1/100 Gundam Kyrios

As of Monday, May 26, 2008 I aquired Gundam Kyrios for $71. Well I feel that the price was a rip even before I bought it but since I wanted a new Gundam model I paid for it. At first I thought it was going to be as small as my Stargazer Gundam, however, it ended up as big as my other big Gundam models I got. Well I was hoping to get a big one so my mind kept shifting and getting paranoid I was going to get a small one again sine the effort for the smaller figure sized are half a wasted effort.

My last Gundam model was the Zaku II so having Kyrios in my collection gives my collection back to the modern times. While building the Gundam I noticed it has a slight reference to “Super Gundam” and “Wing Gundam” because of how it transforms and how the legs are shaped. Next time when you look at Kyrios think of the “Super Gundam” and the “Wing Gundam” and you’ll probably see where I’m coming from.

Going to show the box art and then images of when I was building it. The pictures were taken by a Sony Cyber-shot DSC-P41

(Right click thumbnails and open in new tab/window)


Continue reading 1/100 Gundam Kyrios

Saber’s Photoshoot (and a bit of sidetrackness)

Well since it was nice out I thought I should go out and see where I could go. I looked up at my desk thinking if I should take a figure to take pictures of during bike stop breaks. I saw that Mini-Saber and the new Revoltech Saber so I brought her along. Got on my bike, went on the bike path, headed towards Mud Lake to find people looking at the Canadian Geese with their baby Geese. I stopped, got off my bike and got sidetracked for a good 10-15 minutes while I saw another guy trying to go fishing with a fishing net.

(Click the link button under the images for bigger images.)


Continue reading Saber’s Photoshoot (and a bit of sidetrackness)