My hype for Azur Lane appears to be one-sided, hence my desire to share my extra thoughts for blogging purposes, maybe in hopes of connecting with other like-minded folks desiring Canadians, Dutch, Swedish, Greek, Polish, ANZAC, and other national “factions” of naval military. This goes for both KanColle and Azur Lane, if mainly on the Azur Lane front. I feel like I’m either talking to a brick wall, or I’m talking to people who have a lesser intelligence than my own, and I’m becoming highly agitated. Frustrated, even. Why do I say that? Because one moment I can converse with people, the next they start tantruming, boycotting Azur Lane, or making up low-tier excuses as to why Azur Lane isn’t for them, all the while gradually learning they have horrible skeletons in their closets. I wish I could converse with normal-minded, and down-to-earth people, something which is becoming harder and harder as time goes on, hence my need to log these Azur Lane, Dutch, and Canadian interests into blog posts. I still find Azur Lane fun, regardless of other people’s weird point-of-views.
(Side-note: I don’t have any Dutch shipgirl imagery, hence why I’m sharing mostly Canadian-influenced finds. I avoided AI art, though may go back to it in future postings.)
Canadian RCN Shipgirls (Azur Lane/KanColle Shipgirl Inspired):
The Kingdom of Tulipa – A kingdom of windmills and Tulips:
In a recent Azur Lane Italian-themed event we were teased with the Dutch ‘Kingdom of Tulipia’, also known as ‘Tulipan’ through an invitation sent to (us), the Commander. Their shipgirls are known as “Tulipan”, something which comes off as neat, something I desire to highlight, hype, and also connect with my intentionally rejected Canadian pride. I desire to hype up Azur Lane, The Kingdom of Tulipa, and the Maple Monarchy because this is what these navy games should have been doing from the get-go, not these “I’m offended, hence you’re not allowed to have these nations in a game” mannerism.
The following screen-captures are from the Italian event – Paradiso of Shackled Light – noting the Dutch nation in an extra portion after-story of the story.

I initially assumed this was our first introduction to the Dutch faction, something I initially hyped it up with friends, on Twitter/X, and other places, only to be greeted with both silence and crickets. I was disappointed, especially with how boring people chose to be on that very day preventing us from hyping things up. Next day over, I would discover the reasoning as to why certain people also chose to be silent, how others chose to be boring, and why there was no conversation relating to the recently teased Dutch faction It also had something to do with how people had noted months prior how Bismarck welcomed an envoy to her nation. Uncertain how I could have forgotten, if at all, Bismarck however noted the following:

