[NovelAI] Canadian Shipgirl Dreamlike Experimentation.

NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– An curious experiment wondering of Canadian shipgirl appearances for Azur Lane & KanColle. [Breast medal is of interest. Small qualities of interest.]

Ever since Kantai Collection has made it onto the scene I’ve been highly interested in Canadian naval history ever since then. Upon first introduction to KanColle I’ve been both proudly showcased to Japanese nationalism and patriotism, even healthy amounts of creative expression. I’ve even seen the actual fun side of KanColle before it went depressive and unplayable. KanColle made it onto the scene in 2013-2015 (2016 for Android) while continuing to be the benchmark in how naval shipgirls should be portrayed in this genre. Character designs are much prefered over their Azur lane counterparts, and I do agree in certain cases. KanColle holds a high standard, even a VERY loyal fanbase in Japan. Sadly, even that loyalty is gradually waning and degrading thanks to an overly stubborn (and depressive) pride from the Kantai Collection developers insisting on a depressive story and one-sided gameplay causing the player to suffer heart-attacks and strokes in the process from all the rage and venting.

It however still has high potential in rebounding in popularity, IF the proper care-taking steps are taken. If it can release a proper stand-alone PC version on Steam (free-roam element) it would see proper attention it genuinely deserves and needs. It sadly (though maybe thankfully) allowed Azur Lane to take its spot in injecting more fun and entertainment into the mix, instead of KanColle’s signature “salt” and “depression” formula causing Westerners and Japanese fans to resign from their commander ranks. The Gangut event forced me into Azur Lane upon seeing Canadian representation (Happy Canada Day!) via tweets. It appeared more fun, more accessible. HMS Fortune makes note of Canadian Navy (Chinese version), and Maple Monarchy (Global) in her dialogue.

Kantai Collection allowed the commanders (the player) to command Japanese oriented ships at first prior to implementing German, American, and other nationalities. KanColle eventually added in HMAS Perth, Dutch, Finnish, among numerous other factions. Meanwhile, the Gangut event caused enough friction to cause me to disembark from the journey. Various Japanese commanders had done so both prior and during the Gangut event needing more time and sanity in their life. I still admire KanColle, hence it’s constant mention here. It sadly heavily faltered needing severe mending to upright itself to its former glory.

Heavily digressing, my original point was to make note of desiring Canadian shipgirls for both (or either) Kantai Collection or Azur Lane. I had to introduce KanColle prior to jumping onto the Canadian topic. Kantai Collection motivated me just enough to learn more about my own Canadian navy history constantly desiring to see HMCS Haida from 2014 onwards (roughly around then). Even a fellow American commander wished me well in eventually seeing HMCS Haida implemented in KanColle. From 2014, we’re now in 2023 (heading into 2024) with no sign of HMCS Haida, nor her Canadian comrades in arms. Shame. Ever since (the release) I’ve been a major KanColle player simply desiring to see my fellow proud Canadian Kanmusu (shipgirls) roaming the KanColle seas. Sadly, Canadians were never added. HMAS Perth, the Dutch, Finnish, Swedish, and others however were added. Canadians sadly weren’t.

Disclaimer: I’m making this blog post in frustration, knowing full well the dislike for AI art. I can’t draw; I NEED AI art, and I’m in no position to commission naval art currently. Once I’m aware of someone who can draw proper quality shipgirl art I would recruit them to my side. Sadly, that has to wait. Secondly, this thread may have a short shelf-life, or a long time, depending on if and when KanColle and/or Azur Lane shall introduce my fellow Canadian naval comrades into their game. The numerous destroyers, 2 light cruisers, the few aircraft carriers, and maybe even potentially the 3 Queen Elizabeth-Class Battleships to bolster their ranks.

I’m going to keep this blog post up until either (or both) KanColle or Azur Lane implements Canadian shipgirls into their game, and in proper representation. Not Royal navy, but under a Canadian banner, as had been done in Ubisoft Romania’s game called ‘Silent Hunter 3’.

