Canada Day + Japan Emperor visits Canada

Hello again, thought I’d update this again. Tardy, I know, but I was playing infamous and welcoming a guest from Europe.

So todays topic is Canada Day and the Emperor of Japan visiting Canada, especially Ottawa. First up, Canada Day! For those looking for Figma images there will be none in this one. Was too busy biking around with a friend, lol.

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Above image shows that Canada day could of been rainy but instead decided to go in everybody’s favor. You can still see the darkness of the clouds over the War Museum in Ottawa.

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View of random building with Canadian flag from Gatineau direction.

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The first bunny I seen this Summer. This one was hopping around in the downtown Ottawa area near the war museum.

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People boating and canoing on the Ottawa River on Canada day.

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No photoshop here, those clouds are kick ass.

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Nice view, right? The river bank to the right was closed off for “safety” reasons I believe. Me, my friend, and other people couldn’t bike along there.

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Spot the Canadian flags.

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Canoes! Guess your asking where are the Canada stay stuff right? Well here it is!

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And below is my favourite image out of the whole collection.

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Another favourite one of mine below, Basilica Church.

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For you fellow Americans, the American Embassy is in view below with tons of glass. And heres the Spider infront of the Art Gallery that also happens to have a nice glass structure. The American Embassy is the most fortified building in Ottawa, paranoid bastards lol.

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Back near the parliament building area at the war memorial.

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And the below statue is Terry Fox holding a Canadian flag.

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And here is the last image of a unused train bridge in Ottawa to finish off the Canada day stuff.

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And the next bit of news is about the Emperor of Japan coming to Canada. I have pictures but its late and I’ll edit it tomorrow when the server works. If your lurking then please check back for the Ottawa – Japan edit.

For now I’ll supply this ->


I know they’re only flags so I’ll only show two images :(.

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