Bismarck – “Oh, one more thing before you go – we came here with an envoy from the Kindom of Tulpania. Yes, Tulpania. The land that for the longest time hasn’t had any shipgirls in its military. There will be a party once this exercise has concluded. Why don’t you come along and meet the representative?”
I’m finally relieved Azur Lane has done what I had initially been interested in, also prior to Azur Lane’s inception. I was hoping for more alleged “Minor Nation” being incrementally implemented into both Azur Lane and KanColle, something which KanColle had gradually began to do, especially during Azur Lane’s earlier years of inception. They’re finally adding obvious national factions into Azur Lane, as I had hoped, and I can’t wait to come across further national factions as time goes on. KanColle initially started off with its Japanese-German Axis fleet first, then American, and any other nation following shortly after that in KanColle’s realm; The Italians, French, Russian, and everything else, also mirrored in Azur Lane, if in a more “rapid-fire” mannerism on Azur Lane side of things. I had high hopes of seeing Dutch shipgirls in KanColle, something we shall eventually see now in Azur Lane, and something I had hoped a previous Dutch friend would have been initially happy about united with. Sadly, my Dutch friend became “politically correct” (corrupted), leaned dangerously into derangement, and we parted ways over moronic disagreements. I attempted to gift him Anime presents, they refused, and we had a falling out. I can’t hype the Dutch nationality with him anymore, nor other Dutch people, but I can on Twitter/X and my blog. I hope we can have fun with the Dutch going forward. The Dutch folks I initially befriended became slimy, eager to betray, and failed to comprehend the definition of “friendship” & “loyalty”. Shame, but I digress. I also attempted to make an RPG Maker shipgirl game, something which showed promising results. It however wasn’t fleshed out enough. Seeing Azur Lane play around with the Dutch shipgirl concept, and in a more accessible manner, has me overly happy. It’s through these Dutch folks & KanColle that I’m aware of HNLMS Tromp, a shipgirl I hope to see in the near future.
I had hoped to see more Dutch & Canadians in another Westernized shipgirl game, one called ‘Victory Belles’. Sadly, Canadians are viewed as trash, always downplayed, unrealistically viewed as “unrealistic”, and I was harshly bullied for desiring my Canadian connection connection within the ‘Victory Belles’ community. That Italian community for Victory Belles also hates Azur Lane, Azur Lane’s depiction of Italians, and they’re a bunch of mentally retarded prudes. Either way, I’m however finally happy to see further mentions of the Dutch within KanColle & Azur Lane’s realms, as I had with Canada’s ‘Maple Monarchy’ faction in Azur Lane, something which allowed me (pun intended) jump ship onto Azur Lane after a prolonged period. I was nationally bribed with Canadian pride, especially during the earlier years of the Global server launch.
Years later (meaning March 2025), which now feels like an eternity later, we’re finally seeing the Dutch naval faction raising their ship-mounted guns to fight the Sirens, the X (aliens), and whatever other foes they’re there to fight. They finally managed to be successful in constructing shipgirls for their in-lore factional naval military, something I hope Canadians had done a while prior, and of their own accomplishments. It’s honestly curious how (as noted in Bismarck’s dialogue) how the Dutch nation struggled to research, constructed, and recruit their own Dutch shipgirls. It’s awesome, and I’m now happy we’re to finally see Azur Lane expand on alleged ‘Minor Nation’ factions, something in itself which should genuinely be a non-issue. More shipgirls, more proper nationalities, and more national connections to be had fun with. Win-win for everybody, and the game.
What Shipgirls & Vessel Types to expect?
An interesting small, if somewhat powerful fleet of ships and shipgirls to have fun with. The fun part comes with their historical interactions, their proposed & planned paper ships, and then those which were frustratingly delayed thanks to German intervention. We may also see these same researchable desires applied for the Kingdom of Tulipa in Azur Lane’s future Priorty Research projects. Hopefully.
I’m going to highlight HNLMS Tromp because she became one of my favourite Dutch naval vessels during WW2, especially with how the Japanese struggled to sink her. With the amount of times the Japanese assumed to have sunk her as marked HNLMS Tromp as an “Ghost ship” by the Japanese, something which I found highly amusing during my initial pass when researching the Dutch navy. Others became artificial islands to escape, and the rest had “eventful” campaigns.