(Disclaimer #2: I’m not sharing images for perfection sake, I’m sharing to show the small details and what you see at a glance. The purpose is not to over-analyze, but to imagine the possibilities of seeing Canadian shipgirls in either game, or even proper Canadian vessels in a professionally made naval WW2 game, something game developers refuse to do for lazy reasonings.)

Related Blog Posts:

The Canadian Naval Dream:

I’ve been long desiring to see my Canadian comrades in KanColle for far too long (since 2015) ever since KanColle has inspired me to connect with my own Canadian pride. Sadly, Canadians are viewed as pieces of trash, ones you kick into a dumpster. They’re viewed as an ‘Minor nation’, as folks who amount to nothing, even if they sacrificed more than a forum troll has ever done in their life. Canadian navy was the 3rd-5th largest in the world, yet the most forgotten thanks to copy-paste cookie-cutter naval games preferring to cash in on a quick buck.

I genuinely respect and admire Canada’s contribution to the naval war effort. They’ve fought heard and done well. They even have overly noteworthy vessels to be patriotically proud of (in moderation). People genuinely desire to see HMCS Haida, as do I, in these sorts of games. Actual proper and respectful Canadian representation.

NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Cute enough to pass as a Canadian shipgirl in either game. The lovely Canadian emblem on her breast (or hair clip), the lovely emblem on her sailor cap, and interesting expression.

I can clearly see the imperfections, the errors, and the typical AI art artifacts. It’s not perfect, and I’m aware of that. It would have been far more proper to commission an artist, yet that is something I can’t currently access thanks to the horrific world economic situation. Other priorities to tend to prior to seeking to commission various KanColle/Azur Lane artists. I’ll eventually commission one sooner or later, though need to be aware of their qualities.

Even with the flaws, I still admire the contrast of how a potential (conceptual) Canadian shipgirl could appear in either KanColle or Azur Lane. The sailing on the seas, the combat, the uniform designs, the emblems on their uniforms, or even how a proper maple leaf could flutter in the design. Sadly, the AI screwed up showing a Japanese maple leaf, not a Canadian one. Regardless, I’m sharing for the contrast and for my Canadian pride. It’s all about what you see at a glance prior to seeing the imperfections done by the AI. The idea is there, sadly not the perfection.

NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Loving the royal blue versus the red-white uniform. Could jokingly note one is Light Cruiser HMCS Ontario, and the other being HMCS Uganda (A.K.A HMCS Quebec). I make note of the little traits, even if the images are imperfect.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Dark scenic vibes with some neat RCN type patterns. A scuffed maple leaf emblem on the naval arm sleeve. As much as I desire white haired fox girls, this one needs a naval hat. Novel AI failed to give this one its proper rigging, yet tried. Maple Leaf is that of Japan, not Canada.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– This speaks more on an Azur Lane note than it does on a Kantai Collection note. It’s decently close to potential riggings, yet still suffers heavily from Sakura design impressions.

Once again, Kantai Collection inspired me just enough to learn about Canadian history to learn about the intentionally forgotten existenec of our Canadian navy. I eventually both learned and discovered the existence of HMCS Haida, her sisters, her merchant cruiser sisters (HMCS Prince Henry, HMCS Prince Robert, and HMCS Prince David), the two special light Cruisers, the various aircraft carriers, and even about the 3 proposed Queen Elizabeth-Class Battleships, something which is difficult to connect and represent with.

My desire to connect with my Canadian pride is often mocked, shamed, belittled, and even heavily gaslit by numerous forum users in the naval community. It leaves me open to be villainized, even voided as an alleged “Canadianophile”. One major gaslighting excuse being ‘Minor Nation’, yet there are sadly MANY excuses people make thanks to their open opportunity to bully and harass Canadians desiring to connect with their fellow Canadian naval ships.

Because numerous people (including developers) have noted I’m not allowed to connect with my Canadian shipgirls (or proper Canadian ships), Canadians are a pile of shit needing their graves urinated on, or so implied by numerous people.

