Varakitsu Captures Fennekin

Kon! Have a nice quick article to share with it all being related to a Fennekin plushie that Varakitsu captured. I actually purchased it from Walmart when two to three Fennekins hanging out there.

– A Fennekin from Walmart by Tomyo. Quite a nice stuffed Fennekin.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

I was surprised to find a Fennekin in Walmart because they usually don’t have anything I really want. They’re either sold out or just don’t have what I want in stock, or just simply take a very long time to stock them. Funny thing as well as I was thinking – “I’m just going to end up strolling to find nothing at all” – to only end up coming across this lovely Fennekin. Hesitated at first to then grab a Ferrari Hotwheels and two booster packs of Pokemon cards to justify the purchase of Fennekin.

– Related Articles & Links:

– Varakitsu’s Early Birthday Present & Pokemon Card:

– I ended up getting a Delkitty & Taillow holo card. I already have a holo Taillow.

– This lovely Fennekin makes a lovely huggable Pokemon for Varakitsu. Fire & Ice XD

– Tunnel vision of foxes.

– Happily holding (and bragging) that I have two Ex cards that I wanted to show off before 😛
– I also obtained a nice Ferrari F12 Berlinetta Hot Wheels car. Another one to add to the collection.
– Looking lovely!
– I entrusted Varakitsu with my original Pokedex now that she has Fennekin as her main Pokemon.
– Was a bit tricky to have her old the Pokedex as her right arm would give out slowly. Need a Pokedex more to her scale but had to give her this old one for the intended effect 🙂
– Fennekin, Renge, the original Pokedex, a Master Ball, and Varakitsu herself <3
– Varakitsu becoming quite a Pokemon fan with my interest rubbing onto her heh. It’s also because of her I’m still strong into Pokemon.

….To become the best fox Pokemon trainer there ever was and is!

That was fun. I’m also amused that Varakitsu could mount Fennekin if she chose to. Might be ‘Pokemon cruelty’ as she’s large and Fennekin is a little fox Pokemon. Still amusing though as mounting can be faked with kneeling.

Some quick shots with me actually preferring outdoor images. These are still quite enjoyable shots with my two lovely foxies and two foxy Pokemon. Still planning to take Varakitsu and Fennekin outdoors for an outdoor shoot. I’m hoping weather will stop being depressing (cloud and lighting wise, not snow wise)  so I can take happy outdoor images. When that clicks I’ll have fun taking images with Vara, the fox pokemon, and Renge.

Thanks for viewing and hope you enjoyed these shots! Kon!