Dutch Navy Fleet Breakdown:
> Destroyers
– HNLMS Tromp – Flotilla leader (light cruiser/destroyer hybrid)
– HNLMS Van Ghent (sunk in 1942)
– HNLMS Kortenaer (sunk in 1942)
– HNLMS Witte de With (sunk in 1942)
– HNLMS Piet Hein (sunk in 1942)
– HNLMS Banckert (damaged in 1942, scuttled)
– HNLMS Evertsen (scuttled, later captured by Japan)
– HNLMS Isaac Sweers (operated with the Royal Navy, sunk in 1942)
– HNLMS Jacob van Heemskerck
– HNLMS Van Galen
– HNLMS Van Nes
> Light Cruisers:
– HNLMS De Ruyter (flagship, sunk in 1942)
– HNLMS Java (sunk in 1942)
– HNLMS Sumatra (damaged, scuttled in 1944)
> Submarines:
– HNLMS K XIII (operated in the Pacific)
– HNLMS O 19 (ran aground in 1945)
– HNLMS O 21 (successful Atlantic patrols)
– HNLMS O 23 (operated in the Indian Ocean)
> Project 1047 – Battlecruisers:
– Project 1047 – Battlecruiser 1
– Project 1047 – Battlecruiser 2
– Project 1047 – Battlecruiser 3
(Azur Lane name pending. 3 Battlecruisers were desired, none were completed.)
> Design 1939 Light Cruisers (De Ruyter-Class Upgrade)
– CL – 01
– CL – 02
– CL – 03
(Three were planned, with better firepower and survivability; none were built. Naming is also up to Azur Lane.)
> De Zeven Provincien-class (Light Cruiser | Delayed):
– HNLMS De Zeven Provincien
– HNLMS De Ruyter (Alter; Not related to other type.)
(Small naming pool, late war acquisition.)
> Dutch Aircraft Carrier Plans (Speculative)
The Netherlands never had a serious aircraft carrier project, but late 1930s reports suggest they considered converting merchant hulls into a carrier for the East Indies. If built, it would have operated Dutch Fokker or British aircraft for fleet defense.
There’s a lot of vessels to make note of, to research, and to have fun with, especially in regards to the Dutch nation. Dutch faction in Azur Lane can have tons of fun in Azur Lane, especially with furthered ‘Priority Research’ projects, something I’m expecting to see with an additional 8 vessels to their fleet.

Canada – Maple Monarchy:

To piggy-back on the Dutch national hype, pride, and speculation, I’m also going to make note of Canada’s Maple Monarchy faction for Azur Lane, even if it may or may not be a translated “word-play”. Canadians are Canadians, and they deserve their respective Canadian nationality in within Azur Lane’s lore. Azur Lane was also initially viewed as a “throw-away” game, one meant to last only for 1-2 years, not 7-8+ years, hence why you see HMS Vampire, and not HMAS Vampire. Same goes for Proxy-Canadians, and any other alleged “minor nation”. It has a lot of polishing, retconning, and mending to do, and it makes sense to provide these factions their full national banner.
“But Canadians are a minor nation. What do they have that makes them so special?!”
Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) – Vessels of Note:
Battleships – [Conceptual; Pre-WW1]:
- HMCS Ontario – [Queen Elizabeth-Class Battleship]
- HMCS Quebec – [Queen Elizabeth-Class Battleship]
- HMCS Acadia – [Queen Elizabeth-Class Battleship]
- HMCS Yukon – [King George V-class battleship | World of Warships Research project]
Aircraft Carriers:
- HMCS Warrior – [Colossus-Class]
- HMCS Magnificent – [Majestic-Class]
- HMCS Bonaventure – [Majestic-Class]
(HMS Puncher & HMS Nabob was a mix-crew of U.K & RCN, hence why I haven’t noted them. Total is 5, if counting Puncher & Nabob.)
Light Cruisers:
- HMCS Ontario – [Minotaur-Class Cruiser]
- HMCS Uganda/Quebec – [Crown Colony-Class Cruiser]
- HMCS Haida – [Tribal-Class Destroyer]
- HMCS Iroquois – [Tribal-Class Destroyer]
- HMCS Athabaskan – [Tribal-Class Destroyer]
- HMCS Athabaskan II – [Tribal-Class Destroyer]
- HMCS Huron – [Tribal-Class Destroyer]
- HMCS Micmac – [Tribal-Class Destroyer]
- HMCS Nootka – [Tribal-Class Destroyer]
- HMCS Cayuga – [Tribal-Class Destroyer]
- HMCS Saguenay – [River-Class Destroyer]
- HMCS Skeena – [River-Class Destroyer]
- HMCS Qu’Appelle – [F-Class Destroyer]
- HMCS Restigouche – [C-Class Destroyer]
- HMCS St. Laurent – [C-Class Destroyer]
- & Many, many more
Armed Merchant Cruisers
- HMCS Prince Robert – [AMC]
- HMCS Prince Henry – [AMC]
- HMCS Prince David – [AMC]
Paper/Research Vessels:
- HMCS Ontario, Quebec, & Acadia (As noted above)
- Essex-Class Aircraft Carrier. (Proposed to Canada by the American military.)

