Sharatang’s Chess Enlightenment

Hey guys! Interested in a game of chess? I haven’t played in so long so I thought I would observe my Shinki’s playing chess once again. Who? Sharatang vs Kohiru of course! Renge? Oh, she decided to watch, but she ended up snoozing….Also tried to go for a little pun in the title.

(Link – MySite) – Renge commenting about Sharatang’s lights.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

I didn’t really go far (balcony) with Sharatang because of all her parts, her fragility. All my Shinki’s wanted to do was to play chess. And wow, I’m slowing down on these Shinki photoshoots….I blame the hot weather, humidity, and my Minecraft server for the absence and sluggishness. I mean, I’m not holing up because it’s hot. The summer weather is nice for us humans, just not so kind for the Shinkis, or when carrying them around…

And here is another look at what my Shinki’s do when not wondering outside, and another experiment to see if they can play chess.


Related Articles:

– Shinki Kohiru and Fubuki play Chess:

– Kohiru: Do I play as black?
– Sharatang: No, I’ll take black. Don’t worry yourself, I’ll play black as I only just arrived.

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(Link – MySite) – During the little fight Kohiru sets her side of the chess board.

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– Sharatang: What are you doing over there? Come down and help me set up the board if you are going to laze around.
– Renge: Sorry! I can’t. I drained my batteries after cleaning various parks and enchanting them with the fox power gifted to me to protect my Master and his fellow kind from harm.

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– Sharatang: It won’t take much, just help both me and Kohiru and you can go back to sitting around…
– Renge: Humu! However, I am currently processing other materials that need my attention. If you don’t mind…..
– Sharatang: Suit yourself….

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– Sharatang: If my programming is correct, the queen goes here…..

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– Sharatang: Ready?
– Kohiru: Ready whenever you are!

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(Link – MySite) – Sharatang: Hmm~…what move to make….

(Link – MySite) – Sharatang: Guess I shall just move this horse.

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– Sharatang: Wake up sleepy head!
– Kohiru: Hey! Renge! Come enjoy our game of chess!
– Renge: OI! How rude! I have 20% energy left! I need to conserve it right now as Master is out doing his business! I can’t access the charger!

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Renge: Might I ask where both your queens are? I can’t suggest anything with these results!

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(Link – MySite) – Renge: Hmm……

– Sharatang: Hey! Get off of that! It’s fragile!
– Renge: Hmm?…..

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(Link – MySite) – Renge: Hmm?

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Renge: Uh oh……..

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– Kohiru: Shoo! You are interrupting our peaceful game :(.
– Renge: AIII!~ Not so rough! It’s only a game of chess!
– Sharatang:…….

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– Sharatang: Stop it! Both of you! Let us just get back to the game and enjoy it!
– Renge and Kohiru: ……..

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– Renge: Hmm….I think this went here…..There!

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– Few minutes later –

– Renge: This seems weird…..
– Sharatang: *laughs*
– Kohiru: Ah well…….

– Renge: MASTER! Welcome back! Now you shall face your punishment for leaving me unattended in the battle center!
– Me: HEY! Wait a minute! I wrote your apology just as you asked…..
– Renge: Oh?
– Me: Here! *carefully places chess pieces to the side.*

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“An apology? What? What for?” you guys ask? Well,……I left Renge sleeping for so long that she tasked me with writing out 20 pages of 400 characters, or similar saying why I forgot about her, in Japanese. Yup! That is my punishment lol.

I used Google Translate to translate what I wrote from English to Japanese then “read phonetically”,  I grabbed my Katakana chart and started translating. I apologize if I butchered the Japanese language or angered any Japanese individuals. I wonder if it even makes senses…….I took Ken_works up on the offer after he linked me some sheets haha.

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(Link – MySite) – Japanese gibberish?

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Renge seemed to have accepted the apology. They simply walked off…..I only did 1 of the 20 pages…..


– Shinki Chess party!

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And then some nightly shots of Sharatang a few hours later. I never really took night-time images of figures so this is my first time trying it out. I think came out fairly decently….might not be the best, but I have to start somewhere so I like some of these shots and I chose 9 from 71 images. I even saw a nice full-moon that would of been nice in the shot, but I don’t have the right lens :(.

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(Link – MySite) – Moon-light?

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I now know what I must do with the lighting and set up. I think I’ll try to take more of these, especially in the city somewhere….or somewhere with a lot of lights outdoors somewhere. I’ve been itching to do such for a long long long time but never had a concrete reason of heading out at night with these figures. I don’t really know anybody interested enough to accompany me to assist me with such.


Hope you enjoyed and looking forward to taking more Shinki images!