Busou Shinki – Mizuki Type 2 – Type Ninja

Greetings! Mizuki unexpectedly arrived on Monday, soon after I received my cradles arrivals from HLJ for about $61 CAD. She is indeed a very awesome figure, surprising me at ever part equip stage that I ended up taking loads of images of her. I wanted to take images of Mizuki for as long as possible but I had to post this.

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(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

Mizuki is a modernized re-release of the much older Mizuki with a more traditional Japanese armor attire. The first Mizuki was sadly a very rare Shinki and an exclusive to Konami Japan’s site, meaning that only the Japanese or those using proxies could obtain her. Or you could get lucky and pay close to double the price on Mandarake. This figure allows you to purchase her more easily, even after the main production release ceases….hopefully.

This Mizuki however is a more modernized and a standard release with more modern gear to suit a more modernized crowd. Instead of a fox-ninja gear from the past, and what Fubuki wears, you get a more ninja bird-like figure to make up for the older exclusive.

She also appears to have a Japanese “oni” attribute with the horns sticking a bit above her forehead and what looks like bunny ears. Been trying to get a solid answer whether her ears are that of a bunny or a pair from a Fennec Fox. All the better to hear you with? You’ll never see Mizuki coming.

Related Articles:

– Busou Shinki – Fubuki – Type Ninja:

The box itself is nicely sized, yet not large as Sharatang‘s. Nice loveable art, display window, ways to pose Mizuki, and some extra introductory text about Mizuki. Yup, just like any other Busou Shinki box that you’ll want to keep.

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If you pre-ordered Mizuki or Fubuki you would of obtained a collectable Shinki bookmark. Quite nice. Sadly, I couldn’t store it in my Busou Shinki Battlemasters PSP case, a few cm too long.

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Just like any other Busou Shinki figure, every Shinki is assembled like a model kit and must be treated with the utmost care….if not? Lost parts, loose joints, and negative respect points for the owner.

(Link – MySite) – Mizuki herself comes with three trays and a bookmark.

(Link – MySite) – Looks like bladed feathers.

(Link – MySite) – Two ninjas welcoming one another; Fubuki attempting to aid Mizuki up and out of the plastic prison.

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Mizuki comes with an extra oni forehead piece, a bunny/Fennec fox ears, an attachable ponytail, an embarrassed face, a masked faceplate, and an awesome looking chest armor piece. Kind of disappointed that the mask ended up as a faceplate and not an accessory. Makes it easier I guess.

(Link – MySite) – Note the ponytail. You may attach it or leave it off, depending on your preferences.

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Mizuki has “KK” on her back and on the armor piece’s backside. What does it stand for? Your guess is good as mine, but I will guess “Konami Korps”. Guesses were Konami themselves created these Shinkis in their own Shinki universe next to all the other fictional companies.

(Link – MySite)                                        (Link – MySite) – The many faces of Mizuki.

(Link – MySite)                                       (Link – MySite) – Kon!~

Only a double-sided single instruction sheet to help you piece together Mizuki. Took me a bit to carefully piece together all the parts. This is a necessity :P.

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Lack of weapons? Really? Someone complained that Mizuki didn’t have any weapons to fight, yet I see enough to keep Mizuki defended from all sorts of attack. She comes with a nice semi-deformed scythe, two blunt blades, and her trusty bow. I guess Mizuki wouldn’t really use those “blades” unless caught in a serious problem/pinch.

(Link – MySite)                                        (Link – MySite) – I don’t know why but I just love this pose. Even had Renge pose in it.

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Oh? She comes with spare shoes! Awesome. Looks like futuristic trantional Japanese sandals. Kohiru has something similar to what Mizuki has.

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Shinki’s do not fair well in cold, as noticed with parts shrinking when piecing them together. Tried a few indoor shots so you may notice a drop in image quality.

The bow is articulated quite nicely were you may fold it one way or another. You may fold it towards Mizuki’s arm or outwards, the former allowing Mizuki to bash people with the bow folded outwards.

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I swapped out Mizuki’s arm with one of those blocky thick arms only to notice a loose joint issue on the left. Seriously?! It still functions, yet it hinders both the review and the shoot. Problems aside, you may attach Mizuki’s bow handle onto either one of the blocky arms at the wrist area to secure it in place. Without securing the bow to the risk would allow the bow to flop downwards, or elsewhere.

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The one major surprising thing that I love the most about Mizuki is the way I ended up posing her and how appears when wielding the bow. The curves on the Shinki’s body, the simple elegant/classy appearance, and the boots that look like like those cowgirl hide boots. Looks a bit off with the mask faceplate yet the beauty is still there.