It genuinely angers me, frustrates me how other Canadians and myself aren’t allowed to connect our Canadian shipgirls solely over fragile emotional feelings. Yes, maybe ‘Maple Monarchy’ is a translated ‘Word play’ by the translator, it’s however one which Canadians and non-Canadians both desire to firmly see their Canadian comrades fight their best in this Siren & Alien-X hostile waters. People 100% desire to see HMCS Haida, and if they knew of others, they would also check out the light cruisers, aircraft carriers, and whatever else we’re allowed to have fun with.
You want Canadians? Too bad! They’re a minor nation! Canadians are inaccurately (lazily) tied to the ‘Royal Navy’, and they’re someone we should continue to bully, even knowing full well of the vessel types they had during the war. Why should we add Canadians into the navy game? It’s too much work! Just copy and paste the file class and names to apply Canadian themes onto them? But that’s too much fun! Not allowed! Denied! Rejected! You’re not allowed to have fun, and especially with Canadians! Stupid Snow Mexicans! Worthless! Canadians are not historically accurate! Only Americans and Royal Navy are allowed! Nobody desires to see their Canadian flag applied onto the vessels. HMCS Yukon has a Canadian flag themed livery? HMCS Haida also has a Canadian theme? They’re both tied to to the Royal Navy! Go to hell! Everybody knows Canadians are trash, and they deserve every bit of negative karma out there! Let’s further urinate on the graves of these Canadian Snow Mexicans.
[Note: My impersonation of all the trolls, all rolled up into one paragraph]
The crap I (and other Canadians) have to put up with is highly childish. Yes, even knowing full well Canadians have ownership of 3 aircraft carriers, has access to 3-4 planned (paperships) battleships, and a whole slew of Destroyers to have fun with. We even had access to 2 light cruisers, one of which participated in all 3 theatres with her advanced radar. Maybe not at once, but this is Azur Lane, and we’re allowed to have fun with them in Azur Lane.
Early-war Canadians were struggling. They were forced to dock their fleet, spent months upgrading their equipment, coming out of this upgrade with high-tech gadgetry to spread fear into the German convoy-hunting fleet. HMCS Uganda (later named Quebec) participated in all three theatres with her advanced radar system guiding her allies to German, Italian, and Japanese threats. HMCS Uganda making good use of her anti-air equipment, and also present for shelling’s of islands. She also suffered some Japanese aircraft injuries during her service in the pacific. Sure, she also had a mutiny, it however isn’t a clear-cut. It’s a messy affair, one muddied by political affairs within Canada. Sadly, this complex mutiny caused her to miss out on the rest of the war, embarrass Canada, and make matters worse. Politics, the destroyer of Canadian affairs. HMCS Ontario (CL) also came too late, she however was a worthwhile symbol of our fleet.
I hate how people urinate on Canadian history. I hate how people downplay, gaslight, and spread falsified history over emotional fragilities. Same retorts would occur if requesting the Dragon Empery, Northern Parliament (Russia), Sardegna Empire, and the upcoming Kingdom of Tulipa. People only reject because they feel a false sense of accomplishment rejecting other people, even if desiring alleged “minor nations” is of an actual genuinely valid request, such as the Kingdom of Tulipa, Maple Monarchy, etc. It would honestly be a shame not to explore how Canadian shipgirls would appear, especially knowing full well Canadians had aircraft carriers, planned battleships, active light cruisers, destroyers, and surviving heroes. Opportunities and lessons are being intentionally ignored and rejected, also because of political correctness, falsified ego-stroking, and hurt emotional fragilities. The Canadian identity offends artificial individuals, especially deranged people from the U.K. So many wasted opportunities, also with special thanks to British people in the U.K desiring to actively urinate on other peoples’ war graves, both directly and indirectly. The arrogance, the idiocy, and retardation, denying actual true history.
Yes, we have “Canadians” in Azur Lane, they however are not true Canadians. They’re “proxy” Canadians. They’re the type of Canadians you see when you plan your game to last for 1-2 years, nothing after that. As noted earlier, and many times after, Azur Lane has lasted longer than 2 years now, needing heavy doses of corrections, mending, and retconning to correct their course.

