With the weather being awesome I’ve decided to venture out to fly my drone out on a summer-like day. Well, any day and this day simply lined up for that thought. Went cycling around to fly my drone, to visit a home I’ve been displaced from because 2020 took my father from me (liver disease), and just trying to get my thoughts together. Its to simply admire the weather as I take images, recall the past in sugar-coated viewpoints, and etc. I also have to keep myself fit while also having Pokemon GO in mind.
In the following images you can see a brewing thunderstorm, something which passed with only a strong breeze for a good 10 minutes, or so. Those close to me (helping me out from 2020’s madness) assume I was either panicking or going crazy because I noted this storm. I myself brought up the hallucination part because it felt like I was talking to a brick wall. I can’t connect with people as I used to. 2020 screwed shit up. I was simply curious about the weather having been glad I went out regardless. Simply curious if it was a proper thunderstorm or not, that is all. (Clarity: I asked if there is a storm, only confusion on both vocal and Discord.)
(Note: All the following images are taken with my smartphone; Other images shall be noted as a DJI Tello under the image.)
I grew up around this area so everything feels nostalgic, yet different. Well, at least having gone to and from school here and other areas. There is a lot of change to the point I feel I simply do not belong here anymore in a disconnected manner. Nothing to call my own. Granted, I do have my memories of higher grade highschool girls trying to tease, calling a friend’s sister ‘chubby’ by mistake, and all the typical highschool drama weirdness at the bridge area. Even walking through dense morning fog. Cycling with school mates, and the last memory of having my dad drive me up to this bridge to play Pokemon GO back in 2019, or so. It was for a Porygon raid.
I now have a new memory of a woman cyclist pointing where she wanted to go as I was a bit confused by the change. Nothing major, just something I would later realize with bike paths being loaded with people taking advantage of the warm weather on a Sunday. It was a hot day and all.
I still don’t understand those behind the planning for the area. They could have easily made a user friendly bridge in the area, yet made a cross walk instead. Yeah, that works in short, more so when saving money (Sarcastic). People will still J-walk, and all sorts of stuff. Then OC Transpo will keep complaining about fining people for still J-walking regardless. That’s just me and my friends opinion. I don’t live there anymore so they can set up whatever they want. *laughs*.
Everything is “better late than ever” with Ottawa. With the jokes aside I’m still curious how the final product shall appear when its done. How will this LRT & bus station appear at the end of things.
(FYI: The Ottawa parkway and bus stations were supposed to be a tramway. It was half implemented that way.)
I have to say that they really expanded into the whole plot of land. Crazy.
I lived here for over (or up to) 20 years. All the crazy times I’ve been through, even my own stupidity and those sugar coated lens times. Anime stuff, figure.fm stuff, Danny Choo, getting into Nagzz21’s VRChat in 2017 after being betrayed by a Dutch friend (and other hobbiests). Great times. Even did my anime hobby stuff around this neighborhood. Even how my friend threw a snowball at my window, climbed a balcony to get to my apartment, and just various nonsense. Hearing drunk girls whine about their fake love live causing a scene, college folks drinking into the night, and the various stuff. My friend’s green bike being stolen, Ottawa Senators (hockey/NHL) game & Gran Turismo 3, 5, & 5 (PS3 being enjoyed), and tons of others. Cans of Arizona being consumed, others thrown out and two trips to Europe and Cuba. Thunderstorms and snowstorms. It’ll be missed. How time flies. Its insane.
Yeah, I could have also done better life choices, and I’ve been scolded time and again for various social fears leading to certain life choices. Ottawa really messed with my self esteem to the point I was practically a shut in, though not to the fullest extend. People messed my emotions and esteem so badly it had to take VRChat to get me to be normal again, or close to normal as possible. Schools kept bulling me both teacher & student side, Ottawa residents are evil, and people (some even tone deaf themselves) are trying to justify me having been bullied. Insane. It is what it is, and I now have to live with it. I still believe I can’t fully trust Canadians because of political reasons. Canadians are polite, just not fully trustworthy. Canadians are a gullible bunch to where I have to keep my guard up or get socially burned by their naiveness, as with my own. You are your surroundings…… I still have to keep my guard up. Its annoying.
I haven’t actually cried because I was forced to hold it in. I had tears for my Sparky, my mother and father, just never bawled it out. I had no proper opportunity to really let out a cry, even though I wanted to. I nearly cried at work of my dad passing away, yet stayed there at work to do the thing. So many phone calls. A coworker asked if I was alright while being in a 50/50 emotional state back a year ago (May 2020) when I obtained that call he was passing. My emotions were hidden away in the year ever since, most likely.
I just don’t have any proper people to emotionally unload onto. I’ve been scolded for various things, or simply unable to emotionally connect in a way families can. Granted, my constant frustration could be a sign I still haven’t cleared away my grief. I don’t want to be rude to people, its just adapting to your surroundings for reasons noted above. My sadness probably turned into constant day-in and day-out frustration and anger to where I may accidentally snap at people. Having gone back I simply feel “lost in time” and “disconnected” with reality.
