Trip to Japan – Day 20 (2023)

– Waiting at Kyoto Station’s Lower platform to visit both Maizuru and Yura.

This blogpost covers the day of April 9th, 2023 while in Kyoto, Maizuru, Yura, & Amanohashidate.

A new day, a new adventure in the beautiful land of Japan! This time I rushed over to Kyoto Station to head to Maizuru to visit places I was unable to the day prior thanks to weird opening and closing hours. I also had to visit Yura for KanColle Yura tribute, and to pay my own kind of respect to her shrine. The theme is still on KanColle, even if I’m using Azur Lane to show off the naval hype. Shipgirls from KanColle and Azur Lane are still the same.

I’m even thankful and grateful for the kindness, helpfulness, and hospitality from people from both Kure and Yura. Sorry if I seemed off, cold, or anything of that sort. It’s exhausting traveling, and I had to think about a lot of things on how to travel to places. I genuinely desired to converse with people, and I’m glad we managed to do so via translators, such as Google Translate and DeepL. Thank you for helping me out! Again, I’m sorry if I seemed anti-social, or anything of that sort.

Related Blog Posting (Japan Travel):

[Day 1] – [Day 2] – [Day 3] – [Day 4] – [Day 5] – [Day 6] – [Day 7] – [Day 8] – [Day 9] – [Day 10] – [Day 11] – [Day 12] – [Day 13] – [Day 14] – [Day 15] – [Day 16] – [Day 17] – [Day 18] – [Day 19]

This time I remembered to obtain a JR Pass for this Maizuru train. I went straight to a ticket booth, requested a ticket, obtained one, and waited. Onwards to a new adventure!

(Google, please tell me these things beforehand on what sort of tickets I require.)

– Genuinely admiring the architecture of the various train stations in Japan, including Kyoto Station.
– Hello Kitty!
– Train is being cleaned for next use.
– And off we go to Maizuru. Such a beautiful view.

Even if I may be stupid, idiotic, and oblivious to various things, I still admire whatever I had accomplished. Admiring all the small and big things making me proud of having accomplished them. I’m happy for how I handled things (for the most part) by visiting various areas in Japan. Once I’m in ‘Mission Mode’ I’m able to visit whatever I desire.

I genuinely admire Japan’s trains! It’s some of the best transportation around. Really puts Canada’s transportation network to shame.

– Woooosh!~
– Hidden beautiful gems of Japan.
– What a nicer day it is today, especially compared to yesterday.
– Lovely rivers and streams.
– Admiring every bit of scenery I come across. Even admiring the beauty of these rural traditional homes.
– Japanese trains are awesome.


I disembarked from Nishi-Maizuru Station to seek out a taxi to ‘Imperial Navy Memorial Hall’ for some Japanese naval history. I hopped off the train, made my way down, and even went into a bus service center across the street trying to make sense of how to get around. I eventually circled back to where the taxi stands are, eventually obtaining the attention of a taxi vehicle who would take me to the ‘Imperial Naval Memorial Hall’. I had to show him the Google maps, etc. He agreed, and we went off on our adventure.

– Initial D Car? Tofu car? Hachi Roku?

With the little bit of Japanese I knew I tried requesting where to get off. I tried saying “left” & “right”, and even at ‘Nakamaizu Park’ where they have a parking lot. The guy refused because of directional issues, so I accepted my fate. We eventually reached my intended destination. I gave him his cash, hopefully thanked him, and went on our way. I saw him sitting their (possibly processing the trip), to which I made my way across the pedestrian bridge, and into the ‘Imperial Navy Memorial Hall.’

– Took this lovely image of the various naval vessels, as seen from the pedestrian bridge. Such a lovely view!
– Loving this naval view. The weaponry, the open hanger, etc. It’s such a lovely view.

Imperial Navy Memorial Hall:

The main reason I was visiting Maizuru again was for this exact location. It contains both naval historical goodies, as much as it does with a touch of KanColle gaming pride. Good stuff!

I went up to the booth inquiring how to get to the memorial hall. Was instructed to sign a paper, even given a neck-badge, even instructed in how to proceed to the Memorial Hall. I had to stay to the route, otherwise I would be punished.

– Beautiful.
– That’s the Memorial Hall! Nice!


