A’K’s Pokemon Card Collection

Greetings! Thought I’d try a random post after posting one Shinki post after another. Might as well. Been collecting Pokemon cards since they first arrived in my area, along with silly things to obtain them. This may or may not please those into Pokemon; simply sharing.

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(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

Going to show off my semi-dormant Pokemon card collection in a Pokedex format. I don’t really have any battle decks or anything like that because I didn’t have any trustworthy friends nor interested players. I tried with no luck. Hmm…When given a chance I might try it out to see how it is played.


Related Articles:

– Pokemon White Bundle:

– Happy Valentines Day – (Mewtwo at end of article):


Probably not a fancy look at my collection, but one that should probably show you how long I’ve been collecting. Enjoy?

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I remember when collecting Pokemon cards hearing about how kids stabbed one another over Pokemon cards on the radio. Even I was being retarded at that time by stealing shiny Blastoise from a neighbor. Remember kids – Stealing is bad! No stealing! Don’t stab other kids nor bully them over Pokemon cards, steal or anything along those lines.

[polldaddy poll=6028700]

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I grew a facination over Vulpix and Ninetails now that my blog is into my interest and foxes. I have myself a Shiny Vulpix on Pokemon White, a nice looking Vulpix, and a couple shiny Ninetails.

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The fun times when I purchased Pokemon cards whenever I could from corner stores, Dollar Stores, comic book shops, and etc all across Ottawa. Fun times indeed.

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I remember a friend crumpled up one of my shiny Mewtwos, bastard…..At least I have one stuck in my collection. Also obtained two promotional Mew cards when watching one of the first few Pokemon movies at the cinema. Fun times.

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I lost interest in Pokemon right before the third generation arrived. Was busy with negative school dramas, gradually getting myself into Anime, and Gundam model kits (unpainted). The usual with “moving on in life” bit. I slightly returned into Pokemon thanks to a fellow Poke-nut of a blogger. Not a heavy spender on Pokemon this time around, saving up for more travels, Shinkis, and Figmas.

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(Link – MySite)                                   (Link – MySite) – Shiny trainers.

Pokemon – Southern Islands Collections:

The Southern Island collection is actually a pretty nice one. Not that much in it, but enough to basically start off a collection if you didn’t have one. Unsure about now, but back when I obtained such you could probably start off your collection. The card art basically behaves similar to a puzzle allowing you to piece them together to create an image. Some cards are also reversed shinies.

Will you become a Pokemon Master?

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(Link – MySite) – A nice checklist for those that want to mark down what they own.

Here are the second pair of promo cards that I mentioned earlier of Mew & Entai. As mentioned, I got both of them for watching the Pokemon movies at my local cinema….probably twice from the looks of things.

Oh! So that’s why we got the Mew cards! They look exactly the same as the one in the movie!” – Me as a kid

Why the 6 Scythers? He was very helpful in Pokemon Crystal that I grew a liking to him and Scizzor. Scyther and Scizzor assisted me with capturing Pokemon with the “False swipe” move and a great attack Pokemon. I even had sweat pants for gym glass with Scizzor on it. Was slightly picked on because of such but didn’t give a shit about what people thought. I liked what I enjoyed and wasn’t a zombie nor a lemming about it. Jealous much Ottawa? 😛

I basically use (or used) this binder for spare shinies and such.

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(Link – MySite)                                  (Link – MySite) – Second Ninetales shiny.

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Tried to organize the “Unowns” in alphabetical order.

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That is basically it, unless you want to see a giant mountain-sized pile of common Pokemon cards of doubles, triples, and etc. So why? To proudly show off my Pokemon collection after it went into a “dormant” state. I bought a starter and a few boosters to update my collection just recently.


BonusPokemon White – Reshiram:

Nintendo gave us gamers a chance to obtain either a Reshiram (White) or Zekrom (black) to go along with the opposite gained in either version. I obtained mine in a similar fashion as I did with Mewtwo.

Nintendo should continue doing these type of “events” to keep gamers coming back. Other gaming companies should look into doing similar stuff if they claim their “passion” is “making games”. Simple things like these make me go back to those certain games that show that they care through events. Nintendo & Game Freak Inc should also look into past worlds travel-able to current or future-gens instead of rehashes.

Battle Rondo, LittleBigPlanet, and Gran Turismo 5 allowed me to return to such games because of such events. Minecraft is also constantly updated which makes it one of those very addicting games.

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(Link – MySite) – My wish is to be able to travel to past Pokemon regions in the same version, make it so! Make it bigger and more places to travel by adding boats, trains, and such from Crystal and before!


Hope you found my slightly outdated collection interesting. Just wanted to add something different from Busou Shinki’s and to poke back at Pokemon. Now then, have yourselves a nice warm spring and don’t stab anybody over Pokemon cards!
