanese flag incident). The nerve….
  • Foreigner/Tourist Rudeness & Sabotage: Intentional rudeness is one thing, something I’ve encountered myself as a fellow tourist in Japan. Other foreigners are simply rude, and no amount of scolding from the Japanese authorities will undo this. Maybe some, not all. Westerners are far more entitled, now more so then ever, thanks to Left-Wing political radicalization, hence why various popular tourist zones are ‘no-go’ zones for tourists as a whole. Jumping Geisha’s in Kyoto forcing various areas to be off-limits, or hijacking Japanese trains for Halloween festivities, or simply forcing your way into every place in rude entitlement. A older Spanish woman forced her way in-front of me in Shibuya (2023) to view the crossing from the Shibuya station’s window area. No apologies. Others simply forced their way in front of me at Tokyo Station (2024) to obtain stamps for their stamp book without asking if it was free. In Amanohashidate, other tourists forcing me off a sidewalk, only for meto hit my foot in a tree root causing my foot to hurt for the next 30~ minutes.
  • Fake LGBTQ Programs in Japan: Many LGBTQ groups and places are stationed in Japan, especially outside of Sapporo, and one in Osaka. Rape-towers (disguised as Gay & LGBTQ inclusion) are active, if highly hated by both locals and other tourists alike, as previously noted from a now-lost Twitter/X post noting active shame. These LGBTQ rape towers & centers spread false propaganda, and they’ve been known to be tied to genuine pedophilia, sexual violations of Japanese female locals, and other vulgar, vile behaviour. Numerous Japanese locals (both friends & strangers in Japan) have been noted in saying how they also highly dislike (hate) LGBTQ individuals violating local rules, skirting the customs, bathing in incorrect biological baths not of their own biological genders. It’s fine to bath in Japanese onsen, just as long as you discard your mental disorder by bathing in your actual biological gender, and not with your falsified mental illness. Japanese locals frown on professional victims, yet respect people who are true to their actual biological upbringing.
  • Outbreak in rise of sexual violations against female Japanese population by foreigners: There is a rising case of foreigners forcing their way into Japanese homes of lone female Japanese locals, brutally sexually violating them. Japanese female’s timid nature allows this to occur, and same with how police (by pressure of various U.S.A authorities) allow these incidents to run rampant in Japan. This is also common near US Military bases, and anywhere foreigners are encouraged to violate Japanese females. Various cases are reported, it’s however not known how many of these foreigner rapists are caught, punished for their vile crimes.
  • Morally Corrupted Japanese: There have been numerous cases of Japanese locals being morally corrupted by the Western political movements. Various Japanese locals, those who reside outside of Japan, have found themselves morally corrupted by Left-Wing activism to the point they’re disowned by not only their own general Japanese population, but also those who do not lean left in the political spectrum in the Western sphere. The more Japanese someone is, the more accepted these foreign-Japanese nationals are to their own kind. It’s also genuinely no wonder why Japanese are even “hateful” to those who also return from a foreign nation, fearful of negative ideals to corrupt their own Japanese nation. The burning of their own Japanese nation with foreign poisoned ideals. These morally corrupted Japanese have even gone as far as to shame the Japanese national flag from being proudly flown in front of retail vendors, as was the case for Canadians. Being proudly patriotic of your own nation is viewed as taboo, -phobic, and a cardinal sin by these deranged activists.
  • Hipster Hotels in Japan: Various Western-themed hotels in Japan may seem fine, and are aimed at the Western crowd, they however lean more towards the Left-Leaning political crowd. These hotels cater towards those who stir up political unrest in Japan, those who side with Pro-Palestine, and Anti-Japanese sentiments. Not outwardly, though through the people they attract by the vibe they set up in their hotels. Similar to LGBTQ rape towers towards the Japanese population, this is also down subtly, and low-key in the background. Granted, the hotel itself possibly “may” be innocent, the people it attracts, not so much.
  • Lazy Store & Staff Clerks: Japan isn’t perfect, and I’m well aware of that. I attempted to seek out how to obtain KanColle themed folders in Osaka to be initially ignored. I asked again, possibly angrily assisted. The guy may (or maybe not) have blown a fuse with me, venting at me for asking an overly simple question. Another situation being a Kyoto train station staff refusing to guide me to the proper platform when asked, other Japanese users confirmed my frustration. There appears to be rude station staff-members intentionally ignoring people in Kyoto. Third case being how a staff member for a Kyoto ticket booth knew nothing of Naganami’s memorial, even noting I should venture to another grave area. I’m glad I trusted my intuition, if taking a round-about way to get Naganami’s memorial stone.
  • Foreigners intentionally littering in Japan, blames Japan for their own Littering Issues: People were initially taught they need to bring their garbage to either, 1) An Konbini, 2) A hotel, 3) A major shopping area with a food court. Foreigners have blamed Japan for their own bad behaviours, intentionally littering, placing their garbage where it doesn’t belong, and then having the idiotic nerve of blaming Japan for it. Mainly in tourist spots. People are told, beforehand, to carry their trash to a Konbini, hotel, or the nearest shopping mall to dump your trash there! Maybe these foreigners need to swap places with the Tsunami victims of March 11th if they’re going to be this ungrateful towards Japan…. Make it make sense, because it literally doesn’t make sense how people littering is somehow (allegedly) Japan’s fault. It isn’t. Don’t be a litterbug.
  • Foreign influencers spreading falsified information about Japan: Many influencers, especially recently, have been spreading many lies and slander about Japan, also half-truths, and misinformation. Anything for clout, fame, and self-gratification. They view Japan as a content farm, especially willing to sabotage the real Japan with falsified perspectives, ones not matching Japan itself. Pretending Japan is in line with Western Liberalism, something it’s strongly opposes, yet is strong-armed into accepting. Japan, from all angles, is being bullied, pressured, and sabotaged for it’s common-sensed tactics. Forced to side with conflicts it desires to be disconnected with, forced to allow their females to be sexually violated, their media to be sabotaged and censored, and lying about Japanese mannerisms. TikTok, YouTube, and many other information-spreading platforms have no shame, willingly misrepresenting Japan, simply for Japan being genuinely honest with itself.