– I always love naval tradition, especially bells. Something charming about these sorts of bells.
– Lovely proud Japanese naval pride, with a touch of KanColle goodness.
– If you’re ever interested in learning about Japan’s naval history simply scan that QR code. Mai shall help you. 😉

If you’re ever curious in learning more about Maizuru’s naval Military history may desire to click on the following links

  1. Togogensui
  2. Sakuma
  3. Ryozyunko
  4. Fukuimaru
– Maizuru has all your stamping needs covered.

Now, to obtain my various stamps. Was surprised to find they were also pre-stamped for you to take. Nice! (Nearly lost all my Maizuru stamps in Sapporo’s Mount Moiwa while hiking, and talking to a Japanese girl wondering if I was doing find.)

– Lovely! Look at how classy and elegant this comes off. I love it.
– Maizuru Destroyer translated via Google Lens.
– Using Google Translate to translate the text.
– One of the overly helpful informational guides from the QR code you can scan.
– Navigational instrument.
– Moso Bamboo (Google Translate)

I basically had this naval hall all to myself up until this point. I had to make way for the other folks making their way around, even hanging back a while to allow them to do their thing.

– Lovely panorama.
– Panorama – Attempt #2
– Azur Lane’s Kasumi.

Why Kasumi? She’s one of my favourite fox girls from Azur Lane, and a ‘Sakura Empire’ factional shipgirl at that. Seems respectful, or at least to me.

– Azur Lane’s Yura.
– Azur Lane’s Taihou.

Why Taihou? I was told Taihou’s memorial was in the vicinity, I however was unable to pinpoint it.

– Beautiful. Thanks for allowing me to see your naval pride and history.

I signaled to a nearby military member if I could visit the following stone below. They happily, yet respectfully told me not to do so. He even jogged over in that military style which was amusing. Thanks for the kindness and hospitality.

Sadly, I was not allowed to visit the following memorials by walking on the pathway, though I could take pictures of them from afar. As to what they are, I have no clue. I’m only making note of things for blogging sake.

– Thanks for the visit! Now I’m on my way out.

I visited the military booth again, this time giving back the naval badge. I even used DeepL to inquire about the suggested Taihou memorial, and other naval warships. They sadly had no clue, though they were happy, highly helpful, if sadly with no answers. I thanked them, went off on my way, this time heading for a bus stop.

Bussing to Nishi-Maizuru, something I would eventually learn means “East” and “West” Maizuru. The more you know.

– Seeing the Initial D vehicle again, or something close to it.

Made my way to the bus station to which I asked if they had a PASMO reader. They do not. I had to pay by cash, so I took out my cash to pay the fine. I passed the coins to the female driver to which she “may” have been slightly agitated with me. She took the coin and placed it in the machine, something in itself which may have frustrated her. I purposely allowed myself to be the last one off in case of this sort of situation.

Situation sorted, I headed off to my next destination! Destination Yura!

Nishi-Maizuru Station:

Yura, I’m back! Back at Nishi-Maizuru to make my way to Yura. I tried going through the same gate I went to previously, even being chuckled at by the ticket-gate guy who now knows me. He happily guided me towards the proper ticket gate, something which was a booth in itself. He tried to gain the attention of the female ticket clerk behind the counter, they were “hiding”. Eventually paid for my ticket, and made my way out to notice KanColle’s Mai & Yura hanging around. Nice!

– A lovely festive Yura!
– It’s always great to take multiple images to make sure at least something comes out well.
– One of these has to be perfect. 😉

Unsure how long I waited, it was a fair amount of time. 20 minutes? 30 minutes? Something like that. One train came along, let passengers off, and then went into a train shed for cleaning.

Another train came later. Other people even waved at me in greetings. I love how friendly people are.

– Tango.
– And off we go!

Yura (Tango-Yura) Arrival:

Happily arrived at Yura via a lovely train ride. Beautiful!

– Video – Capturing the upcoming bridge into Yura (Tango-Yura).

In the above video you’ll note I was moving around a fair amount, to which the driver signaled for me to get closer to the window. I was genuinely shocked he would gesture me to do so. I’m surprised by the encouragement to take better pictures and videos. I’m simply not used to this.

I should have taken a longer video, and with my Lumix GF-1 at that!

– New train type discovered.

Was interesting to note how I was being greeted and conversed with. Everybody desired to talk, and I was genuinely shocked by that. I was being asked where I was from, to which I noted ‘Ottawa, Canada’. Went up the pedestrian ramp, across, and over again.

