Another Friday, another fun VRchat hangout to enjoy by Nagzz21’s community. I missed out on a lot wanting to see what was new, what was happening, and where everything was at.

Been a long while since I’ve last been in a Nagzz21 hangout because of a 1-2 combo hit. The first issue I had was my Oculus Rift cable tangled from use since December 2017. The second one was work, and I’ve seen I missed out on a lot of fun ones. Glad I could catch whichever ones I can, such as this one, where I was able to say “hello” to Thelv, Wolfmarine again, among other cool folks. Just chill and have fun observing things.
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Thelv was an awesome guy to interact with being highly curious. Awesome dude. I love his curiousity, the way he went up to everybody just trying to be a part of the community. Awesome seeing him questing how many fox tails the avatar had (9) when assuming it was 7 *laughs*.
Funny part was when I was closing tabs on my Chrome was how he came up to me noting how he heard me putting my headset back on. Yup, wanted to minimize the stuttering I was having by closing the Chrome tabs. Smoother performance than before, but loved that curiousity of Thelv talking to everybody in the game trying to learn what was going on 🙂
Curiousity killed the cat, or so they say. Makes them all the wiser though.

It was roughly at this point where my session went wonky. Even though I make it out to be a big part, it wasn’t a major thing. Felt weird though because I wasn’t sure what was what, what was glitchy, and what was normal. Hangout wise it didn’t effect me that much, just couldn’t take me pictures during that point because I couldn’t swap between avatars. I tried swapping avatars to something else, couldn’t. I was stuck as my mini Renge. I kept trying and trying, and trying, and trying…. Was unable to swap. I eventually went back to the main grouping to find this……..

I roamed around for another 5 minutes cursing, unsure if everybody was actually active and I was the only one seeing a surreal experience. Can’t tell if I unknowingly publicly embarrassed myself by cursing and gesturing in frustration to restart the client. Either way…… That scene with the migrating summoning circle shall now be stuck in my mind with how surreal that felt.

I still remember when Nothingbutafan came up to me in a previous hangout to poke my nose, then I’d poke his nose. Chased him a bit…. Glad we got a loose theme going 🙂

I had my fun in the hangout. I was still chill, but when I could reach out of my comfort zone it became far more enjoyable. I did have that weird avatar surreal moment (that was weird), but I still had fun. I was glad to have met Thelv, though wish I could talk to everybody without so many odd issues. Fix one and another takes it’s place……. I feel so horrible constantly pointing out technical difficulties…….. I know people don’t want to hear that, and it would bore people hearing it constantly. Even so, even with those, I still managed to have fun. I have images to prove it with the Birb moments onward because that’s where I really had my influence spread with how I was able to finally interact with people. I say “influence”… The best experiences come when people acknowledge your existence when you’re able to converse, and everything. It was fun seeing people reacting to what we were doing, and in previous meet-ups also. I’m wording things horribly, just trying to say when you interact with one another that’s where the fun comes out during meet-ups. A simple conversation goes a long way.
But seriously, opportunities are like sunshine. The longer you wait the less likely you’ll be able to take advantage of them. I love that quote.

Thanks for reading and hope you’ve enjoyed the content. 🙂
thanks for the birthday wishes! Means a lot. <3