Nobody wants to do the right thing. The proper thing that Ubisoft Romania had done back in 2006 with their ‘Silent Hunter 3’ game. Adding Canadians into a Naval war game is “too much work”. It’ll cause computers to explode, numerous blackouts, and all these lame excuses I’ve heard time and time again. All similar excuses to how allegedly – “VR shall die out” – yet VR is still here for everybody to use in an overly healthy and popular state.

I’m aware many people enjoy degrading Canada’s naval power status for their own self-importance, I’m not here for that. I’m not here to entertain people’s sad and depressing arm-chair egoism, nor their lack of self-worth. I’m here to connect with my Canadian pride, something we should have done from the get-go. I’m not here to pretend the way U.K is monotoned in their interests, nor taking pride in their own self-destruction taking more importance over my own interest. I’m here to prop up creative interests and my own national pride. You don’t have to be a slave to destroying your own nation (U.K), nor blindly sing the national anthem whenever it plays like a lemming. A simple patriotic connection is all that’s desired. A visualization; A manifestation. A connection, and a simulation.

(Side-Note: The above paragraph references a moderator named ‘Banzai’ on World of Warships Steam forums priding themselves in their own lack of self-worth, even downplaying Canada’s self-worth while priding U.K’s lack of self enjoyment and identity. They would rather suicide than have any proper fun in video games. They were fixated on a trivial political comment while ignoring the grander scheme of things. They failed to moderate. Elaborated further at the bottom of this blog posting.)

NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Cute potential Canadian destroyer girl. Again, I wouldn’t expect cat ears on Canadian shipgirls, only Japanese faction shipgirls. What I care about the most in these images is what you see at a glance. The small details, such as buttons on the sleeves. A vague idea.

I want to see a brave, common-sensed naval war developer add in Canadians just because they can. Basically, as any creative Japanese indie developer would just because they can, and because it’s fun. Basically how Ubisoft Romania had done with ‘Silent Hunter 3’ by implementing major player in the naval front as AI traffic to hunt, even if they’re not viewed as their own entity, nor contributions to the world stage. Canadians were added in with their time-period accurate flag, and I genuinely respect that. It’s a respect I sadly can’t extend to other games, they’re too lazy by intentionally cutting corners.

This is why I admire Japanese indie authors and indie developers more than Westerners. All you hear is whining and excuses from Westerners while Japanese do things out of passion and creativity. Granted, they also get the short end of the stick, yet they do things when they’re capable of doing it. That’s why Anime and Japanese games are as popular as they are, especially their manga/doujinshi/Pixiv arts. Traditional minded Europeans would implement them because it’s a part of history, yet every morally corrupted Westerner always wants to go against the grain by milking something for profit instead of doing the proper thing. Everybody wants to be lazy.

(Side-note: If people are going to complain I’m rambling should know how livid I am of people being outright stupid. If you can implement something then YOU SHOULD. Stop lying and making up idiotic excuses. Lazy morons. People need to stop being lazy, people need to pull their full weight around. Basically as the Japanese have done when they’re fully passionate, creative, and expressive about things. When they care, IT SHOWS. Japanese indie scene holds high respect. It should be emulated.)

NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– I kept the Maple Leaf background seeing what the AI would do. It constantly failed. It had a vague idea of what I was seeking, even somewhat seeing it through. Sadly, as we’ve all expected, everything is scuffed. Right idea on sailor wear & uniform, certain ship riggings. The general vague idea is there, sadly it couldn’t see it through (Hence, my “dreamlike” comment.)
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– What you see at a glance is what I admire. The more you stare the worse it gets. Shame.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– I admire the Canadian maple hip attachments. Great idea! The hair clips, and even the type of outfit. Everything else = scuffed. White-haired shipgirl? Sure.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Ship attachment on the head with a possible Canadian maple emblem on it. White hair & black hair girls, red-white collar tie, and even the naval uniform is proper. The hat on the black-haired girl is of interest. Canadian maple pin on the collar. The idea is there, but as-per-usual everything is scuffed.

