Halloween Highlights

Another year means another Halloween that has arrived and departed. Missed out?

(Link – MySite, Imageshack, and Petro Forums)

Above image is drawn by a member named “Valdez” who can be found here:
Petroglyph Forums
A PF Comic Blog Article, and part 2.

This Halloween seemed kind of odd. Everybody knew it was coming, there were decorations out on people’s balcony weeks before hand and the weather was cloudy up till around 6 pm allowing people to trick or treat. It was weird because a few people had their decorations up while many others simply ignored it’s presence. Is it from the financial issues, H1N1 media scare tactics, or people are growing out of it? I scouted a few streets for some Halloween goodies and only managed to obtain a these few images of them. I know there were better ones but I only did manage to find these rare few.

All images were taken with my Sony W-170 Digital Camera.

(Link – MySite)

Many houses had only pumpkins or some kind of lone decoration. A few were already ready for Christmas.

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I think this one is my favorite and probably the better one in the neighborhood, unless I’m oblivious to my surroundings. I was hoping to see more like these.

(Link – MySite)

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Went for some Salmon Sushi and Vegi-Miso soup before heading to the T&T Supermarket once more, after which I went to look for more Halloween homes. I’ve also updated the T&T Supermarket article with a bit more images taken with my cellphone camera this time around.

(Link – MySite)

Sorry about the quality but these are the best image qualities I could acquire from the dark. I may also need a tripod and/or a new camera at this rate…..

(Link – MySite)

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A pumpkin and a funny sci-fi lamp.

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Ah, thats more like it. Not perfect, but a better image quality.

(Link – MySite)

I couldn’t find the CJOH Halloween broadcast of the Halloween homes on youtube or Google, sorry. When I do I’ll edit those in and you can see how neat those were. I guess the two below content will be a semi-place holder until I do find any extra Ottawa Halloween material.

Ottawa Sun – Halloween Costume stores (Pre-Halloween):

Previous Image in one of my other blog Articles:

(Link – MySite)

Small stores opening up just for Halloween before disappearing from site once more.

I’ll be editing in any new Halloween galleries of ’09 from Ottawa that I find, if any. I got trojan’ed twice by seeking some Ottawa Halloween costumes from ’09 through Google. If you have any Halloween images of your local area feel free to leave a comment below, even more so when from Ottawa or Japan.


The internet & Games side of things:

Looks like the internet was far more active with Halloween spirit :). Too bad NCSoft had my account login reset as I couldn’t log in anymore. All the 600 hours of gaming on Guild wars = gone. I tried their support but it wouldn’t send back to them :(. Instead, I’ll have Home and LittleBigPlanet to take it’s place, enjoy.

Petroglyph Forums

(Link – MySite and To Forums)

LittleBigPlanet (PS3)
(These images are these small by default.)


[b]Playstation Home[/b]
(More can be found, here)

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For those that have Figma’s, did you obtain this last year? You should get it now, even if Halloween expired this year :p.
Figma Printout’s:

In short, an uneventful Halloween. I tried to make the best of it though with the above images ^_^.