  • Cautiously making friends with other foreigners/tourists: I can easily make friends with tourists, just as long as they don’t hold any ill-intentions towards me, Japan, or their country of origion. The more genuine, honest, humble, and normal they are, the more likely we’re able to converse. Some people were nice to me solely for being a foreigner (walking a way from me after), or connected with me over R18 merchandise (2023), or others simply being a thorn in my side. Others threw me off, unfollowed me, or even treated me as some sort of villain forcing me to hate them in return. Other foreigners become harder to trust, especially when I have people throwing me under the bus over highly trivial nonsense, or pretend they claim ownership of Japan, or via Japan as their own kingdom. I found it far easier to converse with friends overseas than it is locally in Ottawa, or Canada. Everybody appears far more open, willing to experience new nostalgic rewards, if sometimes at the cost of betraying others over trivial nonsense. It’s a weird thing to concern myself with, hence why I always go solo. I do things when I want, how I want it, and in my way, steering away from other people thanks to other peoples’ weird betrayals.
  • Various Western News Outlets Slandering Japan: Many Western news outlets have a nasty, negative slant towards Japan, always slandering, hating, and viewing Japan as a rapist, violent nation. Everything Japanese creates is skewed as something pornographic, pedophilia, and abusive to its own national citizens. Japanese admire sabotaging Japan, even if it has to pose as a ‘pretend-Japanese’ to do so, even breaking various Japanese privacy laws to do so. Western political Liberals shall do everything in their power to turn Japan into a husk of its former self, even if it has to nuke Japan again, this time for all the wrong reasons (View the below Vice News for illegially filming in a book store).
  • VISA/Mastercard Sabotage of Japan: Visa and Mastercard have been on a political sabotaging spree removing their services from DLSite, and any other platforms they deem “harmful” to their political agendas. If it contains anything R18, allows Japanese to date amongst themselves, they’ll fully purge, up, and beyond what you can and can’t purchase in Japan, and in Western markets. Trudeau, the now Ex-Prime Minister of Canada, froze people’s bank account in support of the necessary Freedom Convoy in 2022, and this move can be done not only to Canadians, but the whole world now. JCB, Japan’s credit card company, needs to dive into areas VISA/Mastercard actively sabotaged, to regain lost goodwill and sales, and to continue to stimulate the Japanese economy. Japan needs to intervene, and the sooner the better for both Japan, and over-seas consumers. The longer this takes, the worst off Japan shall be, and the Western world along with it. You’re not allowed to admire Anime, Japanese mediums, nor Asian content for how free, expressive, and counter to Left-Wing political it is. Japanese Anime runs counter to what Western Liberalism believes in, and it will destroy Japan, no doubt about that. You won’t even be allowed to actively pray at a shrine in the near future, and that is not a joke.
– Japanese retail stores & Merchants (Akihabara 2024) – This image is in relation to VISA/Mastercard unnecessarily removing their services from businesses they allegedly deem “harmful”, especially anything Japanese, R18, and anything which aids in Japanese dating one another. Many Japanese merchants have already been hit by Western Liberal-political sabotage, especially to the point you’re unable to directly purchase from DLSite, let alone other sites. Japan is viewed as a thread, and it must be sabotaged by Western powers, also preventing proper foreigners to have necessary purchasing power in Japan, and the East.
– Osaka Castle (2023) – Trash being openly dumped at historical tourist attractions. Ungrateful tourists littering in Japan.
– Asakusa (Tokyo) – A neat side-street allowing you to venture to-and-from various areas. Sadly, you can also note garbage hidden away behind a sign, something I’ll always curse at other foreigners for doing so. I’m aware Japanese locals shall curse out against the Chinese & South Koreans for being so unkept, unclean, and trashy. They present themselves as such, hence why Japanese dislike Chinese & Koreans so much. World War 2 stuff has long boiled over, everything is simply out of pettiness and laziness now.
– Overtourism in Japan is horrible – Kamakura & Enoshima area. I’m also guilty of being amongst the stupid group, and I wouldn’t take offensive if the Japanese viewed me as “rude” for being stupid when photographing the Enoshima trains. Cars also honked at these people who were hellbent on capturing this “magical” scene. Locals are so peeved with the overtourism (unable to take the train) to the point they have to walk, or take alternative means to get around, such as a taxi I’ve seen roaming around prior, and after this image. (2023)
– Sacred, religious monuments aren’t supposed to be desecrated by social degradation, nor hostile political agendas. You’re not allowed to climb on torii gates, nor vandalize them. They’re supposed to stay pure, neutral, and for Shinto. Christian Crosses are supposed to stay neutral, and away from political activism. These people have sold their souls to the devil, and it shows how vile they have been, especially with the open sabotage of not only Japan, but other Western religious structures and symbols. Many churches and cathedrals burned, many white woman raped (along with Japanese woman), and it’s simply sad to see Japan turning into another 3rd world nation. Shame. It’s fine to be gay, not in an obnoxious, destructive, and socially disruptive manner.
– People like this, and few others, are why I can’t be friends with other fellow “Westerners” because they view me as always doing something wrong. Attempted to be friends, attempted to play Phantasy Star Online 2 (JP & EN) with him, never really doing so. I was hoping to hang out with in him Japan, he sadly unfollowed me and we weren’t allowed to in 2023, let alone 2024. Fuck you to then……. (A part of me is assuming it was a Twitter/X unfollow glitch, same one which attacked me in Yokohama 2023, but that’s unlikely now. It’s been a few years… I think I need something more than an apology now with how people enjoy throwing me under the bus for the whole fun of it. Not going to expect any apology). Guess I can only be friends with Japanese folks, those of which who still view me as a human being…
– She can actually be deported, charged, and filed for illegal activity in a retail store. Vice News spreading genuine fake news (same with CNN), something which they mostly suffered from thanks to their numerous slander attacks against Japan.
– Normal Japanese politicians folks being viewed as negative Yakuza characters by Western manipulative tactics.
– “There’s no evidence that this material leads criminals to their acts.”