– Video – I genuinely admire Japanese trains! I can see why it has an overly obnoxious Otaku following. On a secondary note, I’m still uncertain what that “Ha-Ah” sound is. It comes off as freaky to me.

I received a large welcome (similar to Kure at Y’s Cafe) taking me way off guard. Was hard to make sense and take it all in at once. I was WAY overwhelmed and over-loaded. I wasn’t sure where to focus, who to talk to, etc. They however showed me Tweets of my Yura confusion the day previous, followed me on Twitter, and even decided to help me after awhile. They made sure to tell everybody I don’t speak Japanese, but to use translation applications. From what I could gather they could even read English, which is nice.

At least we had some “meeting in the middle” moments. Meeting them half way in language, and same with them. I can barely understand Japanese, though sadly can’t speak it. I had tons of awkward moments.

I was gifted a ton of Yura town & KanColle related goodies. I hopefully thanked them, yet was highly overwhelmed.

– Off to Yura shrine!
– The vibe is similar to Modra, Slovakia. I see some similarities in style.

I was mostly quiet making note of my gifts, Tweeting out my recent gifts, and even trying to capture a few moments of the area. If I spoke Japanese I could have most likely learned and had more interactive moments. Sadly, I had to simply overhear their conversation of a few people guiding me to the Yura shrine.

– Thank you for the gifts!
– This image was awkward thanks to a car behind me rushing me. It may have turned a different way making me sigh in slight frustration. I was simply trying to make note of the area, such as the Sakura tree, the pathway, and even pathway. This image is rushed.
– A slightly better image, if still rushed.

Welcome to Yura’s Shrine!

– Lovely grand shrine entrance.

Let’s just say that Yura’s memorial is highly easy to miss. I could have spent hours (and into the night) trying to find her memorial the day prior. I’m thankful I had guidance to where her shrine is, and hiding at.

– KanColle’s Yura with Yura memorial. The KanColle sweet is gifted, and I thank Japan for their hospitality.
– My KanColle Arcade Yura card. Wish I could have shown my KanColle web version fully remodelled.
– Azur Lane’s Yura. I had to show every sort of Yura.
– Alternate Yura angle of the same gifted sweet box.
– Yura sticker. (Monument focus)
– Yura sticker (Sticker focus).
– One of those rare Busou Shinki figure photography moments. Arnval time! Yura monument at the back.
– Yura monument in the background.
– Arnval Kon! Kon!~
– Kon! Kon!~
– Dollfie Dream – Shigure! Cute!

I found it amusing how my new Yura buddies made note of everything I was carrying. From the KanColle buttons, to my Busou Shinki, to everything else. My KanColle file holders, equipment, and possibly how heavy my bag was. Carrying my hobbies all around Japan.


It was beautiful hearing various trains going by every so often. Every 20 minutes, or so.

– A normal image Yura shrine image for a less Anime-Otaku POV.
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– Yura Shrine has been noted via Pokemon GO!

I hung back just a bit in an attempt to obtain Japan oriented stickers. They didn’t know what Pokemon GO was, or at least didn’t have it. It’s either KanColle, or bust, and I respect that.

– One last grand view of Yura Shrine.

I have a few slight regrets of not obtaining certain images and point-of-views, though am still happy with what I managed to acquire for blogging purposes. The view towards the beach was gorgeous.

– Admiring Yura’s various charming points.
– Coming up back to Anne Shirley’s Cafe and Tango-Yura Station holding a festival.
– Yura was hosting a Sakura festival playing various music, and having a grand time.
– Tango-Yura Station

[Side-note: I was afraid I didn’t capture certain types of images while I was Yura. I’m relieved to know I have various images of Tango-Yura, the sign, and various vague point-of-views of the Sakura Festival, and other perspectives.]

– Yura shrine!

[Side-note: I have another regret of trying to “push” my way to see this shrine while a girl with a Gambier Bay plushie was in the area. I simply desired to view the Yura shrine. I was being stupid and she was looking at me weirdly. I feel bad about this one. Even in hindsight I’m still unaware of what she was thinking, or how she perceived me. All I know I was being stupid simply desiring (in hype) to see the Yura display case. If I was being “pesky” or “rude” in any manner, I’m genuinely sorry. I’m fully aware I’m socially awkward, even back in Canada. I don’t do well in social settings in any situation, locally or abroad.]

