October 7th, 2008 – Petroloot

Well I see I was tardy with this blog, but I had catching up to do since I was in Europe. For starters I won a Petroglyph Mousepad which I’ll be adding to my collection. I collect Anime, Ferrari, and Petroglyph object so it goes into my collection well.

I gained the below item by entering myself into a Petroglyph Cave contest drawing. I drew this map. (Warning: Your eyes may bleed.)

Here is the mentioned item:

(Link – Photobucket)

And here are some of the things I have from before that are from Petroglyph (excluding the Death Star toy that makes noise, pre-order item with EaW)

https://arcticukitsu.com/Blog/?p=51 <— For more Petroglyph goodies. If requested I will take a picture of the sound making Death Star.


Edit: July 05, 2010 – You can view more Petroglyph related material here – http://forums.swgbex.com/viewforum.php?f=10&