(Side-note: Many attempts in America, Canada, and Europe were made to slander video games, even delusional view games as tools encouraging people to enact the same violent crimes in the real world. Many attempted, yet failed, further proving video games are tools used for escapism, unwinding, and releasing steam, not enacting violence in the real world. Vice News, and any Western Liberalism, can also be viewed in these childish slander tactics done by Western media attacks.)

– Eating avocado bread at a hipster hotel. Didn’t help I was being overcharged for food.

With how Liberal-Canadians have manipulated people in Canada to not be proudly Canadian it’s honestly refreshing to see Japanese nationals be proud of Japan, especially if it’s being “quietly proud” of Japan. They’re naturally proud of Japan, and I can see why! Foreigners with political sabotaging aims Japan, meanwhile, Japan itself shall always be proud of Japan, something Germany was taught not to be, all thanks to their World War 1 & 2 involvements. Not only that, also because of modern faux-political modernization gaslighting people to be guilty of their nationality, somethin the Japanese are choosing not to be. Japan learned from their mistake, gradually learning to turn it into a respectful patriotic hobby, eventually leading to not only admiring their own military, but Germany’s also, and Americans. I’ve rarely seen Canadians being acknowledged, they however are acknowledged in Muv-Luv, Strike Witches, and other rare mediums. Wish they were in both KanColle and Azur Lane, that would be great.

