Rain, rain, SUN! Shana!

Hello again, time to dust this off again and dry up any wet spots after the constant downpour in my area. I decided to get a bike again and see what I could snap images of this time around.

Not much happened except for me obtaining two wall scrolls, playing games, and sitting out the rain a few times. Still have yet to do a photoshoot for my two new figmas that I obtained a few weeks back. The constant rain killed my interest in anything figure related.

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Below image is of the Ottawa River from the bike path inbetween Britannia Beach and Andrew Haydon park. For a river it looks more like a lake the more I seem to eye it.

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While I got you wondering about the Ottawa River I shall also link, this. People love doing weird stuff that at least one person tends to end up within the chilly and polluted waters of the Ottawa River.

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How many of you try to avoid city life while living in one? Do you stroll in any possible parks or paths? Since Ottawa still thinks natural beauty is necessary we tons of paths where people can freely stroll and snap a few images.  I wouldn’t recommend swimming in the waters, though………

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Doubt I have this image, below, of duck submerging themselves looking for food. Now that I do you can enjoy the Ducks eating their dinner (was about 5:10 pm). Andrew Haydon park is neat, eh? If you haven’t seen any images then there should be some I took from the past months within my archive :).

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City loves its parks so much that they cut the grass on a regular basis, heh. I find it interesting how you can see even the farthest of things from this spot thanks to the open area of the river. What would take me nearly 20-40 minutes to bike to could be seen when peaking from the river’s coast line. Hey, I can see the Britannia Yacht Club over in the left side.

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Guys go boating around dinner time? Apperantly these guys do. As seen from ontop of a hill within Andrew Haydon Park.

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What you see is a matter of perspective. From the other side of this park I saw hordes of Canada Geese and Seagulls while in the image I took makes it seem decently populated. Even in pictures what do you see in your current reality? Some onimous atmosphere or some joyous melodic scenery? Mines a mix of both as you could probably tell via my text.

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Sweet, a new specimen for me to archive in my holy blog world ^_^. A Heron? So we have Seagulls, Canada Geese, Squirrels, Chipmonks, Musk rats, Blue Jays (yet to get a decent image of one), Robins, groundhogs, and various other rodents and birds thats eluding my mind at the moment. Wish I could of shown you that Blue Jay though, hilarious and it stalked me for a bit.

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*facepalms* I forgot about my Figma, Shana. Time to let her see the scenery. Shes pointing towards the last four-five images above.

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As beautiful she is her hair made it nearly impossible for her to sit, managed though.

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Britannia Yacht club to the right, Champlain Bridge in the background to the left, and some of your typical yachts you would see on the river. If your curious about the area then look for Andrew Haydon park in the bottom left and spot the bridge to the top right of, this Google map.

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“Need more Shana!~” (Need more Desu~)
I got three more images to share with you then. I should of took more, I know, but I’m glad I at least took images of Shana.

North is that way.” – Shana

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“Can you spot the yachts? I can, but can you?” – Shana

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And Shana decided to rest on the tree while I go look for her sword. I nearly lost it and I lost Haruhi’s camera on the trip before :(. If you see a middle finger below then thats probably for me having nearly lost Shana’s Katana. If not then lets not interrupt your normal perspective, yet.

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Guess this is about it. Sorry for the plain blog article but I’ll see about getting more articles on here as time goes by .