The Battle Between Shinki Renges

Hello again! Been a bit more than a month? Nothing was happening in April so I decided I might as well move the site onto a new server. It took a bit longer than expected, thus the 1-2 weeks of down-time, so I got a bit of a backlog spawning. Was expecting it to only be a two day thing, though my host was being busy with his things so it ended up being longer. Well anyways, here are some images from mid-April. Both my Renge’s got into a bit of a fight….

(Link – MySite) – Renge minion (left) mocking Renge Master (Right).

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

Was a very nice day that I spent most of it walking along he Ottawa River and photo-shooting both my Renge’s and O-Chan. The wind wasn’t all that bad so it made for a lovely walk and a very awesome photo-shooting session with my lovely foxy Renge.

Just to clarify – Renge Master is my first while Renge minion is my second one. Renge Master (just easier to identify) been talking about wanting minions for a while now so I’ve pondered and finally got her one. Well, not me exactly, but I did get her through a certain well respected blogger. Thanks!


April 14, 2011 – Westboro Beach.

– R-Minion: “I bet you can’t make it up here! Look at me!”
– R-Master: *Tsk*
– R-Minion: “Look! Look! Me and O-Chan beat you up here already! :D”
– R-Master: “HEY!”
– O-Chan: *snickers and waddles away.*

(Link – MySite) – Renge annoyed a bit at the bright sun.

The wind made it a tad bit hard to pose both Renge’s properly. Had to fight with their posing, their location, and etc.

(Link – MySite) – Renge Minion eager to battle under the sun.

– Renge Minion and Master: “Weeeeee!~”
– Me: Jiiiiiiii~ (stares).
– Renge Master: “Mastah  be watching us!”
– Renge Minion: “Hello Master! Look at how hard this branch is swinging ussssssssss!”
– Me: “Careful you two! I don’t have spare parts to repair both of you >.<”
– Renge Minion and Master: “Yes! We know!~”

(Link – MySite) – Ah, guess they wanted to get blown around while hanging on tightly on the branches.

– Renge Minion: “Lets battle! I want to show Master that I’m as good as you!”
– Renge Master: “Me and Mastah spent so much time with one another that I can defeat you with my eyes closed! I even gifted him cocoa beans!”
– Renge Minion: “No fair! I want to be with Master!”

Ah! So bright! Well, whatever, can’t let this shot go to waste as it still looks a bit nice.

(Link – MySite) – The duel! Minion vs Master!

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite) – Renge Master’s Battle Pose.

(Link – MySite) – Swords stalemate.

(Link – MySite)                            (Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite)

– Renge Master: “Haha! Me training my Mastah worked! Praised be my Mastah for my training program!”
– Renge Minion: “Not yet! I can….still…..fight!”

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite) – Renge Minion attemptign to bite Renge Master.

– Renge Minion: “I lost :(! I want to spend as much time training as much as you and Master!”
– Renge Master: *Tsk* “Mastah is very busy, he won’t train you as much as he does with me! I can attempt to train you in his place if you so desire~”
– Renge Minion: “Awwww! But….I want Master’s training!”

(Link – MySite)                          (Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite) – Renge-Minions: “Lets play ball!”

Bonus images  – April 13th – Awakening of Renge Minion:

Renge Minion amusingly arrived on a Kitsune Wednesday the 13th ( reference) which was asking for me to take command of her.

(Link – MySite) –

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite)

One drove me crazy, the second one will drive me bat-shit insane. I’m probably making it seem worse than it actually is, but if you know Renge then you might know where I’m coming from haha! She’s cute and all but she can be crazy. She even yells at me in the Battle Rondo MMO. Also considering expanding the fights to other Shinki’s and Figmas.

Well, thanks for you viewing and peace!