Canadians are taught that being “proudly Canadian” means something allegedily evil. Canadians are taught, by Liberals (and Political activism) that being Canadian means you’re Anti-Gay, Transphobic, Sexist, Racist, and viewing fireworks means you hate everybody in the world. You’re a “colonizer”, all labels noted in negative meanings. If you admire anything Canadian, you’re an “Canadianophile”, a term also used in negative context. It’s quite sad how Liberalism destroyed the Western World, now aiming to also destroy Japan, and turn our nationalism against us.

It’s sad to see Japanese companies, breweries, and locals shamed in hating their Japanese nationality, even prevented from flying their Japanese national flag. Like Canada, they should be proudly Japanese; Patriotically Japanese! YAY!~ Be proudly Japanese! 😉

The Negative Side of Japan:

– A haunted well in Himeji – Himeji Castle. A female voice may possibly be heard counting the broken plates.

No place is perfect, something you find out fairly quickly when admiring Japan. Certain things being more of the Japanese fault, and not of the foreigners. Certain things the locals have ruined, something which goes against the Japanese nationalism, progress, and beauty of their own nation.

(There are many others, I however can only note things I have myself encountered, read, or view as truthful. Things I’m certain fit the Japanese behaviours and mannerisms of Japan.)

  • Constant Rain: Every time I’ve attempted to tend to something special, neat, or noteworthy, rain would throw a wrench in my plans. Not always, it was however common enough (being an island nation) to the point it soaked me on numerous occasions. Soaked my shoes, my luggage, my pants. 2023 was brutal for this, and it attempted to ruin my 2024 trip with similar weather patterns. It goes without saying how Japan has it rough with their overly harsh, wild weather. From earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, floods, and other natural disasters. Japan can become a violent place, all leading to loss, tragedy, and despair. (Not really Japan’s fault, more to do with geography, yet still noted for how much pain it causes people.)
  • Not all Japanese Aren’t Innocent People: Shocker! Japan isn’t as angelic as we assume them to be. They aren’t without sin, though they are far kinder than your typical Western Left-Leaning political lunatic, or foreigners without common-sensed mannerism. I’m also well aware this point goes without saying, also noting how they’re their own nation, and not some theme park full of Angels & Fairies. Japan is viewed as an overly angelic nation, a nation of – “Having done nothing wrong” – by us foreigners when viewing their various marvels and achievements (past and present). All the awesome things they’ve, all the while ignoring how they still have domestic abuse, assaults, sexual assaults, rapes, suicide trainings, peer pressure suicides, knife stabbings, and a whole slew of other hostile, vile acts. They train their victim to practice suicide, eventually having them jump off a school building, kill themselves in front of a train, or elsewhere. Workplace dehumanization, customer abuse of staff, and the list simply goes on, and on, and on. You’re less likely to be harmed in Japan, though the chances are not 0%. They’re lower, by a vast amount, though not fully zero.
  • Haunted Areas: Certain areas have varying levels of haunted nature to them, those of which others and myself have felt in different varying levels. Japan had a long, violent history, those of which allowing Japan to be one of the most haunted places in the world. Granted, you may not always see anything, or at all. It doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Some hauntings are positive, the rest not so much; Some areas contain peaceful spirits, others more “neutral”, and the rest simply being more harmful types. I’ve only encountered ‘aura-based’ potential hauntings, those of which I’ve felt in Hiroshima (2023), Sapporo (2024), and Fukuoka (2024). Hiroshima hotel dealt with washroom light being turned on at night at 3 AM (when it was turned off for the night). Sapporo had me stay in a lower-end hotel with an overly eerie aura, leading to gurgling pipes, drawers opening (no friction), awkward vibes, and simply a negative experience. Not necessarily haunted, the mood was there. I felt miserable. Fukuoka, similar to Hiroshima, had me deal with an 3 AM rude awakening. Woke up in a panic, sweating, TV turned off, and the general mood simply being horrifying. Either lights, mood, or how the atmosphere felt. Others have noted far more activity in Japan, and with far more activity. If you’re sensitive to the paranormal/supernatural, Japan may keep you on edge. Japan may genuinely keep you on your toes.
  • Anti-Foreigner Sentiments: With the way other foreigners behave, and what I had initially described with Western political sabotage of Japan, it’s genuinely no wonder Japanese locals view foreigners with distrust, skepticism, and keep them at arms length. I’ve felt a slight effect of this, nothing overly outwardly. As long as you behave you’ll do well, if 98% of the time. With how foreigners have gone around raping Japanese female locals, sabotaging anything Japanese, being rudely rowdy in Japanese restaurants, and abusing the Japanese in physical situations, it’s honestly no wonder other foreigners tend to gain the cold treatment from the Japanese locals, as I’ve had on few occasions. There are simply times where the Japanese simply hate foreigners by ’cause-and-effect’, and simply for nationalistic reasonings. I’m no “Saint” either, I’ve angered the Japanese locals myself. They have every right to be angry with us, especially for 3 things from me: 1) Dropping, and leaving an egg in Osaka from a festive vendor assuming a seagull would eat it; 2) Crossing a tram track area in Hiroshima Station while being confused where to proceed. Was scolded heavily by a train conductor; 3) Accidentally walking into a Japanese guy’s bike at a bus station in Fukuoka attempting to seek out a bus stop. He shouted in the air, all angry. Every right to be, I was being careless. He hated foreigners that day, and I don’t blame him. If you’ve seen misguided, rude, and careless foreigners, you’d be just as angry as that guy. I am, with immigrants in Canada being intentionally rude by intentionally disobeying rules and laws in Canada.
  • Rude Ryokan/Hotel Staff: This isn’t usually the case, though there are very rare cases where the staff are simply rude. Sometimes its’ from old age, or a misunderstanding, or a stressful “robotic” nature in how they work. Older Japanese locals are however more prone in being more blunt, rude, and label you rude in miscommunication. I’ve attempted to hand over my garbage to a counter-staff (Rule: Bring any loose garbage to a Konbini or hotel), to which I’ve had to hear, for the next 10 minutes, how I was “rude”. I was embarrassed, put down, and morally deflated in my ryokan when that had occurred. I was simply trying to keep Japan “clean”, and placing it where it needed to go. Situations like these are far, and few between.