They’re “Canadians”, yet not Canadians. True Canadians would proudly wave their maple-leaf flag, even if it’s a fiction version in Azur Lane. It could be a Maple Leaf, or a Beaver, or even as unique as an Ontario Trillium flower. They would wave something uniquely Canadian, and be highly proud of it.
Canadians assisted the Dutch in fleeing to Canada! We shuttled royalty from the Netherlands to Canada, Ottawa. It’s also why Ottawa celebrates with the local Tulip festival! Here is there [Official website]. I’ve also previously volunteered, visited, and documented the Ottawa Tulip Festival on many occassions. They have many great international food stalls to taste-test and enjoy their foods, culture, etc. It’s a place to admire both Canada and other nations, and to pay respects to the contributions from World War 2, and other wars. A genuine bond formed between the Canadians and the Dutch nationalities. It’s also a festive place I’ve visited on numerous occasions for both blogging & YouTube material. It’s a beautiful, festive event. The Dutch love us, but it’s also a shame the Western world also lost itself to ‘Political Correctness’. It’s because of the Dutch-Canadian relationship we even have the Tulip Festival in Ottawa. Taking things for granted, I might add.
Denying the Canadians is denying the real history in the world.
Canadians assisted in liberating the Dutch, even with a 1-man army [Video – Leo liberating a Dutch Town, Zwolle and ‘secondary video; Yarnhub‘]. Canadians aided firmly at sea, on land, and in the air, but that’s firmly erased by Canadian deniers. Canadians fought tooth-and-nail in Italy, with Americans claiming our hard-fought victory for themselves. Stolen valor. Our contributions in history constantly being overshadowed, stolen, and downplayed by moronic British & American trolls. Intentionally historically overlooked, stolen valor, and patriotically denied.
Of course I’m livid! Of course I’m angry, and I shall always be, because I can clearly see my fellow Canadian shipgirls on the other side of the window. I however can’t connect with them, nor am I allowed to. Others are also desiring to connect with the Canadian patriotic beauty of WW2 Canada, if sadly constantly denied, rejected, bullied, and gaslighted to believe Canadians are actually useless by internet trolls and morally corrupted British people in the U.K.

I want to see HMCS Haida sporting her tribal Haida wear. Maybe mixed with both Haida and navy wear, if respectfully done. I’ve also emailed the HMCS Haida museum group to contact Azur Lane to allow HMCS Haida to be a part of Azur Lane, something I assume was ignored, rejected, or never followed up on. It’s their loss, and I’m peeved people are so lazy. My [HMCS Haida] tour.
Yes, I do desire to see HMCS Sackville, and I shall eventually attempt to visit her in Halifax, situation willing.
I hope to see an respectful Canadian implementation added into Azur Lane, especially showing full recognition to Canada. To see proper fanart (official and unofficial), and various silly antics they get themselves into. To finally be connected with HMCS Bonaventure, to see her planes flying into the sky, and to finally see true Canadian pride in my Canadian naval base. I want actual, true, proper, and respectful Canadian pride! Yes, also knowing full well Azur Lane is a lewd game, but I still desire to see them. I’ve been wishing, desiring, and praying for Canadians since 2008 in general; 2016 in KanColle; 2018 for Azur Lane, and counting. I want to see my Canadians properly inserted into the lore, defending themselves, partaking in the same events as other factions, and to also eventually (hopefully) find their way into the 3D Dorm private dorm feature, even if it’s necessarily out-sourced onto Switch, PC Steam, Consoles, and other platforms to handle the 3D Dorm feature. Too big of a bloated client, over-pressuring present-day smart-phones over a highly demanding game, one needing to be on proper gaming devices.
I’m still so highly angry! All I desire is simple, and it’s to connect with my Canadian faction 1:1 in Azur Lane, in KanColle, or whatever I’m allowed to. Simple!
I wish HMCS Yukon was inserted into Series 7 of [Priority research]. Shame! Either HMCS Yukon of World of Warships, or even Canada’s proposed pre-WW1 Queen Elizabeth-Class Battleships for researching purposes.