– Making note of my numerous KanColle gifts and goodies. I’m having loads of these.
– Yura poster.
– Playing some Pokemon GO while at Tango-Yura. Captured a gym, claiming it as my own.
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– Tango-Yura’s Pokemon GO gym is now mine! Mine! Mine! 😉
– Eventually was shown various Yura train and Yura-themed train types.

We entered into a discussion relating to Yura trains, how they captured it, and how someone was overly proud in taking pictures. I wish I could have commented properly about how they’ve done well with the book. I was genuinely at a loss for words unable to compliment properly. These images (including the post card) are genuinely awesome, I however had a severe brainfart unable to compliment properly on the spot. I however signed their guest book to which they thanked me for their addition. You’re welcome!

I was also told the KanColle Yura themed train was also a limited edition happening. I sadly missed it. I’m happy for those who were able to witness her, even capture her grand moment.

I also briefly tried figuring out where they captured the various bridge train shots. I had a vague idea from Google Maps, though was told from exactly where. Nice!

– I was actually hungry (hoping to visit a Conbini) to which I simply ate at Anne Shirley’s Cafe. Was given a special Sakura-Festival themed shrimp soup. was delicious. Was going to eat with chopsticks, instead was given a spoon to eat the meal with. A helpful fellow desired me to eat with a spoon, not chopsticks. I had no choice in this matter.

I was fine eating with chopsticks, though if they desire for me to eat with a spoon then I’ll eat with a spoon (for the rice). No hard feelings. Awkward chuckling, though ate everything desired while planning my next step.

Was informed various stations had various KanColle pop-ups. The closest (and best) option for me was to visit Amanohashidate and head back to Yura for some train images. I already stayed too long, or so it felt like it. I even amusingly heard a remixed rock-traditional take of ‘Sakura Sakura’ theme. Was nice to hear. I picked out one destination, and it was Amanohashidate. I planned my next trip while overhearing how someone doesn’t speak English, and all the other side gossip.

– Delicious. I’m a big fan of shrimp.
– Some extra sweets and drinks.

With my next plan set, I paid for my food, and slowly made my way to my area. I even tried making sense of the schedule, the stops, and where to go. Everything would take time so I waited outside. I even belatedly asked about stamps to which it was already to late to obtain one from Yura. I showed them my stamp book, and other goodies.

– Train!
– Yura’s pedestrian bridge. It’s a neat bridge.
– Wish I took a bigger POV of this neat little map.
– ????? Unintentional picture taken. I’m as confused as you are.
– What a lovely view.
– Me and the Yura gang. Their faces are blurried thanks ot the camera in case they desired to stay hidden.
– Yura map and it’s various points of interests. Nice!
– Azur Lane’s Yura at Tango-Yura Station. Was having my slight fun.
– Azur Lane’s Yura.
– My train is incoming.
– Video – Tango train coming in.

I waved my good-byes, though may have been stupid in rushing into the train. The guy playing with a Japanese toy (at the end of the video) was making his way to the train as well to which I went ahead of him. I should have let him go. I don’t know why I was in a rush. I should have taken my time.

My mind wasn’t with me this day.

– Video – Having fun enjoying my train ride to Amanohashidate. The sound of the train is music to my ears.


Happily arrived at Hashidate, even inquiring how to pay for my ticket. They told me to pay at the counter in this station. Why Amanohashidate? For a certain KanColle character, and to visit a sky lift.

– This pedestrian bridge! The wooden nature of it; The style. I love it!
– Making my way down.

Proceeded to check in at the ticket gate, made my further to which I was called back to pay my fair. Confused, I came back and paid my fair. It gradually made more sense as to why. I never paid for the ticket at Tango-Yura, only making my way into the place. Because I made my way from Nishi-Maizuro to Tango-Yura I had to also pay for my distance to Amanohashidate.

– One of my favourite KanColle characters! Akizuki!
– Proudly admiring Akizuki.
– Niizuki & Akizuki. Cute!

Niizuki from Azur Lane rarely hits the spotlight, I had to show her. I had to put the foxy Niizuki & Akizuki together. Cute!

– Azur lane’s Hanazuki with KanColle’s Akizuki.