With my moment done at the area I went back through my nostalgic route (ones I take for figure photography) to head my way towards Regina school area, Britannia Beach, and such. With all the people on the bike path I was constantly second guessing myself if I should detour or go elsewhere. The bikepath was legit packed with people going past one another like lunatics. I’m still an introvert at heart, this was madness. I get it! Summer.
I wish I took pictures. The bikepath was loaded, as was the corner ice cream spot. I missed some potentially awesome screenshots. Simply picture in your mind a bikepath loaded with cyclists of all sorts (fast and slow types), baby strolleres, pedestrians walking, and all sorts of people both following and not following proper bike path etiquette. Crazy Ottawa.
As for the corner store ice cream shop, people hogged it by swarming around the store and the bikepath area. Warm weather = lots of people, I’m well aware of this. Its is however simply insane when in person. I nearly ran a few pedestrians over. Granted, I should have also rang the bell on my bike. People are not the listening type in this neighborhood. I’ve rang it before to woman who refused to move off the bike path. Then you wonder why I’m frustrated with people in this city.
DJI Tello time!
After scanning Britannia Beach for a drone location I decided against it. Too many people, the wind was picking up a bit and I was desiring to head to Andrew Haydon Park after finally digesting my Hagen-daz ice cream. I was heading my way towards Andrew Haydon to eventually decide against it because of the insane amount of people. I was taking a side path having all these people giving me weird looks. I wanted nothing to do with it….. I double backed a semi-long way towards Regina School to see if I can get any drone shots.
People kept giving me these weird looks and stares, it annoyed me. I was annoyed with the amount of people hogging the bike path. You couldn’t even cycle on it. The peace of this park was however bliss. The park-ish area behind the school and the kid’s playground. Even there I obtained a few odd stares because I was flying my drone instead of doing what they were doing. I’m just noting this for a blog, that is all 🙂
First image is a solo image and the one after it is a piece of the panorama before the wifi interference messed with the drone.
Deschenes Rapids Lookout:
Another favourite spot of mine during my anime hobby days. Desired to go here for a more Pokemon GO relaxing side of things with its 4 Pokestops, and one gym. Would have been wonderful here when hunting for Pokemon during those community spotlight days. I now live too far for this spot. I was hoping to farm this place on this day for a special Dratini. Failed. I however had a nice view point of a Kayaker and the hydro ruins. From here I noticed the final bits of the “storm” with the wind gradually dying down from when I was over at Regina school’s field area. It was so windy I had to sneeze fearing people may yell ‘Covid’, or something. Damn. It eventually died down enough to the point I felt it was safe for my DJI Tello, after I tended to Pokemon GO stuff. That however felt like it was 40 minutes after. I gave up with Pokemon GO’s Pokestop lure halfway through to fly the Tello because nothing was spawning, or as frequently. That’s Niantic’s fault.
I’m socially awkward so I feel bad for the time I photobombed an asian couple when they were taking photos of themselves. I accidentally kept photobombing them because I was trying to look out for helicopters flying and etc. I assumed the helicopter was a plane, and such. My main focus was on my smartphone allowing me to take pictures, Pokemon GO, and even Azur Lane mobile game.
Deschenes Rapids Panorama:
It felt like I was at the spot for a good hour, or so. People came and went… I waited things out, chillin’. Relaxing and away from most of the people.
I used to take my Busou Shinki figures here for figure photography time and again. A keen eye of mine notices touristy information signs removed from the parking area and some other changes.
With that, I ran out of water from my water bottle so I decided to slowly make my way back ‘home’ to refuel. Detouring to various points of interests on the way back. At certain points I also openly played Pokemon GO as I cycled back ‘home’ seeking out a certain Dratini type.
Was going to take over a Pokemon GO Pokemon gym. Decided against it with the Pokemon duration being at 2 hours. I put my Pokemon in other gyms regardless so its all good. Doubled back onto the bikepath to head home, this time on a much calmer bike path. Wasn’t as crazy as before, probably because of the “storm”, or whatever it was.
This is the part where I began to panic because I wanted to take one more picture of a point of interest. I wanted an alternate angle of the Lincoln Fields mall so I kept cursing. Patience is a virtue in this case because it eventually clicked in my mind to take the bike path route on the on-off ramp you see in this image.
Well, that was a fun cycling trip. Crazy on the bike path closer to Britannia Beach. All those people, the “stormy” weather, the two drone sessions, and even Pokemon Hunting. I’m glad I revisited my old place after a year. Its going to be awhile for my frustration to subside. I still feel disconnected from many things, even unfairly displaced. That’s life, or so I’m going to be told. I’m aware of it. My focus is to enjoy things while also finding a place to settle so I can probably do hobby things, or other things. Who knows. I’m in a frustrating transition and disconnected phase right now, more so when you keep being “scolded” in two forms. With the way things have been going I’m simply glad I’m alive while having been left with a lot of stuff. I’m happy I had my fun in the warm weather.
Before I finish this blog posting I have a few more things to share from other days.
If you haven’t noticed I keep an eye out for vintage cars and other points of interest.
And, that’s a wrap for this blog posting. I tried to aim this into a not so venting blog posting. If things seem like I’m venting then that is not my intention.