Ottawa – Spring Time#3 w/figma Haruhi

Excuse the lack of a better post title, heh.

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Another beautiful day means another set of great images from the vast open great white green northern nation of Canada. Each week passes meaning a better and greener scenery around the city as well as the nation, woo! This time I brought Haruhi around for the bike ride but wasn’t too sure were to take images so excuse the lack of Figma images.

I went to the same place I went before to check out what the Canadian Geese, as well as the duck were doing. They’re doing quite fine and just enjoying the nice warm weather after the 3 days of cold rain weather.

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Yup, these two little Ducks just resting there with the same canoeist going by.

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Need some wild life diversity so lets add a Chipmonk into the shot, funny little buggers, heh.

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Oh, what do you know, a second one to help slightly diversify the wildlife images. Ya, I need to get a picture of a Squirrel, a Beaver, and those slithering garden snakes.

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I was about to continue biking down the bike path until I noticed these hatchlings. I stopped and backed my bike up since a mom and her two kids were filming them as well.

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Me and this other kid both counted 17 little hatchlings.

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And one of them was just sleeping away while others where still casually eating. Luckily no ducks came by to harass the Canadian Geese.

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Heh, I dare you to count how many there are in here since they all look like one giant fluff ball. I can easily imagine what predators would end up seeing.

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Alright, thats enough cuteness overload for me and I’ll let other people have their chance to check them out. I did say I took Haruhi Figma with me and I finally got some nice pictures for you to check out. Let the Haruhi Figma image flood begin! What? Shes my first Figma and deserves some respect or else we’d be sent to some weird dimension or something…….

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Hmm, *inserts random image*

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Haruhi is so happy, now lets keep it that way. 🙂

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And Haruhi waves to Kyon who is near the bottom of the cliff.

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Wave Haruhi, Wave!

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I’d used an image that was closer to her but this one has a woman walking a dog! It gives the image life! *jokes*. I remember people kidding around on about how people should take pictures of their figure in public, and this is how close you’ll see me do that.

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Not much I can do about the sun and I let it hit naturally on the figure without making it look artificial or anything like other people do.

Haruhi didn’t like how I kept moving about and had the sun in her eyes.

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Didn’t have any Figma parts or another one with me so I decided to head home. I saw another group of Canadian Geese so I stopped and said hello. They’re tame as well 0_o

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I’ve played too many wargames and I’ll go out and say, “Those two parents are like battleships where those little hatchlings are like oil tankers or merchant ships“. Totally random, I know. Go stare at a WW2 battleship fleet and come back and view this image, you will probably see what I see.

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And that wraps up the blog entry. Now off to hunt Figma Signum so I can attempt to do the same! Thanks for viewing the blog entry and if you spot any errors or typos then feel free to post them so I can do a swift edit like with my previous blog entry.
*Walks off to ponder where the next photoshoot area should be once he acquires Signum*