If Canadians in Azur Lane aren’t present, and if they do not aid the Dutch in the Azur Lane realm, then that’s intentional discriminations against Canadians. National xenophobia against the Canadians, something I shall continue to riot, document, and be vocal about. Do the correct thing and provide us with proper Dutch and Canadian shipgirls and everybody shall be happy! 😉
– Canadian navy respect in Kure, Japan:
National respect goes a long way, especially when I see Canadian historical mementos (historical now) displayed in foreign nations, and in Kure, Japan. It made me proud being Canadian while in Japan, and the same effects are present when one connects with true Canadian shipgirls in Azur Lane, KanColle, and other mediums. Make it happen. Then and now, it’s all proper Canadian respect. It makes it all the more worthwhile when I see it in other foreign museums, mediums, such as Japanese and Chinese Anime as well.
“Et dominabitur a mari usque ad mare, et a flumine usque ad terminos terrae“
Canadian national motto. The phrase comes from the Latin Vulgate translation of Psalm 72:8 in the Bible:
(King James Bible: “He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth”).
Reddit – Canadian & Dutch Topics:
Consider this bonus, if still relevant to both the Dutch and Canadian topics at hand.

Yes, because we’re also anticipating USS Essex META’s arrival. We also have Yamato constantly being teased in each and every event, sadly still not showing herself. We also have the Maple Monarchy being brought up, if now muffled. All those, now with ‘The Kingdom of Tulipa’? We’re going to gain some fun interactions in the upcoming events relating to Essex META, Yamato, Dutch shipgirls, and “hopefully” with the intentionally ignored, denied, and rejected Canadians.
Tons of pressure is being pressed onto a figurative dam, implying the cracks are forming, and it’s about to burst. Essex META is being attempted to be recruited, Yamato constantly spotlighted. Then there’s the major threat coming from Bonne Richard, a very nasty lethal threat to the Azur Lane realm. That needs to be solved.

I can’t help but speculate HMS Eskimo & HMS Nubian are covertly hinting at the Canadian ‘Maple Monarchy’, especially with how the Dutch were teased twice. It can’t be a coincidence. I can’t help but view both as a very subtle, if silent tease towards Canada, one to also make one pretend they’re going crazy.

The constant hinting and teasing is about to break the figurative dam. Here comes Essex META, Yamato, Dutch, and “hopefully” Canadians! Even if by name-drop.

And that’s all! I simply desired to hype up both the Dutch and the Canadians, ‘Kingdom of Tulipa’ & ‘Maple Monarchy’ respectfully. The Dutch and Canadians are supposed to be historically friends, allies, and overly good comrades-in-arms. We’ve done so much for them, and I would be over-the-moon if we were to have a combined-arms event, something the Italians initially had when also introducing HMS Formidable with the Italians, upstaging the the Italians in their own event [Empyreal Tragicomedy event]. They can do the same for the Dutch and Canadians. Combined event.
A combined event can be done, and it had already been done. Have fun with Formidable knocking out Italian shipgirls in their very own ‘Empyreal Tragicomedy’ Italian introductory event.

These are the sort of examples of silly antics I desire to see happening within ‘Kingdom of Tulipa’ and the ‘Maple Monarchy’, if with other foes and friendly exercises. Azur Lane is amusing when it’s comical, such as this, and it would be a shame to miss out on it because people are deadly afraid of “minor nations”, Dutch, Canadian, Chinese, Russians, and any other nationality in the world with a navy. Misunderstandings, jokes, prodding, and just having fun, especially in a war-time setting is what is highly immersive, attractive, and engaging in Azur Lane. Yes, lore and lewdness. This is what we’re missing out within the Dutch & Canadian gold-mine of content. Respectful jabs at one another, if still keeping things within tasteful boundaries.
See you in the Dutch & Canadian waters! Happy hunting!