With that noted, I had to rush towards Amanohashidate’s Chairlift & Monorail. It was going to close off shortly.


I waited in line to pay for the ticket taking the chairlift up, even though I’m afraid of chairlifts. This experience made me less afraid. It was actually very fun. After about 10-20 minutes I paid for my ticket, was rushed into a chairlift, then gradually made my fun way up the mountain. Everybody staring right at me with and without my phone visible.

– Happily making my way up the mountain.
– This monorail is a weird gimmick. It’s “safer”, if slower. I was originally going to take it, yet happier taking the chairlift up instead.
– I can gradually start seeing the water front behind me.
– Love the randomly lined sakura trees lining the sides.
– LOOK! LOOK! The water! It’s gorgeous!
– I’m loving the water. Wait, my eyes are red? Am I stressed?!
– Do not shake, swing, or move in the chair or else you’ll be stranded in your chair in an emergency stop situation! Everybody else will be as stranded as you and you’ll have to face the Japanese’s wrath for not following the rules.
– My god, this is gorgeous! Beautiful!
– Had to deal with various numerous tourists, yet managed to obtain lots of great shots.
– Mini-Panorama.
– Kon! Kon!~ I’m in Amanohashidate!
– Jiiiiiiiiiiii!~
– This is so beautiful!
– The place was starting to close down, yet allowed me to do what I desired to do. I didn’t have to fight as many pesky tourists.
– All the selfies! I need to 100% prove I was in Japan.
– Admiring the overly beautiful scenery. Even the two little boats heading through a channel.
– Boats be boating. Admiring how they’re boating around.
– Mini Panorama.
– Panorama!

Tried to time this between people coming and going. Even during a quiet moment I still had to fight with people trying to come through. Just give me a peaceful 1 minute to capture an panorama oriented image.

– Video – Admiring the beauty of Amanohashidate. The various boats, the scenery, and structures seen from this area.
– Banned from using drones.

Prior to my trip to Japan I bought an ‘Remote ID’ from Amazon Japan to be used on my drone. Never brought either it, nor the drone with me. If I desired to bring a drone with me I would have to register my drone, have the letters printed out on my drone, etc. I left my drone back at home in Ottawa, instead taking a 360 Camera. I would even have to let the authorities know beforehand where I desired to fly my drone. It’s just not worth it. 360 cam all the way! Japan took the hype and fun out of everything drone related.

Every time I see a drone capture from someone else I curse at them on behalf of the Japanese governmental officials having placed a heavy restriction on drone use.

– Boat!
– Trying to prove where I was on Google Maps.
– Now this is a glorious image!
– Kon! Kon!
– HAHAHA! Using the chairlift to carry around garbage. That’s handy, and highly creative. I love it!
– I was once again rushed into my seat on the way down, this time enjoying a proper view of the scenery above.
– Video – Admiring the beautiful decent into Amanohashidate. Loving the beautiful water-front, the forested divide, and everything about this. Highly gorgeous!
– Beautiful!

My next destination is more beach-related. I need to visit a beach so I can touch the lovely water on this side of Japan.

– Welcome to Amano Hashidate!
– It all makes sense now! This bridge is a drawbridge! It lifts and it drops again. That is how the various barges and boats made it through. Clever!
– A lovely canal. Note the split! This is a draw-bridge allowing boats to go by.
– Panorama

After having crossed a bridge a Korean tourist angered me by forcing me to a side causing me to trip on a tree root sticking up above the ground. It hurt a lot. Ouch! Oh, I was angry, even limping a fair amount. I was still nursing my feet from a certain issue it had prior to the trip. Hitting that tree root with me foot hurt for a good 20-30 minutes, or maybe even more. Damn it….

I digress. A lovely quiet beach all to myself.

– Panorama – Not a soul in sight.
– Video – Making note of the lovely scenery from AmanoHashidate beach.

Because people started following me on the beach I forgot to touch the water. I became far more cranky because I was being pushed around by other tourists. They were interrupting me plans.

– Either way, Japan is gorgeous.
– Money-shot capture! Perfect!
– Feeling the need to return back to Tango-Yura I ventured back towards the station. Also, stubbed my foot to the left of this image.
– Admiring Japan’s street system.
– Amanohashidate Station designs.
– Hello again, Akizuki! This time I’m purchasing a ticket to Yura. I want to capture some train shots.
– Akizuki. 😉
– While waiting I was trying to figure out the train system for Yura and train spotting.
– Checking out the train system.

