Renge prepares food & Wanders outdoors

What a surprise! Renge decided to make me some food! Even though she told me she didn’t know how to cook, she did fairly well haha. She later ventured outdoors where I would of been spotted observing low incoming planes coming in for a landing over the Ottawa river.

(Link – MySite) – Incoming overcast/rain.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

Both me and other fellow figure Otaku’s wanted to see Shinki’s make some food so I thought I’d give it a try…Well, Renge would I mean. My main reason would be the the opening or ending cinematic of Busou Shinki Moon Angel Anime that has Arnval making bread. I wanted to see how Renge would fair with cooking eggs and made bread so I observed her!

She said she couldn’t make cake so she gave me cocoa beans on on my B-day on Battle Rondo. I noticed she made eggs fairly well….maybe she observed me making them a lot? She put a bit more olive oil than necessary though haha.

Also, I didn’t like how dark my indoor images looked so I went out to take a proper photoshoot of Renge and planes :P.

(Link – MySite) – Renge activating her newly created cooking program.

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(Link – MySite) – That egg sure was heavy!

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(Link – MySite) – It appears Renge missed a few important steps. What could they be?

(Link – MySite) – Step 1 – Oil pan and Step 2 – crack eggs.

(Link – MySite) – Whoops! A bit too much oil there. Not cooking steak! *Doesn’t eevn know how to.*

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(Link – MySite) – With brightness & Bloom effects.

(Link – MySite) – Renge all buttery in this image as she fell into my food a few times.

(Link – MySite) – “Master! Food is done!” – Renge

Hard to do photoshoot with figures cooking food. Food doesn’t wait up for a shot and keeps doing what it normally does…..Fun though! Reaping the rewards from doing it – i.e Satisfaction of actually doing it.


– Part 2 – Outdoor shoot:

Kind of disliked the image quality on the cooking so I decided to snap more images. Good thing I did too! Saw these rock formations and incoming planes that I love so much :P.

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This 777-300 – Air Canada surprised me as it came in for a landing. It was low, loud, and slowly making it’s way towards the airport. I wish I had a zooming lens for my GF1 so I could of gotten a close-up image of it. I love the sound they make as they take-off or land! Music to my ears.

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Another? This one being the smaller one though.

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(Link – MySite) – Renge looking towards the incoming planes.

(Link – MySite) – Ah! A Westjet.

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(Link – MySite) – Renge found herself some Canadian Pride! True north strong and free!

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(Link – MySite) – A little squirt of a plane coming in for a landing.

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I like these next shots of Renge kneeling with her tail-blade.

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(Link – MySite) – I see Renge’s aura is glowing white 😮

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– Servant Renge – “Awaiting your orders, Master!”
(Little fun with Fate/Stay Night and Feudal Japan.)

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(Link – MySite) – This one came out a bit weird, but still nice I guess.

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(Link – MySite) – I thought the Canadian Geese were heading south? And they sure love showing their rear ends in search for fishies.

(Link – MySite) – Hmm, incoming rain clouds.

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(Link – MySite) – Prideful Fox – Renge.

(Link – MySite) – Blurry shots are my enemy! And I like this one regardless of the blurriness.

(Link – MySite) – Feel the wrath of Renge’s fox blade!

(Link – MySite) – A pirate sword pose.

(Link – MySite) – Another low plane! Damn, I should be at the airport if I’m taking these shots…..

(Link – MySite) – The calm before the storm? (Background)….Well, rain that started falling around 7 pm.

(Link – MySite) – Renge pointing out the fall leaves on the ground. Hmm…..

– Sunday, September 18, 2011 – We had another Earthquake, but a small 4.0 mag quake. Tiny when compared to other nations, but it is something to note. Again, Ottawa isn’t known for earthquakes. I heard a low rumbling noise as well as felt it. My glass cabinet shook a bit, as it always does when a bus or truck goes by, this one lasting longer than the former two. I thought I was going nuts with the small cold I had then….1 hour later I found out it was this small crazy quake. So, time to poke fun with it for messing with my mind! It’s 1 mag lower than what I had back in 2010.

Source – theweathernetwork Earthquake USGS

(Link – MySite) – Fear the fox spirits of Asia!

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(Link – MySite) – FOX-QUAKE!~ Kon!~

(Link – MySite) – Kon kon!~

(Link – MySite & – Fox-quake punch!~

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And I’m happy with 81 images worth of Shinki, plane and scenery photos! Or 170-ish if you count all the images taken. Satisfied with watering the Shinki drought on my end! Hope you guys are satisfied as well in viewing this, and the past articles as well!

And I would like to remind any lurkers that you can now rate my articles! Tell me which ones you like and dislike by simply rating them at the bottom of the article! If you don’t see it then don’t worry, the plug-in may be hissyfitting. Well, until next time! Peace!


Edit: Saturday, March 17, 2012:

I brightened up the indoor images because they were bothering me. Now that I can finally keep my images at proper lighting levels I wanted to at least brightened my images properly. Also inserted a pair of slightly edited ones with similar settings.