Varakitsu’s Early Birthday Gift & Pokemon Cards

Kon! Just recieved my package containing Varakitsu’s goodies earlier today. I also obtained a few lovely Pokemon goodies while trying to obtain the loot on Monday, only to end up getting Varakitu’s stuff on Tuesday.

– Lovely loot with some Pokemon extras; Varakitsu’s gift being the white middle package.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

*NSFW Warning: For those that may be have issues with some light ‘teases’ and clothing changing. Hopefully all within tasteful limits.

I love getting new loot for myself, Shinkis, and Varakitsu. I purchased a mix of winter and summer related clothing for her while obtaining some Pokemon and Ferrari goodies for myself while waiting. I tried to pickup my loot on Monday but ended up getting Pokemon instead. I actually obtained Varakitsu’s main loot on Tuesday because Canada Post decided to change up their behavior for the community box deliveries and similar. I felt trolled by Canada Post trying to also adapt to the new system while trying to track it.

I know I’m impatient, and I’m getting far more impatient with Yokatta proxy service as well. They were reliable when I obtained a special 5th Anniversary while I’m trying to wait for their next package to ship. It was mentioned that I would have to wait up to 7 days for it to arrive in their warehouse, and it’s been more than that long. I’ve been told there would be “radio silence” until it arrived. I’m naturally starting to worry as each day passes if I made a mistake.


Related Articles & Links:

– Cape 4:

– Casual Hoodie 5:

– Shorts 2:


Pokemon Foxy Card Hype:

I would like to start off with my Pokemon purchase on Monday because I got that first. I also want to check out what cards I obtained and to see the lovely Fennekin card. Kon!

– Renge happily holding a Yveltel. I purposely obtained this set because of my Pokemon Y version.
– Renge happily showing off the Yveltel pin and the three boosters.
– 10 cards from the first of the three packs.
– Ten cards from the second pack.


– Another ten from the third pack.
– The three holo cards from the three packs.
– And now onto the Fennekin box! The two foxes in a happy stare-down.
– Jiiiii~
– The happy fox trio; Kon!

I was actually quite joyful when I saw the Fennekin fox card. Was awesome finding the box on store shelves and then holding it in my hand. Opening up the boosters to find a Virizion EX card sure surprised me. It made me remember back to one of Persocom’s stories of how people in his area wanted to trade something for his B&W legendary EX card. Upon hearing that I had a nice big fat silly smile on my face. Awesome cards from both sets. Lots more to add into my main Pokedex of a card collection.

– A lovely Virizion EX card.
– Love the art in these sets. I spy a nice Scyther card! Scyther is special to me because of Pokemon Crystal.
– I spy a lovely Vulpix on the top right of the image! Kon!

I’m quite pleased with the Pokemon loot I obtained on Monday. Well worth what I spent on it. Others may say otherwise but it made me overly happy. Now the fun in updating my Pokedex Pokemon card binder. May need to even get a new binder.

Varakitsu’s Trio Clothing Loot:

Now the part where I show off Varakitsu’s main loot and the main reason I was flipping out on Tumblr. I wanted to get Varakitsu something for the winter season as well as something for the after-rain and storm chilly wet summer days. She now has a lovely hoodie cape, a lovely sweater, and some fun summer shorts.

I also wanted to get this package in time for Varakitsu’s March 6th birthday. I also wanted to pair this up with the Yokatta package that would assist with her appearance but that shall have to wait a bit longer. I’m now wondering if I got screwed over, if it’s just slow with it stuck in transit, or if I’ll obtain my loot at all.

– Vara curiously examining her new pre-birthday package.
– Renge always near the action.
– A lovely sticker to keep things wrapped up.
– The cape hoodie, the sweater, and the tropical appearing short pants for Varakitsu’s wearing fun.

I’m well aware that what I’m getting is constantly white and that it keeps washing out my images. I know it even washes out Varakitsu when things get too bright. I’m however trying to “fix” that by attempting to obtain red outfits that would compliment her arctic fox white colors, though there seems to be a lack of that. For now, I’ll have fun with the overly amusing blue shorts that I gave Vara for the fun and foxy amusement of it all. I went in for the hoodie cape and instead wanted to see the blue shorts the most upon arrival. All of it is neat. The blue shorts however stands out in that nice manner.

– Every time I look at those shorts I can’t help but laugh within as it’s just too amusing. In a good way of course! It also reminds me of a similar Hawaiian shirt I wore to school to receive comments of me over-dressing for photo day. I also wore it in Modra, Slovakia back in 2003 or so.

– Vara attempting a foxy tease as to prepare wearing the cape and sweater. Those blue shorts still make me chuckle. It sold out quickly.
– I get a bit of a travelers or Native American vibe from her now. I would even say a Valkyria Chronicles vibe. Maybe even Attack on Titan (SnK).

– Up goes the hood to cover up her head and ears.

– The cape is wrapping around her upper body and hair like a scarf. It can cover her head, her ears (barely) and small accessories. It’s luckily large enough.

The cape is actually quite neat and photogenic from the looks. I can’t wait to see how nice she looks with it on during the winter and during the summer after-rain chilly periods. Outdoors of course! I’m quite pleased with it. My only problem with it is having to tie it and wanting a hook or button to connect it together. All good though. I’m happy with it and with the lovely designs on the bottom of it.

The sweater surprised me. I was expecting it to be shrunken and hard to put on. It goes on and off easily. The only problem I have with the sweater is the trouble of putting the hood on. Her hair and the size of the hood both get in the way of one another. I however find it a much more photogenic piece of clothing that actually brings out the “softness” of Varakitsu. I guess I can say the same for the cape as well on the softness bit.


Renge pranking/trolling Varakitsu every chance she gets. The two constantly having their foxy fun. Kon! I’m now wanting to take them outside to balance things out with the new clothing Varakitsu has to take some final shots before winter transitions into a messy spring. I dislike taking indoor shots as I have nothing scenic or photogenic in view to compliment the images with. I prefer outdoor shots.

– Lovely Vulpix, Fennekin, and Virizion Ex card.

– Varakitsu happily holding up the two most prized cards from the card batch; Fennekin & Virizion.
– All the shinies; Scyther & Vulpix thrown in because they are my favourite Pokemon.
– The Yveltel pin looks awesome on her white sweater.

– Came across a lovely La Ferrari; And a Hart To Hart “Ferrari Dino” a few days before Valentines and in the previous article.

– That expression and the way she is holding it makes it appear she is about to summon it, or so it looks to me. Summon Fennekin in the Z/X Ignition & Yu-Gi-Oh! style!

I’m now pleased that one package came in safely for Varakitsu’s birthday. I’m however frustrated over the second one. I’m happy with everything though and love the cards I obtained from the packs. I now need to take the outdoor shots to compliment Nightfallwalker’s creations further. I even want to show Varakitsu in her night gown out in the summer scenery of Ottawa. I prefer my outdoor images over my indoor ones as I’m more used to my outdoor ones being brighter with nature.


– Bonus – Busou Shinki Cradle Images:

Took some quick cradle shots for Halcon from the Busou Shinki World community. These cradle shots are from Konami’s Busou Shinki line celebrating its 5th anniversary along with a Busou Shinki TV anime coming out.


Thanks for viewing and see you in the next article!