Everything is but a dream. The more you tend to analyze and study things the worse it gets. Thankfully, the small details and the vague idea is at least to be desired.

NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Red and white uniform is neat. I approve of that idea. White haired girl is also of interest. Ship rigging, the mood is correct, yet everything else is butchered. Nothing is perfect. Only the small details, such as the belt containing the red & black designs.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Walking through a potential Canadian scenery while minding your own business. Wearing a sailor uniform, a navy hat. Right concept. Even white-red mini-naval cape flowing both behind and on the side. The arms are heavily scuffed.

The above image allows me to visualize a scene on Vancouver Island with a shipgirl on vacation, yet partially on duty. Stand-by vacation (time off). Just going through various foot paths, trails, and pathways visiting various out-of-the-way landmarks. Maybe railway bridges, statues, or interesting appearing gazebos. Who knows what you would find in Vancouver Island.

NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Potential HMCS Ontario & HMCS Uganda/Quebec, of the Light Cruiser type. Correct uniform, if on overly-generic side. A saber on the side. A vessel following behind.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– The thought was there, yet failed harshly. I would consider this to be both HMS Nabob & HMCS Nabob. Maple on the chest and hat, even a flowing flag (or cape) behind.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Uniform & hat focus. Everything else is scuffed, as is the ship and machine gun.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Blue-purple hair, uniform, rigging, Canadian flag. Cruising on the sea, even a modern warship escorting. The vague idea is there, everything else is scuffed.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Close. Uniform style really catching my interest here with white, blue, and orange. The style is correct, or almost correct.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– NOW we’re getting somewhere. Maple emblems on the rigging, proper uniform type, some darker Maple emblems on the sleeves, even a flowing red-white cape. Additionally, even a flowing Maple flag. As per theme, everything else is scuffed.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– We’re getting closer to a more desirable appearance, if causing the AI to struggle more and more each time. 1 minute to render. Neat uniform, emblem designs, the style of the flag on a white background. A straight potential rigging on the side, like a scabbard. Maple leaf on the hat. Flowing white-red cape. Red-white skirt, even if on one side.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Noteworthy appearance.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– A noteworthy appearance, something close to HMCS Ontario, a light cruiser. Fitting. Maple on a white background.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Unexpected group shot! Maple emblem on a half-cape. Noteworthy uniform designs, even appearances. Though, not a fan of mechanical horns on the head. Hairband? Sure. The leftern-most deign being closer to my style.

Unsure what you would call those attachments leading off of a dress, or a jacket. It basically flows on either side like wings having neat emblems on them. I actually genuinely admire this design, as hard and scuffed as it appears. In one perspective it appears to be a full on jacket leading off, while on another it’s simply a partial skirt-cape leading off on either side. It’s a neat fashion style I admire.

NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Alternate variation. Noting uniform types, maple background, even the royal-appearing Maple on the flowing dress cape. Worthwhile. Maple on the hair, in moderation.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– 3, instead of 4. Flowing dress-cape (red, white, & black); Sakura uniform in middle, Royal Navy on the right. I admire a more ship-like rigging on the hair, as noted by middle character in black uniform. The idea is there, and I approve.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Attempted “naval girl at sea” spawning this. Could potentially be “docked” on a vessel, or a floating barge. Maybe elevated on a high part of a tall vessel. Genuinely admire the serious appearing naval uniform with a blue-purple haired girl. Really suits the Canadian shipgirl theme.

I’m genuinely curious how well this would fit actual Canadian pride, something on a more normal level. Would someone from Halifax pride themselves with a blue-haired girl (someone who isn’t political) simply being a shipgirl doing her military naval duty? I would hope so, though leaves me wondering.

