Renge’s Winter Revisited

Hello! And what’s this? Snow! 5-7 cm of it! Fell during the mid-hours of Kitsune Wednesday and waited long enough for me to snap images of it with Renge checking up on her various shrines.

(Link – MySite) – Renge airplaning her way through a bike-made path.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

The first snow that Ottawa recieved this year that managed to stick. Well, maybe it technically would be the second because we received because we had flurries on November 17th, 2011, day before Naru2u.

Related Articles:

– Renge’s Winter (2010):


The first snow is always special because it is well, the first snow. It is always interesting to note, to witness, and to see how Mother Nature & Earth is transitioning from one season to the next. The snow started falling at 1 am, I noticed it at 2 am-ish.It kept snowing until the bright morning. Could hear the snow-plows and people playing with the snow haha.

Time to brush up on my snow-time photography.

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– Renge’s Shrine:

Renge about to clean one of many* mini-shrine of Renge’s scattered throughout areas Renge visited.

*Not really, only one gray and blue for photo shoot purposes. Go with the flow.

Before setting up the shrine a Mosquito tried sucking blood from my hand. It barely managed to fly and fell onto the snow. Squirrels were also roaming the area.

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(Link – MySite) – Sweep! Sweep! Sorry, no shovel.

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(Link – MySite) – One shrine cleared, more to go!

Segway Fun:   

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A skier went past and found my photoshoot interesting. Nice! Chatted a little, helped him take a few images, and got some of myself with Renge. Awesome.

(Link – MySite) – Look for purplish sticks in the above image, that be the person.

If I brought some nuts I could of had birds or Squirrels appearing in front of Renge….Ah well, I luck out this time.

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Natural Exploration:

Her segway got stuck haha. You knew that was coming, right? Going to help her up onto the tree.

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Hmm…Nearly lost Fubuki’s tail. Her head kept popping off to the point where it was becoming frustrating. Shinkis & snow? They don’t mix….Too many parts! Miko outfit hinders the arms.

(Link – MySite) – Renge creates and conquers her own fort. Reign supreme!

(Link – MySite) – It’s like a secret base, can’t see it when photographing directly.

Sexy Renge:

(Link – MySite) – Fuzzy screen!  Was a test to see what kind of image I’d get with a foggy lens; quite interesting results.

Yup, that was the first thing that did come to mind actually. The image had this Spice and Wolf vibe for me.

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(Link – MySite) – Sleep well Renge!

I’ll eventually get her charging cradle :).

Was fun! If you have figures or models with many parts may want to keep a VERY careful eye on the parts. Bring a friend, proper carry cases and such.

Christmas is nearing! Just about that time to get all festive in December. Until then, peace!