While waiting I saw a couple into heavy photography. The guy was taking pictures from my platform while the girl was on the other platform trying to be all pretty for the camera. Taking pictures in a semi-professional manner. Random.

Attempted Tango-Yura stop. As the train kept moving along I kept debating whether I should stop at Yura one last time, or simply head to Nishi-Maizuru. The further we traveled (the more the sun was setting) the more I feared I had to venture back to Nishi-Maizuru, and Kyoto. I had to go back to Kyoto. I missed out thanks to my fatigue.

– Beautiful!

I tried capturing a few pictures within the train having to delete a few. A father-daughter combo were in the train preventing me from capturing an image solely for the train style itself.

– This train was surprisingly luxurious! Look at it! Fancy! I’ve never seen a train like this before, not even in Slovakia.
– A lovely sunset preventing me from visiting Tango-Yura. I’m now forced to go back to Nishi-Maizuru.
– For taking so many pictures I consider this one the best. I desired a waterfront with a sunset, and this one fits that criteria.
– Hello, Yura! I’m back! Well, not quite. Just passing through. What lovely scenery you have here. Something is better than nothing for me to capture. 😉
– Viewing Yura from the train. Sadly, have to pass through. I desired to stop here, I sadly have to keep going.
Video – Making my way back across the bridge in a more firm-holding of the camera manner. Steady-cam! Loved this perspective, though as seen I had to leave this area. I couldn’t stay because of the setting sun. I would have obtained horrible night images of trains. Love the announcements.
– Proof I was in this overly fancy train. 😉
– Amanohashidate ticket. 350 yen. Focus was Tango-Yura, I however had to Nishi-Maizuru.

Accidentally made a small scene noting I had to pay $30 yen, or so. 350? Whatever it was. I paid the difference while the train staff was all confused.


Arrived at Nishi-Maizuru during the sunset. Proceeded to get my ticket to which I tried obtaining my next ticket back to Kyoto. I basically ran out of time to which I had to ask for help. I accidentally hung up on the older lady who took my spot assuming I forgot something. I proceeded to apologize. She told me something to which I still apologized.

The Nishi-Maizuru train staff who now knows me happily helped me out, even happily noting my clever way of finding out what my next train is supposed to be. He instead showed me I’m supposed to take another train to reach another train station. It would be another hop.

– Defeated a gym while leaving it intentionally unclaimed. I kept trolling people who desired to take it over. I would defeat them again leaving their gym unattended.
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– Clearing out the Nishimaizu Pokemon GO gym leaving it unattended.
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– Intentionally leaving the gym unattended to prank the people around.

Unsure if anybody saw me trolling the Pokemon GO gym, and if they had they had to get to me inside the station. Or, shout at me across the fence.


If only. Laughing at the potential frustration they must have been having with me trolling them leaves me highly amused.

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– At 7:45 PM it was time to go, and the gym was left unclaimed.

You can have your Pokemon gym back now. Back to Kyoto I go while having to stop at one more location for a transfer.

– Maizuru line & Hashidate line. Yes, I could have taken the Hashidate line from Amanohashidate.

The train stopped at Ayabe, to which an announcement was made to switch the seets around. To rotate the seats 180 for the other direction. I kept mine the way it was, as had other people.

Kyoto Station – Kyoto Arrival:

Back in Kyoto we are to return to gradually return to the hotel.

– A Sakura-filled Kyoto Station Arrival. Honey! I’m back! (I saw a certain sign forcing me to camp this area out to see what I’ve caught a glimpse of).
– Kyotoholic Project? Now, what’s this about? This seems to be within my interest zone.
– Curious. This is the exact advertisement I saw, having to camp out for it. Makes me wonder what the full details of this is. I should have looked into it further that night.

Well, I’m back in Kyoto. I now need to spend the next day in Kyoto focusing on purely Kyoto things. I only have so many days in Japan, let alone in Kyoto. Time to head back to the hotel to enjoy the night with potential coin machine food or conbini food. I sadly did not note what I ate that night.

Good night! Tomorrow is Kyoto day! 🙂

P.S: Thanks for all your hospitality in both Maizuru, and specially Yura! You guys been too kind, and I respect that. Thank you!