If people don’t view me as a “fanatic”, “villain”, or whatever they labeled or gaslighted me with, I’m genuinely open to hearing their genuine thoughts. I’ve come across so many people alleging something they themselves don’t believe in. I had to void “forum trolls” for their faulty opinions simply because it was used to degrade my position on desiring Canadians in a naval game, not their actual position. They would allege they were from Canada, or a respectful position. Victory Belles game treated me like a circus act in their Discord group turning me into a attraction. It was insulting, and humiliating, especially after a harmful day at work. I was stressed. They took advantage of me. All it comes down to is me simply desiring a simple thing – To connect with my Naval Canadian warships, even in shipgirl or digital warship form. It’s that simple.

Trolls will be trolls, yet genuinely open to people’s honest thoughts and desires.

NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– KanColle filter applied, hence the face. Canadian rigging attempt, uniform style, and the heavy implied presence of a maple emblem.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– In serious naval uniform while walking on a coastal promenade. Pick a coast: Halifax or Victoria (Esquimalt)? Either works well. Canadian flags flying proudly on the piers below. Blue haired shipgirl with her hair done upwards. Unique, and lovable. Potential KanColle filter.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– On a casual “at attention” while roaming the naval base. Naval uniforms are decent, feet could use work (scuffed). The idea is there, and I approve of it. Potential destroyers, or even Light Cruisers. When I look at these girls I see ‘light cruisers’ on them.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Canadian shipgirl types? Interesting uniforms and outfit designs. Genuinely love the ‘night battle’ on the left. The half-cape-skirt, the mini-hat, and how serious it appears…… Surprisingly good outfit designs, fitting for the ‘Maple Monarchy’ of Azur Lane, or even KanColle.

I have to say, the Novel AI made decent work in the above 4-person group shot using the KanColle filter. You have a shipgirl in black naval gear, another in full royal gear, another being taller with arm-capes (for the lack of a better term), and the last one being a bratty little girl.

If I had to say, maybe HMCS Ontario, HMCS Haida, HMCS Bonaventure (or HMCS Warrior), and HMCS Huron. Something like that. Light Cruiser, destroyer, aircraft carrier, and destroyer. That’s how the theme goes in KanColle.

I genuinely admire the capes and half-skirts. The arm-capes is an interesting concept in itself, similar to how Japanese Kimono works with their arm extensions. If not correct, then at least some puffy regal arm designs would work well. Canada is of “royal” status, thus the acceptence of royal-appearing naval designs.

I also genuinely admire the military-appearing background (on the right) in all red with an orange maple on it. Could also be a white maple on red.

NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– A variation of a group shot taken further above. Alternate appearance to emblem on arm extensions, or dress-skirt type patterns. Cape holding an inner design pattern of regal Canadian design.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Curious uniform design. Red arms, white torso, and black collar. Seems more American, if anything. If given Canadian maples could apply to American-supplied shipgirls.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Alternative, in a more Canadian fashion. Maple banner flowing on the back, and more of a red-white highlight.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Alternate variation to previous image. Warship in the back. Potential Canadian aircraft carrier shipgirl? View HMCS Bonaventure, HMCS Magnificent, or even HMCS Warrior.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– White & red, with a potential blue trim (as found on HMCS Ontario & HMCS Uganda Light cruisers).
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Disregarding the three arms, the uniform focus is there.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Potential scene – Canadian shipgirl walking a Canadian naval port – Esquimalt & Halifax.

As the theme of the blog is related to “dreaming”, this is another surreal dream one imagines would be reality, or simply seen as a potential path to the future. Simply ask Shinano of Azur Lane, she dreams premonitions and of alternate realities.

NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Simplified Canadian shipgirl in basic naval uniform. Canadian flag on left (at least an emblem). Black hair, brown-red eyes.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– A design I can get behind. Canadian flag on the top left, and a more proper-appearing shipgirl appearance with medals on uniform, a decent red-black-white naval uniform. Idea is there. I could potentially consider her a Tribal-Class destroyer. Maybe even HMCS Skeena, or another River-class Destroyer.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Mechanical ears mimicing Azur Lane’s Sakura Empire. Canadian flag, decent royal navy uniform. Fits decently with the Royal Canadian Navy side of things. Port could be Esquimalt.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Alternative to a previous image walking among moored vessels. A more time-accurate maple leaf banner with a more bare-bones uniform. Would expect more detailing for either KanColle or Azur Lane. Too bare-bones.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Alternative to a previous image.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Alternative to a previous image. Appears more Azur Lane Italian than it does Canadian, though the idea is there.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Alternative to a previous image.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– On a more destroyer-themed design. I genuinely admire a more red-white flowing cape behind, and even a time-period (universe) accurate Canadian flag flowing upright on back. Think Yuudachi’s white banner prior to her sinking, or Japanese foot soilders prior to storming a castle. Upright banners attached to the back of a shipgirl, if placed properly in and around her rigging. Uniform style is there.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– A more simplified image with an interesting uniform extension containing a red background and white maple. A decent design on a naval shipgirl outfit. I focus more on these little fashion designs over the type of quality of image. Granted, it has to be decent to share also.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Merchant Cruiser design? Granted, one would be unable to see such in either KanColle, let alone Azur Lane. If applied to HMCS Prince Henry, Prince Robert, or Prince David it could potentially work.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Comes across as more of a Tribal-Class design. The side Canadian banner flowing on the side. Darkened uniform; The seriousness.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Alternate variation to a previous image. Focus now on the banner/cape on the back. Hair style designs. Accessories, such as a sword in hand.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– A more comical take on a Canadian shipgirl. Canadian Maple lance, rigging, heavily armoured limbs. Decent uniform and rigging. Suitable for a more “modern” shipgirl, though not the focus.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– The idea is there. A shipgirl sailing with her real world (and more modern) counterparts.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– KanColle filter. Canadian warship with a shipgirl in formation. The idea is there, yet lacks any Canadian identity.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– KanColle filter holding up a Canadian flag. The above is more KanColle Japanese than it is of Canadian nature. Only formalities and potentials of dreams.

The thought of Kantai Collection proudly and openly welcoming Canadians and Canadian shipgirl is an alien thought. As much as I have desired to see Canadian shipgirls mainly in Kancolle, then secondly (and more fiercly) for Azur Lane, this feels overly foreign to me.

Don’t get me wrong! If the day ever comes to when Canadians are warmly, proudly, and firmly welcomed then I shall be as overjoyed as the image above both suggests and implies. If Kantai Collection’s Japanese shipgirl proudly and respectfully waves and sails the Canadian flag behind them while welcoming the likes of HMCS Haida, HMCS Ontario, HMCS Quebec, HMCS Bonaventure, and the numerous other Canadian shipgirls then I shall be emotionally overwhelmed.

Again, as with the theme of this blog relates to “dreams”, it sadly shall fall into the realm of dreams. Dreaming of the day to see Canadians, to see proper representation, to see a warm co-existence between in-world and reality would be overly heartwarming.

Having visited HMCS Haida in Hamilton, Ontario was a nice thing to tour. Really put things into perspective, yet sadly both KanColle and Azur Lane fail to acknowledge her presence; Canada’s digital naval recognition appearing far worse [Non-existent].

NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– KanColle Filter – A KanColle destroyer flying Canadian colours in a semi-mischevious manner. Maybe training, maybe a joint military exercise. It’s all but a dream.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– A dream is a dream, is a dream. Canadian emblem and flag. Mass-produced vessel on the side (Azur Lane).
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– A naval vessel sporting 4 Canadian flags and one Haida flag. View real-world HMCS Haida for the Haida flag (on the mast).

As scuffed and dream-like as this vessel appears, at least the thought was there. If this was a Silent Hunter 3 game made in more modern times (2023+ onwards) it would be interesting to unfurl flags and banners on the side of a vessel to further express one’s national pride. Even if against regulation, one can still display various banners freely in open waters.

Nobody wants to replicate the success of ‘Silent Hunter 3’. Uboat (on Steam) does, just not in all the right areas. Needs more surface warship features!

NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– KanColle filter.

My previous comment of ‘Joint Exercise’ is valid here. Mainly Japanese shipgirls waving Canadian flags.

NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Once a dream, always a dream. Could find other uses, such as Azur Lane’s mass-produced vessels. Supply ship, or what have you.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– For a time Canadians once proudly owned a few aircraft carrier prior to government screw ups.
NovelAI - Canadian Shipgirl Experiment
– Canadian aircraft carrier hype, as scuffed as this is. Helicopter carrier.

Canadians lost their mighty status from World War 2 (the 3rd to 5th largest navy), and even their pride of owning an aircraft carrier thanks to Liberal political corruption. It’s always the Liberals, through-and-through. Shame. If Canada is to ever find their naval might in the future then the above ship may be a plausible feature for them on the more drones & helicopter side of things. Maybe even more VTOL related aircrafts.

Granted, the above is a major side-note, I had to share it regardless for how neat it appeared. Sure, it’s all scuffed and “dream-like”, it however is neat to look at in a glance.

As for KanColle and Azur Lane, it be awesome to see Canadians properly and warmly welcomed into either one of them. To have their respective flags held high and proud, as the national anthem strongly makes note of.

The True North, Strong, and free!

World of Warships Idiocies – Anti-Canadian | Suicidal U.K Mentalities:

– World of Warships – Banzai failing to moderate, even shutting the conversation down after I quoted each and every response.

Just quickly wanting to note how stupid a World of Warships Steam moderator was when desiring Canadians not just in WoWS, but also in Azur Lane, KanColle, and every other game. This idiot of a moderator (fixated on one comment) refused to make note of anything else. Always gaslighting, downplaying, and deflecting. Even making note of how boring the U.K folks are, proud they don’t know how to be entertained by the mediums they moderate.

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.

Let’s break Banzai’s quote down even further.

  1. The FULL context of my comment was a side-note relating to how China may potentially dislike Canada speculating as to why Canadians are not in Azur Lane. It was solely a small comment, and one specifically for Azur Lane. People genuinely dislike Trudeau, that is a fact. Just because U.K people are a bunch of arrogant, and overly suicidal masochists doesn’t negate the facts the world hates Trudeau. Again, it was a side-comment, yet it was allowed to overshadow the whole topic voiding my whole desire to see Canadians in ANY naval game, being Azur Lane, KanColle, or any future titles by Western developers.
  2. Canadians aren’t added into Naval War games because of laziness and excuses. They’re always labeled as “Minor Nation”, “Hasn’t contributed as much”, among other copy-paste excuses. 3rd to 5th largest navy at the end of the war with many destroyers, 2 light cruisers, and various aircraft carriers. Who knows what other “paperships” Canadians were seeking. I asked a fellow DND person, he only knows as much as I know. He works for the RCN applying weapons onto ships.
  3. I was told political stuff was prohibited, yet Banzai was purely fixated on that, not the Canadian topic. I was instructed to be a prude. I was instructed to be a boring gamer not finding joy and entertainment; To instead allow power to corrupt absolutely while gaslighting and voiding what anybody says for a power trip. I also conversed with others noting how Traditional Europeans are smarter than normal modern Europeans, such as the UK, Dutch, and other folks hellbent on social degradation. I didn’t say the last bit, it was implied. Read between the lines.
  4. Again, Banzai was more fixated on political stuff than I was. This is what you call “self-projecting onto others”, and that they had done. Stupid U.K folks destroying everything in and around them. A laughing stock of the world. You do not have to be an anthem-singing drone to your nation. You can simply admire your nationality on a light scale by admiring the transit system, the food, or even the vehicle. Japanese admire their navy, as I do with my own and the aviation sector. Canada used to pride themselves on both aviation and the navy, hence my interest in both. I refuse to kiss Dictator Trudeau’s feet, nor bow down to anything Canadian 100%. I admire Canada, I however am not a drone to it. I’m selective as to what I admire, and you should as well. be more honest with yourself, and don’t be suicidal.
  5. A copy-paste would be acceptable, hence the HMCS Yukon skin. Sadly, Wargaming and others are incapable of handling Canadians properly, only using them as cash-cows only able to purchase them on specific dates for limited amount of time. Only 3 days per year. If you handled copy-paste ships with actual proper respect and care then people shall genuinely admire them, but because you pride yourself as a stick-in-the-mud U.K person nobody is allowed to have fun. Not even yourself. If you give alleged “copy-paste” vessels enough character you can make the most out of them. Because Wargaming is inexperienced you’ll never get the proper things done out of them.
  6. Argument? I was only venting. Moderators sure love being power hungry, hence my “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”…… I swear developers recruit moderators from a Dollar Store, or even Reddit, ResetEra, among others. Basically places that allow sexual harassment of little kids. I’m not implying you have, yet the evidence appears to lean that way with how power hungry one is for gaslighting, voiding, and deflecting points made in a thread. Granted, I was “dramatic”, it was more of a experimental comical approach. A failed one, yet a comical approach regardless. Trolling, if you will while still true to my desires for Canadian naval desires and attachments.
  7. OP had their question answered, I flew into the topic because I am a Canadian. I desire to see HMCS Haida shown properly, to have Azur Lane respectfully implement Canadians into their game (they strongly collab with Azur Lane), and to see the two light cruisers and aircraft carriers from their side.