One thing I also noticed is how fragile Mizuki’s armor is. They scratch easily on the rocks which ended up looking similar to the snow. I didn’t have any in a meter radius, yet the parts still got scratched up by the rock. Fragile!

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(Link – MySite)                                      (Link – MySite) – <3

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(Link – MySite)                                        (Link – MySite) – Those boots are awesome.

(Link – MySite) – Note the folded up bow. You may fold it the other way by switching the parts.

(Link – MySite) – KK – Konami Korps?

The “wings” may move up, down, towards, and away from Mizuki. All these bladed areas form a wing-like shape so I’m going to say that this armor piece are wings. Don’t see it?  Look at the bottom bit, the way it articulates, and way it looks on Mizuki herself. Doesn’t make her fly, just makes her look like she could fly.

Every bit is articulated allowing the bladed wings to move up, down, towards, and away from Mizuki. May even be used to slice enemies up in a very clever movement.

(Link – MySite) – This armor piece reminds me of a bird.

(Link – MySite) – Posing Mizuki with full armor and those leggings got a bit tricky, thus this strange pose.

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(Link – MySite)                                        (Link – MySite) – Sniper archer Mizuki.

(Link – MySite) – Quite articulated, though the armor hinders her articulation. Only slightly.

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(Link – MySite) – Jiiiii~                          (Link – MySite) - All a matter of perspective.

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(Link – MySite) – “name” ougi!~” – One of those attacks Fubuki used in Battle Rondo.

(Link – MySite)                                      (Link – MySite) – Dress silhouette with ‘wings’?

(Link – MySite) – Those leggings, quite nice yet troublesome to pose with.

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Unsure what to call the bottom bit so I’ll call it “feathered tail” for simplicity sake :P. The “feathered tail” bit on the “wing” actually articulates and may support Mizuki’s weight a bit. Simple, but nice. Lots of articulation!

Also, while I’m noting Mizuki’s leggings a lot I shall note that her feet appear to be a simplified form of bird legs. There are only two points of contact – front and back – giving Mizuki less stability for posing and more points towards elegant appearances. Not necessarily a con, unless posing in very unstable terrain.

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Final Thoughts:

Quite an awesome figure all around with many surprising features. Mizuki actually surprised me and allowed me to actually photoshoot her happily for a review. The attention to detailing is actually quite high, maybe slightly higher than other figures. I’m quite pleased with how the figure was crafted and even detailed. Quite surprising. The way she is able to pose when using her bow is very…..uh……sexy. If you pre-ordered you would of received one of two bookmarks of either Fubuki or Mizuki – I got Fubuki.

I did encounter an extremely loose joint on her blocky combat arm at the elbow portion. It hindered photo-shooting quite a lot and needs a look into.

Recommended? For sure! Well, unless you dislike quality, articulation on nearly everything, and Busou Shinkis themselves. I found it a nice rewarding purchase.


– Great attention to detailing, awesome articulation, and even the detailing on Mizuki’s body. Her leggings appear to be bird-like.
– Mizuki comes with a bunny/fennec fox ears that you swap to or from an ear-less piece, if you so desire.
– You can attach or remove a ponytail to Mizuki’s head at the rear-bottom portion, if you so desire. Shinki Benio needs and should of had a similar feature.
– Mizuki actually comes with weapons. She comes with a scythe, twin-blades, and a bow. Her wings could pass of as such I guess.
– Her armor is nicely articulated allowing for various kinds of poses. Her “wings may move upwards, downwards, towards, and even away from Mizuki’s body.
– Her bow may fold towards or away from the handle position. You may may mix-and-match the way Mizuki’s bow appears with the ‘twin blades’ or even the ones from the ‘wings’.
– May even be used as a weapon when caught in a serious problem in battle. Simply requires clever thinking and precise movement.
– She came with a nice looking bookmark when pre-ordered. Would of received either a Fubuki or Mizuki bookmark.


– Loose combat arm joint at the elbow. Mine has an issue where the joint is extremely loose were with the slightest of movements the arm moves. Need a way to tighten the joints at a local store or something.
– Mizuki’s armor scratches easily, or the rock I used scratched stuff easily. Nothing to worry about.
– The mask was turned into a faceplate and not an attachable accessory.
– Lacks a sleeping or happy faceplate, sleeping one for the cradle and happy for general other occasions.

That should be it. Was a bit lengthy with the 82 images which should of told you I was pleased with Mizuki’s sculpting. Awesome. If you couldn’t obtain Mizuki in the past then you may do so now with the updated version. Have fun, and be gentle with Mizuki!