Renge’s Spring-Dance

Hello Folks! Took Renge out to check out how the warm spring weather is now melting the snow, forming nice little streams of melted snow. Quite neat to check out. She later did an encore of her dance before, but this time with the Miko outfit taken back from Fubuki.

– Rewarded with nice cloud formations.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF-1 – pancake lens.)

This article is basically a post-birthday (party) article. Was gifted things, one of which spawned quite a bit of ideas with me and Renge. Was gifted some Lindt chocolate bunny with a mini-bell which made Renge all so happy. She kept jiggling that little thing any chance she could, even bringing it outdoors and then again for the Shinto Kagura-esque dance. Because of the lighting at night I wanted to take her out during the day for a proper image photo-shoot.

DD Varakitsu was my main birthday gift, if you’re wondering what I got. My lovely Canadian fox spirit blog mascot.

Even with the messy spring thaw I did try to take beautiful images. The wet dirt smelling like cow dung. Hope the images are to your liking, I approve of them.


Quick Bell Dance (Night before):

Basically the few images that sparked the outdoor and indoor photo-shoot.


Spring Outdoors:

Had Renge explore outdoors to check out all the melting snow creating little streams of water. Quite nice to look at, even more so with Shinkis. Didn’t really get the kind I was looking for. Close enough.

– One of the nicer little streams of water.

– Renge casually tracking down some Canada Geese. There were a few, they were very camera shy.

Not sure why the Canada Geese were insanely shy. They kept walking away when they’re usually used to just standing their ground or ignoring you all together. Also goes without saying that cars would stop for these Geese. While posing Renge two Geese decided to cross the Ottawa River parkway road.


– Duck convoy; Wanted to pose Renge with more tracks, or with them in the background.
– Oh? Someone lost a cassette at a snow bank.
– Renge casually examining an antique item from the past. Some lady commented as to what I found and said it was “strange”.

– Renge pondering away on a make-shift Kiseru.


– Two possible potheads asking nature to take them for a swim. They were jumping on the patch of ice & snow to scare the ducks.

Spring was messier than I thought. Decided to head home in a partly-embarrassing manner. Was getting the chills and my left leg was soaked from all the kneeling to take images of Renge. I also accidentally scared away both ducks and Canada Geese that I just said “screw it” and headed home to party on with Renge :).



Renge’s Kagura Dance:

Tried to replicate the Kagura dance I’ve seen in anime. I’m pretty sure I butchered it, but I did try to stick as closely as I’ve seen it in Anime (Infinite Stratos and Kamisama Kiss), on some J-Vlogs, along with a few images on Google. I tried.

Do hope that you’ll enjoy her quick dance with the bell. Need music? Alright! Here is one from Horizon Anime that seems to fit the mood.

(The music video that got me watching the Horizon Anime.)

Seeing as how I had Sake from Kiko Sushi Bar before I got myself one that was Korean made. Not Japanese but it works. Why not? Something to celebrate my birthday with :). Got Soju but shall get a proper Sake one at a later date, was lied to ^^.

– Offered some lovely Soju; Had a nice Bacardi & Borovicka taste this Korean one did.


And something for Easter! Weeeeeee~


Renge & Varakitsu’s Sake:

Asked someone to get Sake, yet got Soju so to correct the mistake I got myself proper Sake this time. When you want something done it is best to do it yourself. I however don’t mind getting drinking Soju, something different to try. Not really all that disappointed.

Also ate myself some Chinese food mmmm!~ Yummy. Was wanting to take images with Renge but was seated very closely to other people. Bah.

– Renge chilling out.

I also have more of these cups, dishes, and bowls. I’ll keep sharing them if I have to. Been also tempted in grabbing Havana Club, Zlaty Bazant, and even Bailies. Now to happily drink away the Sake as I originally wanted to.

After Renge had her fun pondering away next to the Sake, Varakitsu decided to snatch it up while I was listening to some Maoyuu OST tracks. She took a nice amount from the bottle heh.

Also spent a long while trying to tame that wig. It is insanely picky, immediately getting messy all over again almost instantly.

– Can’t take the Sake from her or she’ll curse me ^^;

All that Sake being consumed! Especially with the unlimited Sake Fox spirits are known to sip on.

Well, hope you enjoyed the article and the two edits :). Hoping to take Varakitsu out during the Spring blooming. Also hoping to get her some appropriate outfits or accessories for her to proudly show off then. If not, ah well. Shall try to aim for good quality photos.
