Looking back into the semi-old yet new images while also being quite a jolly time of the year within the month of December of 2018. A LOT happening that month. Article shall be heavier with images than usual because of the festive time.
Heyo! We’re back in another one of these article types because of my nasty game of catch-up thanks to how useless Tumblr is (and has made itself be) forcing me to share these all there. I guess this is what you would however call a “blessing in disguise” because I can now add as many images as I desire, thus making this article quite image heavy thanks to how festive the month of December was. Looking back at these images it appears we had a LOT of fun, most of which I couldn’t even capture either picture, nor video wise. We simply had fun, and that’s the best. 🙂
Note: If you see portrait images in landscape mode it’s because WordPress failed to rotate it back around. When you open the image in a new tab it should work.
The above image led to many fun moments of me chasing a very skittish Maiya around the map. She was shy with others joining the world, of Delta & Isha. We tried chasing her to keep her welcomed in VRchat. It led to a nicely detailed conversation of Busou Shinki, Frame Arms Girl, an odd insert about my height trying to be a part of the group conversation….. Both good and awkwardness. Was a fun night, this one.
My social anxiety took a hit here activating at the wrong time. You could easily read this from my tweet where I was genuinely happy, yet felt insanely guilty as if I just robbed a store, or something. I felt I’ve done a horrible crime, yet loved what I did. I’m happy I sparked the Padoru raid causing a scene in a few worlds. Many fun moments and images were to be had.
If I had to pin my social anxiety source down I believe I have to blame Ottawa itself for constantly knocking me down locally to the point I was unable to do anything, unable to enjoy anything. Buddies in VRchat told me to not feel guilty about it. I thank them for their support, they’re awesome because of how much fun we had and the support we give one another.
I’m however frustrated with the social anxiety Ottawa itself has given me, something I’m still struggling to shake off. Basically hard-wired to “fear” things from kindergarten till about highschool making you wary about things. I thank my VRchat buddies & friends for allowing me to do what I’m able to do in VRchat. Because of you guys we’re able to have fun in VRchat, and anything else we play on my actual days off.
Even with my high anxiety I thank my friends highly for being awesome and supportive.
The image count for this posting may indeed be higher than normal, but that’s only because we have Tumblr to blame for that. Again, a blessing in disguise because I have far more control here for my content able to do what I want with it. Tumblr only allows for 10 images; More, but in smaller size. It’s better here, and I should have kept posting.I probably should have placed these on this blog to begin with. I also want to focus on the more “present” moments, thus forcing this out as much as I can. The month of December has been mad-fun! Loved it! Even my anxiety got in the way once or twice, I still rate it among the best months. Christmas & New Years was fun, and I thank my VRchat buddies & friends for making it awesome. Thank you guys!
Hope you enjoyed the content within! Thanks for reading, and let’s continue to have fun in VRchat! 🙂