  • Restaurant Rejections (towards foreigners): Some areas may simply be closed, others allegedly needing “reservations”, or even feigning to be closed. One moment you’re allowed, the next you’re escorted out of a restaurant over some weird reason. Other foreigners ruined thing for other foreigners to the point more genuine foreigners are punished, penalized, and disrespected by various restaurant staff. Certain areas are off-limits, solely because of other foreigners, and the owner’s choice to no longer cater to tourists. Various staff members shall simply provide an ‘X’ in an arm gesture noting their restaurant is off-limits.
  • Japan is Heavy on Suicides: I haven’t seen any personal suicides myself, though there are numerous stories of various Japanese locals having taken their own life over various issues. Tkyosam had one in which a woman simply desired company. Sadly, after 1 day of neglect, she took her own life. Japan is known to be harsh with their own locals, even shunning mental health, to the point people simply give up. Suicide forest are common, something I nearly visited in vicinity of Fujikamaguchiko. A common alert on JR trains are messages of ‘Person on track’, politely noting of potential suicide. Workplace and academic stresses spawn suicides, and it’s depressing to see Japanese far too eager to give up on what myself, and maybe a few other normal foreigners, view as “heavenly” of Japan. The scenery, trains, food, games, Anime, and whichever Japanese desires to have genuine, friendly conversations. I understand, many horror-stories have been noted of workplace hierarchy abuse, especially to the point many foreign workers have hastily fled away from hostile Japanese workplaces, not only Japanese locals. Japan is overly harsh on itself.
  • Fanbase Loyalism (Anime & Video Game): Japan has some overly extreme “loyalists”, especially in cases of idol, Anime, games, and train spotting. Any hobby, really. I’ve now gained more experience to have spotted many “KanColle Loyalists” being far too proud of their own KanColle game, especially to the point of mistreating others as “non-human”. Discarding other people like trash, solely seeking solace in KanColle, possibly in unhealthy manners. Azur Lane is no different, and I’ve seen my fair-share of hardcore players, “know-it-alls”, and “try-hards”, all pretending to admire something more than they genuinely do. I’ve done similar with Busou Shinki (Konami Japan). Japanese “loyalists” needing to meet people in the middle ground, especially when it comes to viewing idols as actual humans, gamers as people, and take actions less likely to turn other people into suicidal wrecks. Everything in moderation. I can no longer interact with certain people solely because of their one-sided interest in a hobby (such as KanColle) because they’ve seen my various frustration with KanColle itself. They refuse to seek out alternative perspectives, ones relating to real-world interactions and interests. I’ll probably never be able to talk to them again, and that’s a sad, depressing part of Japan. Once people throw you under the bus, you’re there for a very long time with those specific people. Sad it has to be like that.
  • Discovering Sapporo hates plowing snow (Clearing snow): Various sidewalks and roads were left unplowed, even becoming a major safety hazard. Many people were found to be slipping, falling, probably also finding their way into nearby hospitals. The main Winter festival attraction also contained overly slippery situations, the same which also had me slip, fall, and spin in a circle. Sure, Sapporo plows certain roads, just not others. Certain sidewalks are clean solely thanks to sidewalk heating (pipes under the sidewalk), others not so much. Turns Sapporo, and other areas in Hokkaido, into crude messes. With the way Sapporo treats its sidewalk and roadways has me priding how well Ottawa plows & cleans their streets and sidewalks. More respect for Ottawa here.
  • No Drones Allowed!: Various areas prevent drones from being flown, also because of foreign and local interference. Yes, you can fly your done, only if you register your drone, place the identification on the drone, and notify the authorities what you have planned to fly the drone. Any illegal drone activity is frowned upon, risking hefty fines and jail time. Not worth it. Maybe as a resident of Japan, not as a tourist.
  • Only Certain People Are Allowed to Admire Japan: It’s honestly both sad and depressing how only certain people are allowed to admire Japan, those who are of Liberal-political affiliation, or those who are of anti-Japanese sentiments. If you have dyed & coloured hair, act freaky, and make weird facial expressions then Japan also admired those people, or it appears they do. Those who already have a vast following on Twitter/X (1000+) are the only people who are allowed to admire Japan, all the while other people are shunned, shoved aside, or eventually forgotten. Only if you view Japan in a skewed, politically-charged viewpoint are you ever allowed to admire Japan. God forbid you admire Japan for its actual history, nature, and what it actually shows you. Various influencers will ignore you, gaslight you, and pretend your Japanese experiences don’t matter.
  • Overtourism: Japan has a nasty “over-tourism” problem, something which harshly effects Enoshima (train areas), Kyoto, Hashidate, and Anime pilgrimage areas, and any other hot-spot in Japan. It’s painfully bad to the point hotels are being urinated in by dark-skinned people (Indians & middle-east folks), public transport being rendered useless to the locals, Japanese females being sexually violated, historical sites becoming inaccessible, and property being harshly vandalized. Trash being thrown everywhere without care, and the Japanese showing frustration with foreigners.
  • Japanese hatred of Chinese & Koreans (Overtourism & Rudeness): Japanese locals are highly peeved with the Chinese & Korean locals for their careless behaviour. Similar to over-tourism, the Chinese & Koreans have been observed to be unwilling to obey social norms and customs, all the while mobbing and hoarding everything for themselves. They’ve been seen kicking Nara deer, littering, claiming Japan as their own, and being outright jerks in Japan. These same folks ruined my Hakodate ropeway trip by swarming the location, to the fault of Hakodate Ropeway for allowing so many of these tourists at once. I’ve also been pushed to the side, ramming my foot into a tree stump by these same group of Asian foreigners hogging a sidewalk. They never made room for me to walk on the sidewalk. Bamboo trees have also been found to have been vandalized with people’s initials and love-triangles noting their internal love, desecrating precious sites. There’s far too little respect give towards the Japanese people. Tons of carelessness, infighting, intellectually low behaviour, intentional sabotage, and highly selfish behaviour. I can vouch for this, I’ve seen it myself on various trains, tourist spots, and other locations. Shame.
– Kyoto (2023) – Over-tourism. Hard to get around, even if it eventually became slightly easier to get around in other areas. Crowded, yet moving.
– Certain roads and sidewalks are plowed, others not so much. (2024)
– Certain roadways are plowed, others not so much. (2024)
– Sapporo dislikes plowing sidewalks & streets. Yes, even side-streets. (2024)
– Kyoto – “No Drone zone” – (2023)

