Busou Shinki – Moon Angel – Episode 9

Hello! Busou Shinki episode 9 is available on the Japanese PSN for 400 yen, yet only viewable in the game via your room TV option. You’ll have to wait for the Blu-Ray.

Spoiler warning! Be patient to watch next episode, or scroll down cautiously!

(Link – MySite) – Now whose face does this belong to? Time to find out!

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens of Busou Shinki Moon Angel on the PSP.)

Better late than ever on my part, but here is the 9th episode. This episode basically contains Arnval attempting to stop Straf and the new military prototype – Athena. I did warn you about spoilers so slap yourself for being overly curious.

Another lovely episode with some nice BGM’s here and there. Also ended up taking a liking to the detailing on Arnval’s, Straf’s, and Athena’s face. Those blue bright eyes of Arnval’s, nice.


Related Articles:

Busou Shinki – Moon Angel – Ep 8:

– Busou Shinki – Moon Angel – Ep 7:

Busou Shinki – Moon Angel – Ep 6:

Busou Shinki – Moon Angel – Ep 5:

 – Busou Shinki – Moon Angel – Ep 4

Busou Shinki – Moon Angel – Ep 3:

Busou Shinki – Moon Angel – Ep 2:

Busou Shinki – Moon Angel – Ep 1:

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite) – The over-sized egg hatching….something.

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(Link – MySite) – System confirmation: Lasers detected.

(Link – MySite) – “Deactivate her right now!”  – “We can’t! She by-passed the system lock!” (or something similar to that.)

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(Link – MySite) – Interesting angle.

(Link – MySite) – Shinki template copied over from one to the next.

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(Link – MySite) – Firing lasers pushes her back on her….back.

(Link – MySite) – They’re trying but they can’t get control.

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(Link – MySite) – Mad Scientist sunovabitch!

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(Link – MySite) – Squirming while firing….not wise.

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite) – Breast compartments for storing Shinkis as CSC Cores (?)

(Link – MySite)

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(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite) – I sense doubts in Straf.

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite) – Straf diving backwards into the breast cavity.

(Link – MySite) – Straf merging as one with Athena.

(Link – MySite)

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(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite) – Ride-On gear for Tsubasa.

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(Link – MySite) – A cute yet scary face. I like it, but it scares me.

(Link – MySite) – Ride-On gear.


Episode Break-Down:

– We finally get to discover whose face the blond haired mug belongs to. Who? Athena – a military prototype. (? – Don’t quote me as I’m only picking up bits and pieces). The over-sized egg finally and cleanly breaks apart releasing the entity within. A few system checks were seen.

– A rogue human-sized Busou Shinki is now roaming around freely within lab grounds behaving within its own desire. The silly scientists panic, struggling to regain control or none at all. She is waaaaay over-powered causing herself to trip, fall-back, and all those other embarrassing things.

– Athena’s design is basically that of a 15 cm tall Shinki, simply unscaled into human size. Proof being the detachable legs, arms and etc. An extremely customizable giant Shinki of Mass-Destruction.

– The lead-scientist noting that the Shinki of Mass-Destruction went rogue and that Tsubasa and Ken will perish soon if they don’t flee. Well, something along those lines anyways. I’m pretty sure the main scientist and his lab assistants  will end up severely punished, fired, and slapped with negative karma once this is over with. Lack of safety precaution and costly damages to the lab.

– Our rogue-happy Athena appears to be as intelligent as a kid in a candy store by firing her lasers from her palm without calibrating them. Silly silly prototype! Patience is a virtue. She stupidly squirms around shooting at the ceiling……..Not the brightest of the Shinkis, I’ll tell you that.

– Straf hesitantly, yet firm with her decision, decided it she wanted to add herself into the chest portion of Athena to become a CSC core for her. Obviously Tsubasa, Ken, and Kaguya all try to stop Straf causing her to hesitate a bit. Athena calmly allows Straf to merge in one of her breast cavity.

– Ken offers Tsubasa a Ride-On gear that looks nearly similar to a Digimon device or a prototype Pokeball. Ride-On! Tsubasa and Kaguya should now sync up as one for max-efficiency in combat.


Nice episode, nice BGM and a lead-up to the final boss battle. See you in a few days for part 10 when I will give the Anime as a whole a final score. Peace!