Spring walk – Figma Shana

Nice day for a walk I must say, though a bit windy, it was warm with spring coming around. I should remind you to watch your step as it can get pretty icy around here. It always ends up getting swampy like and turns to ice (not everywhere of course). Oh and if your lurking, Shana makes a quick appearance. My camera ended up running out of juice so I had to head back.

So without further ado, here are some pictures from Canada, Ottawa with a nice lovely sky.

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And as I was walking along the “supposed to be” bike path, I saw another guy taking pictures of the nice scenery along the Ottawa River. Hes behind me now in the below picture. Oh and didn’t I remind you that its icy so don’t slip on me now.

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As I was walking I noticed some orange flags and some colored paint in the snow. Not sure what it is but I’m assuming its to remind people of the sudden depth the field takes.

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And here I tried to begin the Shana photoshoot while trying to conserve as much camera battery as I could. Looks like shes bored or pissed off while trying to point out the no swimming sign (with a nearly visible pond behind the right side of the sign).

“Urasai! Urasai! URASAI!” – Pouty face

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And my other attempt at having Shana fit in with the scenery behind her. Don’t you agree that Shana’s hair looks beautiful? Not my camera flash by the way, its the sun’s glare.

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And that frozen pond your not supposed to swim in (even if frozen solid).

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Oh lookey who I found, Ducks! Now we should be seeing images of the Canadian Geese coming back soon.

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Half frozen Ottawa River. Don’t walk on it unless you want to drown :(. (Obvious warning) After taking the below image my camera tells me it needs to recharge its batteries. I managed to get two more quick screens on the way back.

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I managed to get a picture of one sheet of ice, a picture of the nice warm sky, and a mini stream formed in the ice on the way back. And here I was planning to pose Shana fending off the snow or something :/. Ah well, next time.

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Guess that wraps up my article. Do make sure to check out these other blog articles since you probably might of missed out to the 4 quick blog updates.

1) Petroglyph Madness

2) Figma Shana get

3) Blog Changes – Theme and “mascot”

And have a good day :).