Even with the open sabotage, the negativity, there is still many good things to Japan in its own merit. I came to visit Japan solely for Japan, and for the very materials they themselves have produced for others to enjoy, especially in an outwardly market. Sadly, Western world always imposes their hostile values onto Japan, desecrating everything they touch, even pretending to admire Japan when they genuinely don’t. Throwing litter, pretending to care about Japanese food, or hijacking content to then spin it into misinformation, hatred, and anti-Japanese sentiments. I want to see Japan stay true to Japan, one where we can also still be friends, regardless if we play KanColle or Azur Lane. They’re two cakes, and I want us to be friends solely for Japan, and for admiring both KanColle AND Azur Lane.

I always think back, wondering if the Japanese ever viewed me in a negative light. I’m sure there have been, more so in public areas where I was simply confused. Other times people attempted to converse with me, I sadly either spaced out in fatigue, or failed to converse with them in Japanese (or with enough prompts) various Japanese people became huffy-and-puffy with me. A Maizuru navy tour-guide initially attempted to make sure I was in the know, they later came off as cranky with how little I interacted with their good-will attempts at assisting me. I hope I didn’t anger them. I’m only human, and I can’t make everybody happy. Some people simply have to be upset with me because that’s how life is. Certain people to be, it’s a life-lesson thing, and because my body always chooses to be fatigued. I can’t help but space out, as I had in Kure in both 2023 & 2024. Or even Tango-Yura when I had a Japanese girl looking back at me (in silence), to which we both stayed silent. Sorry! Awkward happenings constantly occur, especially in foreign nations.