I’ve had suspicions as to why U.K folks were sleazy and idiotic. One even corrupted a Dutch person I was great friends with in the DannyChoo community. It’s however a shame they allowed fake politics to blind their eyes while I vented about Canada, lightly speculating about why Canadians aren’t in Azur Lane, and solely in Azur Lane. As for KanColle, it’s more to do with developer stubbornness. They would much rather make people depressed, tell a depressing story, and give people heart-attacks and strokes via rigged gameplay mechanics. This allowed Azur Lane to take over KanColle’s crown, yet still has yet to overtake the character art quality of KanColle.

The Canadian Tease – Azur Lane (Yostar/Manjuu):

The tease. Back in July 1, 2019 Manjuu/Yostar made note of Canada Day for the Canadians. Ever since then they were radio silent. They made note of Canadians via HMS Fortune dialogue, ignoring them soon after. Both HMS Fortune & HMS Foxhound are noted to be transfers to Canada from the Royal Navy, yet failed to obtain their Canadian identities for their Canadian counterparts. Only fanart, tweets, and brief recognition. Other than that? Fuck the Canadians. They amount to a pile of shit and mean nothing to the Azur Lane lore. Fuck the Canadians! Fuck their destroyers, their two light cruisers, and their worthless group of aircraft carriers. Canadians are allegedly that useless to the world.

– People mainly desire HMCS Haida.

Because the forum trolls and Anti-Canadian gaslighters are having their way Canadians are treated as a pile of trash. Little to no respect needing to be given to the Canadian. They insist on sabotaging Canadians on every turn and level. Most specially the the World War 2 naval developers who refuse to give them their proper representation. It’s allegedly “too much work” for an alleged “minor nation”.


How I miss developers like Ubisoft Romania with their ‘Silent Hunter 3’ gem of a game. Sure, it lacked vessels, yet at least Canadians are there.

Will Kantai Collection bounce back? Will Azur Lane do the right thing? Who shall implement Canadians into their game first? Will I be surprised by a proper standalone game by either Azur Lane or KanColle? People want to claim Canadians are already in the game, they however are not. They’re there by reference, not by their actual persona or character. They can be implemented by their own actual copy into the game, as had been done with META, Type II, Muse, and other variations. Laziness shouldn’t excuse lack of alleged ‘Minor Nations’.

Am I just typing into the void? We shall find out! I’ll probably sooner die than ever see Canadians in their proper form in a WW2 naval game of any sort. Everybody loves cheaping out taking the easy way out instead of doing things through passion and respectful creativity.

(As with everything, things appear to be a dream.)