Tulip Festival

I added the Tulip Festival Gallery onto the site so if your visiting my blog all the pictures are above in that link ^. I stayed mostly in the Japanese area where I saw people playing the fishy game, making origami, trying out headbands and such. The Tulip Festival has are as follows: Russia, Romania, Japan, Canada, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Indonesia, China, European Union, Thailand, Holland, Germany, Peru, and Mexico. I bet I forgot about 1-3 nations that were at the Tulip Festival in Major’s Hill Park in downtown Ottawa. I volunteered at the Tulip Festival as a Security guy so I get posted to various areas of the park. Today I got posted in the Mexico area for three hours in the sun with a one hour break to tour around and back to beer duty at the German boarder. The smells being put off by the international Pavilions drove me mad since I wanted to eat but had no cash.


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