– Enoshima Pier – (2024) – POI!
– Sapporo Snow Festival 2024 – Many mini snowman.

I genuinely admire Japan, and I’m thankful I was able to interact with not only Japan, but the various things which make it tick. Basically things which make stuff Japan, and consume some of the many Japanese foods. I’ve done more of that in 2023, lesser so in 2024, still enjoying the great food Japan has to offer. I may not be an over-hyped influencer in Japan, I however still strongly admire Japan for its actual beauty, convenience, and common-sense practices, even if it’s forced to self-sabotage itself by U.S political pressures. Japan, on its own merit, is awesome, and it’s honestly no wonder it has been calling me over for the numerous decades that it has. From Pokemon, Sailormoon, Gundam Wing, Fate/Stay Night, Wagaya no Oinari-sama, and beyond; Eventually leading into KanColle, and then Azur Lane.

– Ueno (2024)

Japan “may” be a little bit spooky, especially at night, it however is a very awesome place to be. I haven’t outright seen a genuine ghost in Japan, as I had locally in Ottawa, I however was spooked wide awake (in a panic) at 3 AM in a Fukuoka APA hotel making me wonder what the heck was going on. It was so sudden, one which left me soaked with sweat. Nasty experience. I’m afraid of seeing a black, gassy shadow person, as I had in Ottawa in my younger years. I’ve genuinely seen a black shadow figure, solid, yet gassy. Thankfully, not in Japan. It’s thanks to that one Ottawa ghost moment I’m fully scared of ghosts everywhere I go, even if I’m viewed as a child needing lights to be turned on at night. A TV, lamp light, or anything simple. I need to sleep with the light on. Japan has seen so many negative experiences through the numerous years it has been around, it’s honestly no wonder I’m genuinely on edge from the historical causes-and-effects, now more so than I had previously been.

I’m always scared of encountering genuine ghosts. I’m sorry if I become a “chicken shit” when it comes to ghosts in general.

– Himeji, as seen from Himeji Castle (2024).
– Tokyo – Ueno – Tokyo Skytree (2024)
– Sapporo – Snow Miku 2024 Tram – Japan has some of the best transportation methods, and especially ones themed for the season. I was genuinely happy to have captured this, and every other train on camera. Japan makes Canada appear like a third-world nation, and it’s not far off.
– Hakodate tram (2024)
– Japan Rail – Shimbashi Station – Admiring the beauty of trains! Trains! Japan is the best with trains! Trains!
– Japanese trains are the best! This train on display at Shimbashi Station has a gimmick of making running noises and letting off steam. I didn’t stick around for the gimmick, no time. I however documented the train. 🙂 (2024)
– Akihabara Station – Blue Archive 3rd Anniversary (2024)

Goes without saying I would much prefer being in Japan, and not the politically corrupted, and intentionally sabotaged nation of Canada, as had been done by both Trudeau, and his Liberal Party. I wish, and pray Japan stays purely Japanese! It genuinely needs to, especially for its own survival. Japan, please stay true.

Shall I Return To Japan In The Future?:

– Katase-Enoshima Station – Enoshima (2024)

Shall I ever return to Japan? I damn well hope so. I need to, and I hope something divine allows me to do so, even if I’m pressured to find a non-existant residence in Ottawa. I’m always plotting and planning any way I can travel, escape, or find my way back to Japan, even if its highly disadvantageous for me.

I still need to visit Halifax for HMCS Sackville, and to return back to Japan one last time for 2025, or whatever year I’m allowed to do so. I may need to visit Japan more frequently (if allowed), though my third time needs to be to tie up other loose ends, one I was unable to do so in both 2023 & 2024. I need to visit Sasebo, Aomori, Akita, Nagoya, Kure, Shizuoka, and wherever “higher beings” decide for me to visit, as had been done in 2023 with both Maizuru and Tango-yura. Maizuru wasn’t on my list, though I’m grateful the Japanese Gods and Deities nudged me that way via the Nara tour-guides in the area at the time. The Nara tourist info guides noticed I admired KanColle, even questioned me about my military navy interests, even nudging me to check out Maizuru, a settlement I assumed nothing was in, solely to visit a red-brick museum. There was more to Maizuru than I had assume. Way more!

I’ve already visited in 2023, a year which was overly special (Year of the Rabbit; Birthday trip), and a magical year at that for being my birthday present to myself. I viewed Cherry Blossom (Sakura) trees for my birthday, on my birthday, and in Japan. I’ve done what I desired in Japan. Everything was new to me, and magical; a new experience. I put tons of care, preparations, and made sure everything I needed to travel to Japan was done properly, especially with the draconian regulations in place at the time. I was also being constantly reminded Japanese girls are actually girls, and not bratty idiots, as they are in the North American, and possibly in Europe. They actually behaved, or at least appeared to be normal by behaving modest, providing formal bowing gestures, smiling, and other cute gestures. Bowing to me in formalities to enjoy my Ramen (in Yokohama), or talking to me in Mount Moiwa, making sure I’m fine. They’re far more feminine than the girls/woman we have in Canada, or so I’ve experienced. Japan (in 2023) was highly magical, and I admired every, and each moment. I still firmly recall my travels, and I shall obnoxiously boast about it. 2023 covered majority of my past desires, such as visiting Tokyo, Akihabara, Mikasa museum, KanColle, navy, and Gundam interests (Moving Gundam & Gundam Unicorn); a nice blanket trip. I’ve even visited Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, and especially Sapporo as a neat side-gift to myself. Sapporo was calling out to me in 2023. It was also glorious vising Kure, for the KanColle vibes, and even making friends, the same friends I hope I’m still friends with.

2024 was to tackle whatever I missed in 2023, mainly covering Sapporo’s snow festival with the various Anime sculptures, and everything else. I was happily able to visit Hakodate, and I’m proud of that. Hakodate was a nice surprise to me, and I’m glad I placed it on my trip. I even flew in a Vulpix plane, sadly buzzing the flight attendance with my arm laying on the buttons prior to take-off. Sapporo was only special for the snow festival. I’ve already seen Sapporo making me desire I chose to fly to Fukuoka sooner. Sapporo depressed me, especially with the rundown APA hotel. It was spooky to me, a place I also had a mental breakdown. I should have returned to that fancy Spa hotel. I had to go to Fukuoka, especially for RX-99FF Gundam displayed there. I felt left out, finally having Fukuoka in my places I had visited, no longer feeling peer-pressured by other foreigners boasting about their Fukuoka trip. I’m immune to other people’s boasts of Fukuoka, if at the price of near-paranormal activity causing to wake up in a sweating panic. Himeji was also another glorious surprise, if a mistake. I should have visited Kure first, THEN Himeji, though with how Japan works, it’s all fine. Everything worked out. Himeji was magical, and I hold it high in my experiences. Kure was also great, and I’m glad I caught up on the new changes of Kure. Visiting museums, revisiting friends, and simply having fun. Sure, I was depressed for not having a girlfriend for Valentines day, and I desired to drink myself drunk with Sake and beer, possibly to the disappointment of the locals. Great things still however happened, and that’s great! KanColle pizza and drinks! Yay!~ Japan was great.

On my train trip from Kure to Hiroshima, and Hiroshima to Tokyo, I was reminded I should put Nagoya and Shizouka on my places to visit, and I have done so. If I ever return to Japan, I shall do so, especially to tie up further loose ends, if I’m ever allowed to do so. Canada is such a mess to the point I’m not allowed to do many things I desire. I feel dead in Canada, like a bird in a cage, to the point it even feels like I should kill myself, the Japanese way. With Pierre Pollievre noting he’ll revive Canada I do feel hope, and I also do feel alive again, and hopeful. I hope Canada can return to the actual, real Canada, the Canada it was prior to the whole Liberal mental retardation. I can’t ever understand, they always hide away from the truth. They always desire to be homeless, and are a bunch of masochistic morons. They enjoy harming not only themselves, but others in their violent fantasies of homelessness. Maybe these Liberals admire roaming rape-gangs to sexually violate them as they not only make themselves homeless, but others as well? Seems to be. I digress…..

I’m genuinely proud, and I hold my two Japan trips high above my head. Sure, I’ll be loud, arrogant, and boastful, also because it’s something I (myself) accomplished, and I’m proud I’ve done everything for myself.

– Lightly documenting house/apartment listings in Ueno, Japan for blogging purposes, also considering living in Japan. It may seem unlikely, I however need a place to live. Somewhere. (2024)

– Sapporo cityscape at night (2024)

I hope to return to Japan in the future, and I hope I’m allowed to do so. I hope those in Japan shall still warmly welcome me in Japan. I’m once again worried, yet hopeful for at least one more trip to Japan. 2025? 2026? Never? We shall find out.

Japan, thank you for being awesome!